Overwolf Client and Addon Management - PLEASE Don't Support This!

So… what exactly is being stolen?

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Dunno man my green text ?

My reputation in the tech support forums ?

I often do detailed technical analysis of things it’s kinda what I do. Have you seen my work with ToS/EULA changes ? Or my unofficial patch mirrors ?

I wasn’t asking for receipts of proof of ads. I was asking for detailed technical proof of shady advertising practices whilst Overwolf/Curseforge was quit and a possible overlay program was running. Because I couldn’t find any evidence of it and was asking for guidance on what I should be looking for. I’m talking IP addresses , files written to , their file names what traffic I should be looking for.

Sorry for not making that clear.


Curse didn’t take over anything.

They blocked traffic originating from Wow matrix. Mostly because Wow matrix was inflating their network traffic. On patch days they were going through terabytes of data per day because of them.

See as a consquence of how Wow matrix was written at the time you could reverse engineer it’s source code quite easily. It showed that when downloading an addon it was reloading the addon page 3 times before downloading from the download link. With millions of players faithfully checking for addon updates this was blowing out their network traffic.

The difference this time is the third party updater clients are using Curseforge’s API backend to get a download link in a much more efficient way hence drastically reducing the network traffic. Overwolf however would prefer the updater clients not use this undocumented , totally not for public use but still open API for reasons of their own.

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Eh, the guy who makes wowup is still in talks with them, nothing is still be acted on and they’re not forcing anything yet. Apparently the talks have been pretty civil.


This is quite promising.

Unlike the wowmatrix crew who made 3 posts in a single thread on wowace. Then preceeded to ignore 99% of all communications made by addon authors until legal action had to be persued. Seriously I think they only answered 2 author out of the hundreds that complained to them.


Yea, he’s been posting public posts on his patreon site about it. He’s just moving forward with improvements like everything is honky dory, i guess he’s treating it as a cross that bridge when we come to it thing.

Hope for wowup isn’t over yet.

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I would :slight_smile: but I wouldn’t be paying anyone :rofl: It would just be curseforge but only for wow.

No thanks lol

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its easily messed up and if you have more than 5 or so addons it can take a long time to update them all. I have around 15 to 20 with all the little pieces of addons (liek bigwigs expansions, handimaps expansions). Also dont addons have to be loaded in a specific order or is that not an issue in wow?

No they don’t. But I currently use 58 addons so there’s no way I’m updating manually.

Only in specific circumstances. AKA when you want your addon to load first as it either hooks built in functions or provides extended functionality but you don’t want some other addon to hook things first leading to unexpected affects as the code your altering isn’t the code you expect. Like making sure your house is built on solid ground and not sand.

This is mostly done by naming the addon folder in such a way that it loads first. This is why you see some addon folders with a “!” , “_” or “+” in the name.

For example Bug grabber and Swatter want to load first as they display Lua errors. An unsquished Lua Bug can result in parts of the UI not loading. Having Bug Grabber/Swatter load after some other addon has crashed the UI can result in polluted error results.

TL:DR - Some addons do need to be loaded before others but you as a user don’t need to worry about it as the addon authors will make sure of that for you.


Good to know… I had wondered about that.

Don’t worry, I’m not. Neither is my wife.

an option in the interface and never have to be worried about again! lol

To be fair; lately when I see green I don’t even read it anymore… it’s not what it once was.

You’re the exception due to this ^^^.


I think it’s possible that Wowup created this controversy to help themselves out and get more patreon donations. Overwolf says they never sent a cease and desist and were willing to talk to these other addon downloaders. Wowup was the source of these rumors that they were closing it down.

It makes sense though that Overwolf wouldn’t want other people using their website for free basically because it does cost money to run.

I think it’s interesting that now that a lot of people have been proven wrong and the new Curse client is basically the same as the old one, with one little ad down in the righthand corner, people are still continuing with this narrative that Overwolf is evil.

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Hosting = $$
And now you know why you have to pay. Overconsumption and over reliance creates a market opportunity, and you invariably have to pay for these services.

Nah, if Overwolf goes Overnazi the devs will likely put their addons somewhere else :man_shrugging: Whenever I go to a curse page I check to see if they have a git if they do I just clone the repo and update from GitHub Desktop :heart_eyes: If a situation were to arise where an addon was on curse and nowhere else then I won’t be using that addon I’ll find another that does the same thing OR I’ll write it myself lol. Less than what I want?

No thanks

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Not when they’re getting paid by Overwolf.

I guess we will wait and see :man_shrugging:

…How do you mess it up? It’s literally just copying and pasting multiple zip files, selecting them all and extracting them. All the addons has the same clean file structure/path that makes unzipping them a breeze when you copy them to the addon folder. When you first open the zip file, you will see the name of the addon on that folder.

If you want to call it a skill (and i loathe to call it a skill), you already have the “skills” if you know how to right click drag, copy and paste.

And i do apologize if i’m coming across as this high and mighty tech expert. I’m really not. I’m just really puzzled on why people consider this a skill in a world where computers are ubiquitous and used for any reason, bought at any price essentially, and much easy to pick up and use then they were before.

Well that depends, what are your specs? Because i’m running WoW with 45+ addons off an AMD FX 6300 with 16GB ddr3 ram, a Geforce GTX 1060 6gb and 1 TB SSD. And also how long does it take with more then 5 addons? say something like on 10 addons?

No. I don’t think so anyways. Personally speaking, outside of Bethesda Games, no game i ever modded or put addons in needed to be in a specific order. I can’t say the same for everybody else’s experience.

Here is more information from the developer of Ajour (Very nice clean manager)

This was from 9 days ago as of posting this reply.

I had a conversation with Overwolf yesterday to discuss their concerns and the future of Ajour (and similar third party addon managers).

Their primary concern is that people who use their API outside of their official app and website cost them money. They are stuck with the cost of hosting thousands of addons, for millions of users. Without the revenue from ads and user activity tracking, they don’t have anything to share with creators who upload their addons to their platform.
My belief is that having an open and accessible API does come at a cost but it also tells you a lot about a company. It invites developers to create something awesome which in turn makes their platform the obvious choice for creators.

We at Ajour want to see CurseForge remain relevant and creators get rewarded for their work. But ultimately, we see addons and their distribution as a kind of volunteer work (not just because of Blizzard’s policy on addons, but that is part of the reason).

Therefore, we would prefer a solution that makes it super easy for users who are happy with the addons they use, to show their support by donating to creators and their partners. This could take the form of a donation button in the UI of third party addon managers, sending users to CurseForge should they want to donate. But this information is currently not available in the CurseForge API.

For now, Overwolf have confirmed that the API’s will remain open.

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