Overwolf Client and Addon Management - PLEASE Don't Support This!

Look, that’s fair enough if you don’t know the prices on things (and if i do miss that part, apologies), i’l stop asking you on this then.

I just simply wanted an answer because it just seems like your making it sound like it’s a net loss regardless of everything else, even if the overall net profit easily can make up this net loss 10 times by now, because Blizzard is a 7 billion dollar company. We have to keep all the factors in mind, including the PR here, which can be negative or positive depending how well received and how blizzard handle themselves after the fact. But you kept on separating it into a “if it’s not make money on it’s own, it’s not worth it”. And then i bring up all the other examples later on.

Again, you kept on making numbers irrelevant here.

How do we even know this is a net loss if your gonna keep making numbers irrelevant to the point? Numbers are pretty darn important here regardless how much you think their irrelevant.

Once again, this PR will help them get customers. But i guess to you it doesn’t matter. Where exactly do you think they get their money from? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Were talking about WoW’s transmogs. Not FF14. Heck, i’m not even talking about the microtransactions, i’m talking about the feature itself.

Unless you want to extend that to cosmetic microtransactions in general, which yes, those do make money. Not just WoW but other games.

Following your logic, their not giving them money and only has positive PR which for some reason, you think it’s not enough. So why wouldn’t it be net loss and shouldn’t have been done?

I also noticed you skipped over my other examples.

Having customization options doesn’t make a game better either. It makes for better game experience, but it doesn’t make a game better.

And i say this as a fan of customization options myself. But i recognize that customization options aren’t a game make if the game itself isn’t great from the getgo.

How is anyone supposed to trust your observations of Overwolf, when the receipts you are asking for proof of ads are in front of your face in the app itself and you act like it is not there? When you’re willing to let OW milk you for a premium sub? When you expose your own distrust of OW, using the sandbox and spybot? No one else is doubting how OW monetizes addons via data mining, ads & subs - so if that is not how OW plans to make money off buying curseforge; Where are your receipts of an alternate business plan? You know full well I am not allowed to include links in my post.
You are worse than a paid shill, because you’re so ready and willing to bend over for Overwolf to get those addons. You’re so desperate to justify OW, rather than just admit you are an immoral person who cares more for your individual comfort, than your fellow players and would rather support corporate greed. I can only hope, but doubt that you are in the minority. You and devs that post their addons with Overwolf, are why shady companies like this persist.
How is anyone supposed to give you the evidence of technical details of something that has been exposed to not even be implemented yet in the beta version without being an employee of OW, who would not, unless they wanted to be fired?
Overwolf admits it collects data. There’s an article on medium you can find.
You can see the receipts for yourself by reading more of this thread and with a basic web search that will reveal accounts on r/security or r/overwolf regarding data collection, how they serve ads, malware, along with plenty of other places, including people testifying in this thread to their personal experiences with Overwolf. I know it is asking a lot, when we are talking about people who will not take the 10 minutes or less to download, and bundle the extract, copy. paste and overwrite for approx. 200 addons (a lot less time, since they do not usually all require simultaenous updates). If one’s hardware or connection slows that down, then again asking a lot of those who cannot think of a productive way to use that time multitasking, so the time is not wasted. I am going to trust people who just want to enjoy the game and addons that are open source freeware, freely over Overwolf corporation, any day. The burden of proof is on Overwolf and its codependent supporters, who has already lost trust due to their shady practices and not the player bases who’ve been burned by them already.

Overwolf can claim “false positives” about malware, all they want. If OW did not force their client in exchange for addon access and let someone actually use the website, then the AV’s (Anti Virus) would not be generating these “false positives” in the first place. There is an increased risk that is unnecessary. You know it, which is why you used a sandbox and anti-malware to even try the Beta. (Although, the other addon managers would be able to continue scraping site getting around OW). If you take the time to read, you’ll see some were definitely not false positives.

No time to avoid using Overwolf, yet you mysteriously have enough time for lengthy discussion here in support of a greedy corporation with a bad reputation, rather than properly researching for yourself, whether it deserves said rep.
The receipt is in the beta itself, where they have not implemented the ad features that are known for performance hits. They don’t trust the public to see what they’re going to do with these ads.
That ad free paywall for free content is the 1st complaint against.

  • overlays are disabled by default

You have the app; you tell me what kind of overlay that setting is referring to specifically. A setting for one kind of overlay, does not mean there is not still a lack of setting for another kind of overlay that OW have been called out for implementing in the past.
I’m very particular about what clients I install on my systems. I didn’t like Twitch, either. How about you show me the receipts that prove the multitudes unhappy with Overwolf are liars, first?
I know the server and bandwidth are not free. Reasonable content without the reputation and obvious greed is king ethos and malware history of Overwolf, I give my custom to, time and again.

I’ve been in the situation before where my game (or something else) was sold out to a company of red flags and it has not worked out, in my experience. I’d love for “this time” to be wrong and things to get better, but experience has yet to yield even 1 anecdotal example for me to cling to hope.
The only thing that comes close to mind is Two Point Hospital, but that’s not a case where bad company bought out bullfrog and turned out to be better. That’s the case where the original creative team started a new company and revived it. That’s why it’s succeeded, where the knock offs freemium failed. Kind of like, how Dreamhaven is the true Blizzard and Acti-B isn’t it any more.

Do you think Overwolf is doing something new? The original Curse Client had the same option the only difference is the subscription was yearly not monthly. I haven’t decided if I’m going to use the CurseForge app yet I’m just trying it. I don’t have a problem paying a small fee for an ad free version of something I use frequently such as WoWHead Premium or any mobile game I play.


He’s d/l it and going through it to see how it works.

OP already posted it. Not a bad video.

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Not being the first to do wrong, does not make it right.
I really was responding to Bluspacecow, who was saying there were not any ads, when you another beta tester have so easily proven, otherwise.
It has been said before, but WoWHead is just not the same thing. It does not require a client installation. It can be accessed via a web browser of your choosing. WoWHead contributors are more akin to journalism, which is a very different territory when it comes to monetization, than open source freeware addons, where WoW is Blizzard’s IP. WoWhead has cleaned up its act. WoWhead has not taken addons hostage, unless you pay up.
Ok, you feel paying for addon hosting and serving is worth it and that is fair.
Why vote with your money for an unethical corp like Overwolf, when as long as you ride out not using them, then you could vote with your money for an NGO alternative that has to be transparent about where the money is going and really just uses it to cover the expense of hosting the addons?

I’m not paying Overwolf anything I’m simply trying the app to see if it worth using. WoWHead is the same in that both provide free ad based and Premium versions and both can be “accessed via a web browser of your choosing”.

What exactly are you referring to? I’m not familiar with the term and Google says it’s NGO (Non-Governmental Organization).

Oh darn, i didn’t see that. Sorry!

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NGO is the international term for non profit organization. An NGO or NPO. In the US there is a specific 501©(3) status, which has certain requirements. It is more appropriate for the distribution of open source freeware, than a for profit corporation. I’m not saying it is without flaws and would make the most sense for an existing alt addon manager to be the founder and would require addon dev support, just like anything else that has been discussed.

Most addon developers aren’t going to leave CurseForge when they’re getting paid.

And there you have it, both the addon devs and Overwolf want to profit off Blizzard’s IP, instead of being actual opensource freeware by players for players. They’ve managed to raise a herd of players willing to be exploited and defend them.
It is like fanfic writers - if you want to get paid, develop your own IP.

Nobody is going to spend money to build and host an addon repository for free.

I’m not defending Overwolf I’m sure some of the shady things they are rumored to do are true. I hate many thing of the shady things Google and Microsoft do but I still use their products because they are the best option for what I want. If the CurseForge app turns out to best option for me then I will use it and if I find something better I won’t.

I think for a consumer that is computer savvy and wants to avoid some of the pitfalls such as adware that comes with products such as these, we might have to lower our consumption of add-ons, and perhaps do things manually for the ones that we do think are necessary.
It’s really as simple as that.
Building platforms for software is an organic process and will naturally gravitate towards including a lot of different features, functions, and games.
It is natural for many of these products to become bloated, and just the nature of the industry dictates that it’ll try to assume a monopolistic position where they want to reduce and limit the competition. In the same breath they want to make money. Ads are naturally a byproduct of this sort of platform consolidation.

All I can say is there people who care about their privacy, sanity, and dislike ads should just avoid add-ons and have a small footprint of needed add-ons.

As I’ve gotten older I don’t think I have time to parse through my pcap file for every new application that I load on my host. About the most I do now is run a pie hole, be very careful with my devices at home and call it a damn day.

I choose not to diminish my enjoyment or waste my time over paranoia. As for ads I have no problem paying a subscription to avoid them. I did that with the original Curse Client for years.

i hate any kinds of ads period. Twitch and Overwolf will surely die because of it.

I’m curious how this is any different from when Curse took over? Sure wowinterface/minion still exists, but Curse tried to make it difficult for programs like WoWmatrix to operate.

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I hate ads too but sites like Twitch and CurseForge can’t realistically operate without ads and/or a subscription model.

This is sarcasm yes ?

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Paranoia in this age of digital connectivity is a perfectly valid thing, even for those that are fairly technologically uneducated.

Not saying it not valid to some people. I simply choose to not be one of them. I’m tech savvy enough to take reasonable precautions.