This is the reply you told me after i said how many addons i have.
If manual installing your addons qualifies as wasting your life, why bother with addons at all if that’s your attitude? I mean just imagine how much time you would’ve saved if you didn’t bother with addons at all.
I would talk about the finanical incentives and how blizzard can afford to pay addon authors, but-
is this some kind of gotcha moment you are trying to point out? it doesnt matter how much they make: this will be a net loss for them and theres no good reason for them to do it
whats easier: paying for the cost of the hardware, bandwith, the it guy that will prolly have to be dedicated to this, the people to design and program the site and manager, and the dozens of GMs to deal with the extra tickets? OR to be hands off and say turn off addons like they always have? edit forgot about the QA people to download and test the addons on top of all this
no it wont, theres too much money to be made from the ads and malware for them not to.
You kinda screwed up the quotes here, but i’l work with this.
I’m not trying to make a gotcha moment. Why you think i’m trying to make a gotcha moment?
It does matter if were talking about net loss here.
Feel free to tell me how much this net loss is…
Eaiser isn’t always better. Especially since easier in this case means worse for the gamers here. It’s easy to be lazy, but it’s not better.
The better option would be paying for the cost of the hardware, bandwith, and so on. As for QA, …can i ask why? I mean do the normal sites do that even? QA test the addons? Do Curseforge does that?
You know, with the malware, wouldn’t that translate to bad PR with them? I know i wouldn’t be touching their app any time now because of a simple rumor of that.
Pretty much the same reason why i’m still distancing myself from Epic Games now i think about it, but i digress from that.
Your assuming that because i manually install addons, i enjoy it. I don’t enjoy manually updating, but i don’t hate it either. It’s just a job (in a sense, not a literal job) or a task if you will to make something i do enjoy, more enjoyable. It’s not “you 100% love them or 100% hate them” my dude.
Your assuming my thoughts here. I never said it’s wasting your time. I never said it’s enjoyment.
What i said is. It’s a task you have to complete in order to make something you do enjoy, more enjoyable. It’s like a job at washing dishes at a restaurant. I don’t particular enjoy it too much, but i do it anyways because i know i get money from it, and that helps me enjoy other things. You see where i’m getting at?
If you can’t understand it and still assume my thought process as “100% enjoyment or 100% wasting time”, then that’s on you buddy.
Right now I have 58 I’ve had as many as 74. The majority are UI related since I use nothing of the default UI. Most of the rest are information related like AllTheThings and Alotholic. Then there’s WeakAuras, Details! and Big Wigs.
Thanks to all recommending - I uninstalled Twitch last night and got it up and running right after.
I will mention is that it does not officially “install” in a traditional manner, so you’ll want to house it in a folder location that works for you, and manually place it on your start menu by targeting the executable.
They could have wasted less of their life’s time using an open source tool to automate their mundane tasks. Obviously, they enjoy the task or the loss of their time.
Let’s be honest, do you actually believe i enjoy manually installing addons? Do you actually believe i hate it so much to a point where i would use a mod manager and quit over them? Do you actually believe you have to 100% enjoy manual installing addons or 100% hate it and use automated installation? And no inbetweens? Like it already exists now? Be honest with me, that’s all i ask.
I told you guys my thoughts on manual installing and such. You should know this by now that my opinion isn’t simple as Blue or Red here. You can have shades of purple here.