Meh. I’ll use Twitch until I can’t and then do it manually like I used to.
Fair enough.
Actually i did suggest that too in my topic, so my apologies for not catching that the first time around.
I don’t think this would take a big enough hit out of Blizzard to maintain and keep.
Good PR equals more potentional customers getting on aboard and that means more money.
For the all times i seen Overwolf on the forums being discussed and hated, why wouldn’t it be an upside to Blizzard here?
I ask you for example numbers since you bought up the costs of hardware and such, just to give context on what were talking about. Especially since WoW mod managers that aren’t Overwolf’s are free from ads in their mod managers. Yes, there are ads in their addon repository, as well a possible donation tab or too. If anything, it just sounds like it’s pretty cheap if WoWinterface and even WoWup can do it. I’m only assuming their cheap because i don’t have the numbers, even example numbers to work with here. If it’s cheap for them, it will cost like nothing to Blizzard. If it’s expensive to them, it will be like 0.5% at best for Blizzard.
Like really, educate me on this. Give me a fake example even like “Oh this hardware is like $10k, and the bandwidth for addon repository and mod manager needs $120 a month, and the employees might need at best minimum wage times 40 a week to maintain it. So about minimum wage in whatever state they live times 160 hours.”
I’m presenting this so Blizzard will safely ignore the tickets. The blame will not be placed on them if people chose to ignore the warnings, since the authors will be making the addons and hosting them on their site.
I’m pretty sure nobody goes up to the Overwolf’s or WoWup’s themselves and tells them “fix this addon!”. They go to the author who have actually created the mod.
Yea the Macro toolkit is outdated and doesn’t work anymore, but it’s not gonna do any good to go to Curseforge’s company itself and tell them about it.
Edit: They actually updated the Macro Toolkit addon while i went to go check.
Is it possible for the community to start a new addon repository site so that curseforge is not required?
if blizz was THAT worried about good pr they would do things like pull the ripcord or remove roux’s npc
i dont need to be a hardware salesman or anything like that to recognize the cost/benefit analysis of the situation doesnt favor blizzard havng its own site. its going to need X amount of people saying they will quite, Y being the amount of money in subs (assuming theyre all paying and not buying tokens), and Z being the amount of people that stay if they do this. also theyre going to want to be as near to break even if not profiting as possible.
more tickets then necessary will be opened because of this necessitating a slowdown in response to legitimate issues. the only reason nobody goes straight to wowup is they dont maintain the repository nor do they have tickets they can open easily. if that existed in game im sure some mouthbreather would. as for overwolf? with the repository? yeah its going to happen
possible but that would require addon authors actually updating and maintaining on the new site.
That already exists, wowinterface[dot]com. The problem, as Hedley said, is getting authors to use it.
You should try WowUp it’s much better than Twitch.
When the worst comes, more authors will notice it I think
Wowup isn’t allowed to utilize the Curse API at this point(as far as I’m aware), but the Twitch client will continue to support addons until a month from now.
Yes they are.
One takeaway from the meeting was that nothing is changing yet. So, for now it’s business as usual continuing to provide a client that does what you need. We’ve gotten a lot of suggestions and requests over the last few days that we’re in the process of organizing so we can get those out to the 2.0 alpha as soon as possible.
I don’t know much about the ripcord thing, and personally don’t have much opinion on it other then wait and see what happens on live with the covenants. And i don’t want to touch on the latter part here.
I simply want to focus on the overwolf situation here.
I’m not asking you to be. Nobody said you need to be one. I was just asking you to provide an example, whether it be real or fake.
One thing i forgot to note is last year’s report on Blizzard’s revenue is about 7 Billion dollars. i don’t think it’s unreasonable assume they would make more, considering what’s going on. Especially when you take into account that CoD, WoW and Candy crush are really big money makers for AB, as well microtransactions, pre-orders and cutting costs here and there. The only problem i would see is the overall profit margin will be slightly lowered.
But is it slightly lower? How much is slightly lower? because that’s why i ask you for the numbers.
And i’m looking at the other companies, even Overwolf here who might be possibility in the millions. Well i can’t say about Overwolf has a million dollars since they don’t publish numbers like AB does.
Is it slightly lower to them? If so, shouldn’t it be nothing to Activision-Blizzard? And if it’s slightly lower to AB, shouldn’t it be very expensive to the others?
If Blizzard is really concerned about cost/benefit, they would’ve gotten rid of the GD topic by now. It’s barely helpful to them these days considering they hardly read the feedback here. (Or respond)
You do know somebody has to buy those tokens for $20 in order for them to be available? So if all people around the world stop paying for subs for Blizzard and buy tokens instead, Blizzard would make more money then they have with subs.
Forgot to add this in.
So because of people who will ignore warnings at their own choice, it’s a good reason to not have their own mod manager?
Plus lets look at this from a perspective of a player/gamer. If Blizzard begins competing against Overwolf by offering what they have over Overwolf, the gamers win because then those companies will be trying to vie for your attention. Overwolf’s situation is pretty similar to Epic Games, only instead of using the money to take games off of stores, their blocking API for other mod managers.
That last sentence is the only real threat in all of this. IF overwolf convinces enough of the addon developers that only having their content hosted through overwolf is better for the developer, then it’s potentially going to mean that the ONLY way to get those addons is using overwolf’s client app. No more manual installation option if they can shut down api access and shut down access via curseforge website.

I don’t know much about the ripcord thing, and personally don’t have much opinion on it other then wait and see what happens on live with the covenants. And i don’t want to touch on the latter part here.
I simply want to focus on the overwolf situation here.
just pointing out that PR isnt something blizzard is worried about

I’m not asking you to be. Nobody said you need to be one. I was just asking you to provide an example, whether it be real or fake.
One thing i forgot to note is last year’s report on Blizzard’s revenue is about 7 Billion dollars. i don’t think it’s unreasonable assume they would make more, considering what’s going on. Especially when you take into account that CoD, WoW and Candy crush are really big money makers for AB, as well microtransactions, pre-orders and cutting costs here and there. The only problem i would see is the overall profit margin will be slightly lowered.
But is it slightly lower? How much is slightly lower? because that’s why i ask you for the numbers.
And i’m looking at the other companies, even Overwolf here who might be possibility in the millions. Well i can’t say about Overwolf has a million dollars since they don’t publish numbers like AB does.
Is it slightly lower to them? If so, shouldn’t it be nothing to Activision-Blizzard? And if it’s slightly lower to AB, shouldn’t it be very expensive to the others?
7, 70, or 700 billion or whether or not other places do it doesnt mean blizz has to take the financial hit over this if its easier and cheaper for them not to.

If Blizzard is really concerned about cost/benefit, they would’ve gotten rid of the GD topic by now. It’s barely helpful to them these days considering they hardly read the feedback here. (Or respond)
as long as things dont get stupid they dont get involved, has nothing to do with cost/benefit since theyre not hiring additional forum mods over it.

You do know somebody has to buy those tokens for $20 in order for them to be availabe? So if all people around the world stop paying for subs for Blizzard, Blizzard would make more money then they have with subs.
thats assuming people buying the tokens are the ones quitting over this. they need X amount of people paying subs AND to stay for it to be financially feasible to do this. i only mentioned tokens cause lord knows im not alone in keeping account active that way.

So because of people who will ignore warnings at their own choice, it’s a good reason to not have their own mod manager?
Plus lets look at this from a perspective if a player/gamer. If Blizzard begins competing against Overwolf by offering what they have over Overwolf, the gamers win because then those companies will be trying to vie for your attention. Overwolf’s situation is pretty similar to Epic Games, only instead of using the money to take games off of stores, their blocking API for other mod managers.
quite frankly yes: its easier to not have official addons then it is to have them. lets assume they actually do implement all this: gamers arent going to win because blizz isnt going to try to compete with overwolf. theyre not going offer financial incentives to people to upload to them over curse nor have ads further worsening the financial black hole this would be. also the api isnt blocked yet but i suspect thats only until CSRF is implemented on curseforge.

just pointing out that PR isnt something blizzard is worried about
I don’t know Hedley.
Shadowlands are finally implementing much requested customizations for people as well adding things using artifacts on any spec. That’s gonna be a hard sell for me to say they don’t worry about PR, especially when we take a look at the last 10 years or so, with diablo 3’s awful launch and it’s auction house, being removed later on, Overwatch’s Lootboxes and their defense for it, Legion making demon hunters a playable class, Diablo Immortal’s terrible’s announcement and so on. Heck, some of the little suggestions here and there from the forums made it to the game, like a little mail icon on the login screen. (Though it’s missing right now in Live) As well buying Essence ranks and other neat stuff over the coarse of BFA and so on.

7, 70, or 700 billion or whether or not other places do it doesnt mean blizz has to take the financial hit over this if its easier and cheaper for them not to.
Again, how much is that financial hit exactly? They have a profit margin of 7 billion dollars. How much is that financial hit?

thats assuming people buying the tokens are the ones quitting over this.
Are you assuming people won’t actually quit over this? Because people have quit over less then this.

they need X amount of people paying subs AND to stay for it to be financially feasible to do this.
Okay, but again, the Wow tokens are $20. 5 dollars more then just paying for a sub. In order for those tokens to exist so you can keep playing for free, somebody has to buy them and sell them for gold, which is their incentive to get tokens in the first place. This isn’t even getting into account that somebody might be subbed and buying 1 token, so from that person alone, that’s $35. Infact, that’s the more likely scenario.

quite frankly yes: its easier to not have official addons then it is to have them.
Well i didn’t say “Blizzard should have their own official addons” I.E create them themselves. I say “Blizzard should have their own official addon repository where people can host their addons.”.

lets assume they actually do implement all this: gamers arent going to win because blizz isnt going to try to compete with overwolf. theyre not going offer financial incentives to people to upload to them over curse nor have ads further worsening the financial black hole this would be. also the api isnt blocked yet but i suspect thats only until CSRF is implemented on curseforge.
Okay, correct me if i’m wrong here but i think what your trying to get across here with me is Blizzard will worse then Overwolf who they are competing with, which considering they are the game devs, they will ultimately have the final word and say on where addons can be hosted and can gladly charge any fees or show ads on their own site, even if we pay the sub fee. And hence why you think the gamers don’t win here?
I feel like I’m missing something here. I updated my add-ons through Twitch today and haven’t noticed anything different. Can someone give me a less complicated TL;DR?

I think people are getting all worked up over nothing, here. Updating addons manually takes seconds.
I know you are lying but nice try!

I know you are lying
How is that lying? Manual updating really doesn’t take long at all my dude.
Yea, Brewa’s comment is exaggerated, but the overall point is sound enough, it doesn’t take long at all.

How is that lying? Manual updating really doesn’t take long at all my dude.
I know it takes you just a few seconds too huh? The more addons you have the longer it takes. Please give me your number of addons and the time.

I know it takes you just a few seconds too huh?
I have added this part to my comment. You have gotten the pre-edit.

Yea, Brewa’s comment is exaggerated, but the overall point is sound enough, it doesn’t take long at all.
Yeah, it takes quite a while if you have lots of addons. Some people like to waste time for no reason though that is cool.