Overwolf Client and Addon Management - PLEASE Don't Support This!

old school curse app had ads on it, i remember blocking them via hosts. i dunno about the twitch app i never installed that bloatware.

Deckard Cain doesn’t look so good! Needs to lose some weight.

In all seriousness though holy crap that is an ugly look. I’d rather manually update my addons than deal with that.

But I pray to Magni himself that they don’t shutdown wowup. Just discovered that addon recently and it kicks so much [censored crude word for your rear end].

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I use the old Curse Client for years. There was no overlay and no ads ingame. I didn’t even see the app ads because I paid for Premium.

I used Twitch app until I found WowUp and never had any problems other than it being bloatware I just never allowed it to run in the background. I opened it to update addons and completely exited it when I was done.

see by manually installing them, it may appear as if you don’t mind or are supporting Overwolf somehow, but in reality, every person that manually installs is one less person using the big bad company software. We can’t stop what they’re doing, so fight them by not using them,because next on their agenda will probly be to charge for an ad free experience.

Just use the Minion client or wowinterface. Trusted names in add-on distribution, plus minion is a java client, so can be used on any OS (including linux!)

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I would have no problem with that I already do that with WoWHead Premium.

Also it’s already being considered.

"You might remember the ads on the old Curse client, before the Twitch acquisition, so we’re thinking about iterating on that experience. But, in parallel — for those who do not wish to support creators, we’re thinking about ways of opting out. Clearly, subscription will be one of these options, but we’re also thinking about an opt-out without payment.

No thanks I don’t like Minion and I won’t install Java anything Java related.

I dont get the issue really (other than the ads).

Why would they want competitor websites to basically use their site as a source for all their files? Its a business, you are not supposed to help the other businesses that are competing for your market share.

Now if they were trying to force users to remove the files off github or give the ultimatums not to post the files anywhere else, that would be messed up.

Sounds like a you problem then :man_shrugging:


No problem I simply don’t use any Java garbage. :rofl:

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Yeah, screw Overwolf. If WowUp stops working I’ll just update manually.

Overwolf does not give two licks about addon authors beyond exploiting their labor.


Wow, there are a lot of people in this thread who either didn’t read the OP or just love sucking boot.

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Open source isn’t a license type.

Creative Commons, GPL, Apache, All Rights Reserved, those are licenses.

Yes I realize that but he’s probably talking about being made to change their addons from a closed license to a open license.

Man…I knew this was gonna happen when it was announced. Well no matter what I wont be using Overwolf even if that means manually updating my stuff.

I had no problem using the Twitch client but Overwolf I wont do. Help us all out here Blizz.

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They don’t own the IP in the first place. Blizzard does.

It’s the same as SC2 and WC3 maps.

The software is freely distributed and the code must be human readable, and the license it’s distributed under is “with Blizzard’s permission”.

Don’t just go around making repos of somebody else’s addon, but yeah you should absolutely feel free to tweak it or fork it on a whim. Always credit the original developer whose code you borrowed (anything less is antithetical to the entire spirit of open source) and asking permission beforehand if you are doing a fork rather than borrowing a snippet is generally the way to go. Beyond that, there is no legal license claim to be made here by anyone. They can try to claim ownership, but they would run afoul of Blizzard’s lawyers at that point.

Blizzard doesn’t own addons

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Might want to read the fine print in the EULA and TOS regarding player created content for Blizzard games.

This was a massive controversy when WC3 Reforged came out.

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don’t really get why this is a big deal?
who need’s add on managers? why not just download them the old way?
(downloading the rar and just putting them in you’re wow addon folder)