Overwolf Client and Addon Management - PLEASE Don't Support This!

Supporting Curse, WowInterface, TukUI, and GitHub. It pulls from all of them.

Can I still download and install manually

Have people forgot how to unzip addons?


Aye. As I mentioned way above :P, we still lack enough authors hosting their repos on github. And for a lot of those that are, well, let’s say they are great LUA developers but some of them have not figured out proper git and branch management :slight_smile:

“Proxy all your http requests off a pocket computer” is really your solution ?

I’ll go with making enough noise that Blizzard has to get involved.

Doesn’t matter what it pulls from, 90% of traffic was through curseforge because most of the addons available are on there and nowhere else. WoWinterface is basically d-e-d dead, tuk is only for elvui/tukui and edits, and only a limited number of addons are on git.

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It really isn’t. It’s all a way to get rid of ads to me. Curse has ads. The old Curse app had obnoxious ones.

Not every single day, no. Maybe once a week if that. I don’t need to look stuff up often. And Big Wigs gets updated at least twice a week.

Pay for it and no ads. Just like Wowhead. Or use the website and update manually.

Problem solved without you screaming in bold caps.

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It’s also occurring when any website is loaded and data is downloaded. In fact, even if you could get them to mail you a disk with them on it it’d still be occurring. After all, electric isn’t free; either you or someone else is paying for you to use it to power your computer.

also, github is not free if you aren’t doing small projects and have many downloads/day.

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It’s more that keeping the mile-long lists of addons that people tend to have these days all updated manually is a pain, especially with some like DBM that’ll fuss at you if you don’t update them every week or so.


They said it couldn’t be done, I’m saying it can :slight_smile:

Fight the good fight brotato!

There is nothing stopping mod authors from making their mods available upon other sites. Overwolves issue is with third party sites linking to their servers and using their bandwidth to download the mods.

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You would be surprised at how many who play do not even know what a zip is. Let alone know which directory to put it in :slight_smile:

You somehow get told you’re defending an sketchy downloader because some rando has addons that need “daily” updates.


The Author gets no money at all from me using his add-on, I really don’t get what you don’t understand ?

I can run an add-on at 100% CPU for a thousand days, and the Author gets 0$. It’s just a Lua script, it doesn’t generate money.

The overwolf client’s ads do. Big difference.

Why are you defending this ?

I used to check my addons daily before logging in to see if any updates were required. Now I just wait till something breaks :rofl:

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I can’t imagine using any addon that needs to update that often.

Of course you don’t, you play Classic. :rofl:

Raider.io has a daily update to load up its data file.

Don’t put DBM on ‘alpha updates’ then :rofl: You’ll get an update every hour

That was updated with the MS acquisition

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