Overwatch 2 Producer: Bobby Kotick Was The Reason For Delay

You said that “you are working off the assumption that Bobby Kotick has the player’s best interests at heart.” I said it was a business decision, not that he cares about the players. lol.

And you can believe whatever you want. It’s fine.

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I have a feeling that if the person calling out Kotick’s statements was Josh Dudebro whose Twitter profile picture was him in Oakleys and a goatee in front of a flag flipping the double-bird to an Antifa logo but otherwise contained an identical statement that they wouldn’t have a single problem with the perceived “professionalism”.

People out here really be defending Bobby Kotick just because it was a young woman who spoke up.

Many people have corroborated that Kotick was interfering in development budgets and schedules to the detriment of the projects, they’ve also said that he was obsessed with pushing Blizzard eSports so that he could feel like a sports team owner. It’s not at all a stretch to see that he was probably trying to pull production hours out of Overwatch 2 and put in eSports and competitive events and rankings into Overwatch 1 so that he could brag on his yacht about his big flashy eSports events.


While there’s plenty of reasons to dislike the guy, unfortunately in the corporate world he’s done a lot of things that make others want to mimic him. Crappy things, but profitable- this is why he will be able to sell all his shares for nearly $300 million when he leaves.

Rofl talk about professional. Yikes.

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I’m sorry, but someone has to say it…

Mandolorian and Book of Boba Fett are both better than the original Trilogy. Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie.

Oh look, the tantrum child invading another thread and mocking others for having logistical arguments.

Hahaha you’re funny. He’s mad because I dare doubt the validity of the post. Not like dogpilong on someone hated as kotick is in style right now.

Ow2 is currently a failure but anyone that watched death of series knows it wasn’t kotick.

They were the people who wanted to push esports so hard… and the same ones that released brig and did little about the goats and double shield metas

If you are gonna dogpile anyone it might as well be the human pile that is Kotick.

Woman speaks out against man who has enabled sexual harassment for years, laid off thousands of employees in their most profitable year, and forced his employees to crunch for months on end just to get games out before a deadline.

And you say she’s the unprofessional one.


Are you Bobby Kotick?

The Death Of series doesn’t rid Bobby Kotick of any blame. Many of the criticisms leveled against Overwatch could easily be attributed to him because, ultimately, we don’t see the BTS of game development. We have figureheads that the blame can be shifted on, but most of these people, AKA Jeff Kaplan, are still second to Bobby Kotick’s decisions.

Nobody knows the inner workings of Blizzard except, well, Blizzard employees.

Bobby Kotick wanted this. In fact, Bobby Kotick has quite an investment in esports:


Okay you were nicer. So I’ll be nicer. As you stated we don’t know. I’ll remain incredulous at the timing of that report plus even though Jason has produced some good stuff he still works at a publication that relies on clicks… and bagging on a scumbag like kotick would bring in clicks

But we do know. Hundreds of employees have corroborated these stories and claims. There is no shortage of evidence and witness testimonies to look through, if you actually want to look for it.

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Ok sink to his level then. Makes it ok then?

Theyre responsible for their actions not his and acting professional isnt a forgiveness of someone elses bad behavior.

If the culture isnt what you want and wont change, leave. Not go on twitter and do that.

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Speaking out against this nonsense is how change happens.

Your attitude towards it is exactly why people got away with it for years.

And also, it’s not like she’s insulting him and calling him names. She’s just calling him out for using the delays as a scapegoat, when he’s just as directly responsible for those delays happening.

That’s called holding someone accountable for their actions, something Bobby Kotick clearly lacks.

Im not saying dont speak out. Im saying dont take it to twitter.

bring it up internally and if nothin happens and its somethin bad either sue in court for damages or leave. A twitter tantrum is not the right way to go about this for their professional reputation in the long run. You think kotick is gonna read that and be like oh my god what have i done? Kick his butt at the office in meetings and hold him accountable with metrics and his actions compared to promises then.

Again just my opinion and ok to disagree with me. i wouldnt act like that though. I go for the person i have an issue with and throw down in private for a path forward. This is just jerry springer type garbage that wont get anything changed or done so a waste of energy. Probably Feels good to do but ultimately not a way to influence ppl to enact change.

They tried. They were silenced by human resources and other higher-ups, as has been explained time and time again by employees in the company.

I’m not reading your response any further because you’re clearly not fully educated on this subject.

:+1: allright solid approach on your end i guess. However that fact still doesnt change my overall responses.

My response if things didnt change: apply somewhere and line up another job then leave the company. Why waste time at a place that treats you poorly and lies about delays?

You dont rant on twitter. Guess im old school.

Yep blizzard sounds like a massive cluster of mismanagement over the last 10 years or so, and it’s been bleeding into the end user experience more and more.

We live in a world with flat earthers.