Yep. Note that critical race theory is only a branch underneath the critical theory umbrella. Critical theory as a whole is far more pernicious than just critical race theory alone, and crt is awful as it is.
Letterkenny got me saying to be fair.
… a lot
Thanks I’ll be here all week.
eye cancer?
you’re being too vague for my brain to understand your reference.
…but it reminded me of the people who use the word “cancer” to describe “a thing i don’t like”.
Living my best life.
UwU (I hateeeeeeeeeee this one, this had nothing to do with furies, why do people think that it originated there? They are freakin’ emotes. Uwu is an emoticon depicting a cute face. It is used to express various warm, happy, or affectionate feelings. A closely related emoticon is owo , which can more specifically show surprise and excitement.) Sighhhhhh.
Lookin’ like a snack or a whole meal
Cancel Culture (…)
Sippn’ and Spillin the Tea or any variation of it.
I don’t mind the words. What’s annoying is the accompanying generational, naive attitude. “I’m new/young, therefore I know best,” while oblivious - from lack of life experience - to their own shortsightedness. Sure, older generations have their flaws, but later generations see as far as they do because they stand on the shoulders of prior generations. Plus, one day, they will be the older, flawed generation.
The words are just FOTM, incidental noise. It’s probably been this was since Plato.
Autism or autist as an insult.
70% of people have some autistic traits, most are untreated. It doesn’t make you a retard/idiot, it just means you function differently.
Like Apple VS Windows. different manuals, both function perfectly well if used right.
This reminded me of an old trigger phrase of mine. I used to have weekly meetings with a client who used this phrase as punctuation:
“It is what it is.”
You can usually replace ‘honest’ with ‘a douche’ and it becomes 100% more accurate.
“Snowflake” because I have such a hard time comprehending what it’s supposed to mean. I seems it’s used to mean someone who is ‘whiny’ or ‘entitled’ but it’s usually just used as a general insult for liberals by conservatives. Usually, the meaning isn’t clear from context and I have a hard time gaining clarity from the internet, even when looking it up. It’s just a vague, foggy word to me.
Also the c word rhyming with ‘duck’ because people seem to forget what the word actually refers to and misuse it all the time. Like, “You’re a virgin ‘duck.’” What does that even mean?
body clear
Everytime i watch his podcast Joe Rogan reminds me why i only watch for the guest.
I absolutely agree on this.
And for me, I’ll add my words as forced and “slap in the face”
I have never been “triggered”.
On this forum?
Over- / Under- tuned
Real life?
All racial slurs. (The last few years in the South, man…)
‘Triggered’ nowadays just means ‘gets a response’ either it being upset like most people use it, or simply, rolling your eyes.