Overgeared Tanks Solo Instances

Won’t happen. The bribes are there so that we queue even if we don’t need the gear. Particularly for LFR. Could you imagine a MMR for LFR?

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It seems everyone is not understanding, in a Normal instance there are new and inexperienced players with low health pools that are directly a result of low item levels. That venture into normals to gain the experienced and raise their item level so that they can get into heroics and finally mythics.

You do not get mythic level ready and say, think I will solo a normal instance and watch everyone else die because I can.

Piddy gave the answer, Tanks that can solo instance want a fast que to easy content to complete quests regardless of the rewards.

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How does having the tank solo the dungeon prevent people from getting gear?

But yeah, if you can convince Blizzard to take augment runes out of LFR and normal dungeons, and put them in the content instead of the players who actually use them, that would be terrific, thank you.


I generally sprint through using a special set of TW gear but that doesn’t hinder the party, if anything people have liked it.

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it doesn’t, but for some reason, it makes Inkwell come to the forum to complain about dying in a dungeon that has a tank practically soloing it for them.


MMR for LFR would be lit, imagine getting queued with all 220+ ilvl people and bulldozing the entire fight because everyone has the “Lets clear it as fast as possible” mindset.

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But then who would do the maze on Durummu after 20 people were dead? (for the non-220 MMR group, I mean)

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I kinda see their point though. If there’s a high rate of those tanks in their normals, and they’re trying to learn how to heal, a tank carrying them doesn’t help. When they do need to heal, it’s when :poop: hits the fan. Not the greatest way to learn.


It doesn’t matter for them because they want the “experience”.

Yes, I know because i did exactly that.


Threat? Never heard of it.

The simple truth in group content is that the HEALER sets the pace. This has always been true.

However, if the tank does not need healing, then, the pace is “unlimited”, and thus you see them charging off and pulling the second boss before you even have “Hi all!” typed out in chat.

OP,now you know why I don’t do mythic 's besides you’re a DH and if you’re a tank spec you can very well do just that.

Truth is as a new, low geared tank just hitting heroics, it’s hard to learn anything. Inevitably there’s some high powered DPS in the group that make swiss cheese out of everything, so as a tank, there’s not much learning going on save just being in the fray.

The mobs are dying easy, the mechanics short changed, and if a DPS pulls something, they just tank it themselves and don’t even speak up.

If anything at least I get occasional kudos from the healers.

So, it’s always been an issue with high powered characters in low level content. Just the nature of the game. The random pug aspect can exacerbate it, but I, personally, just roll with it.

I can’t imagine a new tank actually being able to learn anything without an organized groups of people who won’t just nuke everything. Even as an experienced one if I go in on a new class it’s tough with randos.

  1. This is nothing new and has been happening for years.
  2. There are legitimate reasons for it. Mog/memory farming, the oribos dailies, callings etc. Spamming a norm or heroic is simply the most efficient method.

sure ya can…its called the ‘vote kick’

somehow I managed to spam heroic dungeons in Legion and never did annoy other players in the process.
Its just funny to me how this is an MMO when tanks need that healer…then everyone else is dead weight once they get the gear.
Its been a hilarious repetitive cycle to watch since I started playing this game.
And the hokey excuses for the behavior never get old lol

I played legion too. Rejoined towards the end of the expac. Half my dungeons were the exact same as the OP. Overgeared tank zones in and proceeds to carry everyone. We usually thanked them for it.

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There is, has been, and always will be a shortage of Tanks and Healers.

When I tank or heal, it used to really piss me off, but now that I’ve done over 1,000 dungeons, it’s nice to have someone come plow through everything for you.

It’s a free ride. Enjoy it. You can sweat the next one.