Overgeared Tanks Solo Instances

When did normal instances and time walking become a world of expletive stupidity? It was bad due to uncoordinated and sometimes unruly players, but now it is a whole different story!

Why are over geared tanks sprinting though instances leaving the healer behind to struggle to keep ungeared and inexperienced DPS alive?


I can’t understand the tanks that doing +20s coming into an ez dungeon and acting like God. Ur gud bruh, what are you proving acting like a male part …

They should have some decency to aid the ungeared players in the dungeon…but, they clearly do not care :woman_shrugging:


Hmmm this makes me wonder if I can farm renown faster by just soloing the last boss of dungeons instead of queueing for randoms where I’m forced to go at a snails pace…


same thing since I started playing, at least. I dont understand why this overgeared thing is even A thing, lol.
We spend so much of the expansion either being undergeared or overgeared that its annoying.
Just balance the frikkin game so its fun all the way thru.

Nothing more cringe than flexing in an mmorpg


Three words…E…G…O
They loved coming down into LFR to ‘teach’ us how to play.
They arent good…theyre just overgeared, lol.
When you use a tactical nuke to hunt squirrel, its not really skill when you get a few, lol



I’ve been able to solo timewalking dungeons since they were first introduced.

The trick is that old stuff that’s been deactivated works in timewalking. You can use your old legendaries, your legendary meta gem, old gear with triple sockets in everything, trinkets that don’t work at max level anymore, etc.

Combine it all together and WOWzers.

If you haven’t built a custom timewalking set, you’re missing out on most of the fun.


I mean, they might just be there for a quest? Several callings can be done via dungeons, and time walking has the weekly quest/chance at timereaver. There’s legitimate reasons for a geared player to be in those places. And if they’re there, why should they go slower than their gear allows them? Like, yeah, if they pull half the dungeon and wipe over and over because the rest of the group isn’t prepared for/capable of that pace then that’s one thing, but if they do that and survive, what’s the harm?


If you think it’s bad now, you should have seen Legion and BFA.

You could do that since like, wrath

I play both healer and tank.

I have had to deal with healers that struggle only to keep themselves alive, and complain about the pace even though we could all go on without them just fine. As a healer, I have no sympathy for them, or for you. If you are bad, it is your fault, not the tanks.

Now, if the tank is consistently over pulling and dying, that’s another story. That isn’t what you’re complaining about though. You’re upset that you can’t keep up with the rest of the group. It’s sad that you’re incapable of some introspection, it would probably help you a great deal in real life.


Why are the DPS and healer lagging behind? They have just as much speed as the tank unless said tank is DH. As long as the tank is grabbing the things in the way with him, it’s as simple as not dpsing the crap he’s pulling. Tank can kill them him/herself and the rest can just run along behind. It’s boring, but it’s not new, nor will it ever change.

I’ve queued as a decently geared healer for the satchel and more often than not am paired with a high geared tank clearly doing the same thing. Also, super fast way to finish off particular daily covenent crap. There hasn’t been one complaint from the dps, nor was their douchebaggery coming from the tank or myself towards the dps. Since no one talks in these things anymore, how can there be an issue?


Idk about for time walking, but the scaling is pretty wonky as your ilvl goes up. We had someone in raid doing 20x the dps of someone barely geared enough for CN heroic.

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Well if they’re Time Walking, they’re doing it for currency or perhaps the mount drop.

If it’s SL normals, they’re probably doing it for the weekly rep reward quests from Oribos.

When I want to do those quests, I queue normal and charge right in.

Why take the extra 10s doing a heroic? All I want is the shiny at the end, as quickly as possible.

Nothing new here. Put stuff that high level people want in low level content, you get high level people in low level content.


It’s for the bonus bag with augment runes.

Last run I did it didn’t auto switch specs on me so I ended up cat healing the instance.

But it is pretty stupid when you have the tank and healer more than doubling the output of the DPS. I usually heal them to avoid that and let people learning the instance learn it.

Tanks really should pull it like it’s a challenging run for them though.

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Regardless of your gear level, skill level, and the disparity between you and the rest of the group, the moment you choose to join with four other real people, you are making a tacit agreement to function as a group.

“Enter Dungeon” should be greyed out until the player clicks a check box.

[ ] I understand that this instance isn’t all about me.


No you’re not, in the case of timewalking you’re doing content that is only accessible through the LFD tool, so Blizzard attaches 4 other people in the process.

Once inside, the rest of you don’t need to be there. If you want to come along, feel free.

Add solo-queue timewalking that’s exactly the same apart from the other 4 people not being there, and include the 50 extra timewalking badges that tanks already get for ditching their friends and running with randoms instead, and I’m sure many tanks will be delighted to do it without 4 random people.

Or just let us walk in to the timewalking instance like we can with regular runs. That’s the key item that’s missing, here.


Those other four aren’t tools to get you access to a dungeon, they’re people who waited for their turn in the queue. Your sort of attitude is what wrecks the game for many others.


As long as Blizzard makes something that is ONLY available through the LFD tool, that’s exactly what the other people are.

Like I said: Let us just walk in, like we can with all other dungeons, and we will.

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But that cuts both ways. The dungeon is certainly not all about the tank who wants to complete the dungeon at blistering pace, and it’s also not about the healer who’s here for the first time and wants to enjoy the sights and side fun the dungeon has to offer.