Overgeared Tanks Solo Instances

Probably just you, i heal as well, and im better than you so most of the mass pull run end up being a smooth & quick run.

Basically it has to do with character power growth. Normal dungeons are made with the difficulty in mind of players who are leveling up, learning the place, lacking gear, etc. So, it has to be fair or challenging to them.

But what is fair or challenging to them will not be so to someone who is geared because their character by definition is going to be stronger.

That doesn’t mean the dungeon / gear isn’t balanced. It means they are overgeared for it. The only solution around that would be scaling the dungeon according to both player level and item level.

But that has its own issues like making those gear upgrades feel meaningless.

At the end of the day, those players shouldn’t be just running through the dungeon willy nilly creating a bad experience for those just trying to play through it. But there isn’t a good solution around that problem IMO.

Currently, I can solo M0 dungeons, and the fights are appropriately challenging for me. But if I were to run with the recommended group size of five people, it would be a total joke.


eh…the vast majority of players are great people. we just get too many of these sorts in here bragging as if there is anything to brag about lol.
Its a video game. WAY too much self importance being bandied about over pixels on screens for my tastes, lol.
It just amuses me to know that 2 months into this expansion they were begging for a life jacket, now that they have some gear they run easier content and think it means somethign lol.
I was soloing Heroics with my healing specs end of Legion, for god sake…it doesnt mean squat.
What does mean something is their attitude that is ANTI MMO where they actually think its ok to ruin the game for other players.
Which is why I vote to kick them if I see them in 5 man runs.


its only a very small minority. I would see maybe two of the jokers in a week of running dungeons every day, personally.
Which is why I dont bash tanks much at all in here except when they come into threads like this bragging about being able to beat pixels on a PC monitor :laughing: :laughing:

I have much more trouble with DPS players pulling for the tank and causing wipes than anything else…even after the tank has asked them nicely to stop.


Your post is the first one mentioning tanks complaining. The op and everything prior to you is DPS/heals complaining about tanks. The only thing any of the tank posters have said is that people should keep up. Not one single mention of anyone’s DPS or healing capability until you started in on it.

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DUDE :laughing:
go play your semantics games with someone who cares…the thread is literally about problematic tanks lmao

Well I can agree with this, if somebody is ruining the run for the whole group then I would vote with you despite their abilities. At that point it would ultimately be choosing to not play with them. But that’s only if they are being rude in chat or something unnecessary like that. Its okay to want to do your best when you get into the dungeon, even if that means you are going to breeze through most of the stuff that comes your way. That’s fine and it’s fun, but if somebody in the group is legit having trouble then you gotta take that into consideration. If not yep, I agree with you.

I would say this true for any role.

I’ve absolutely have had tanks change to dps and not exactly be easy to keep up. Okay, your doing a lot of dps… but aggro is everywhere and people are getting hit hard. That sort of stuff can turn out stressful.

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Aren’t the “Legacy” pieces dead? As in, not even working in TW? That took out a lot of fun for me, personally.
Edit; I do LOVE using the ones that work, heckin’ big fun.

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This person that you’re responding to knows that they’re wrong and that you’re right. That is why they stopped “responding” and are just dodging now. Stop tapping the glass, they’ve already covered themselves in doo-doo.

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Yeah, it is definitely a minority of players. I think most players don’t do this sort of thing. I think most players do however want to play content that they find appropriately challenging for them, while a few just want to “crush it” on the meters and such in a setting they can’t possibly fail at.

It’s why most players move on from normals / heroics when they can but some will go back to them which causes a rather poor gaming experience for the other four members of the group.

Personally, I love challenging myself soloing dungeon and raid bosses and have been since Cata. But it’s just a self challenge. Going into content that I’m over geared for and pulling like a mad man with s bunch of strangers just trying to play wouldn’t be fun or remotely mean anything.

It’s almost like you can’t read the op, which doesn’t mention tanks complaining about anyone else at all. How embarrassing for you.

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Because the game keep telling them that they’re awesome uber hero until they get queued into AlphaOmega GigaChad tank tripling their DPS, while they can only watch because they died from accidental pull and the healer won’t bother to spend 3 seconds to ress them.

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I actually had this same question about a month ago. Then a guildy pointed out that several callings are most easily done by que’ing into normal dungeons and rolling over the content. Particularly if you are a well geared tank.

I rarely vote to kick…I often refuse to vote even when it does come up.
About the only time I will is if the player is being obnoxious and its become clear its intentional.
I dont vote even if they accidently cause a wipe or two as long as its an accident.
If the behavior is intentional and we can tell it is and its causing the rest of us to not ENJOY the GAME we’re playing…thats when I’ll vote to kick.
Ive never had to vote kick a healer…not even sure if ive seen a vote to kick one come up.
DPS is nearly always the issue from my experience. Always just one guy.
Tanks are maybe 5-10% of the problems Ive seen. So Im not gong to let a few of the ones in here ruffle my feathers about tanks in game.
I just think its funny how their attitudes change from “HEAL ME QUICK” to “I DONT NEED NO STEENKEENG HEEELER” :laughing: :laughing:

We’ll be in here in a couple years about this time next expansion having this same exact discussion, just like last expansion lol

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I usually “smooth out the runs” with a trip to Chipotle.

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its almost like you need to deflect because you cant keep up.
Do this again and you go to the list.

The OP is about tanks leaving people behind to struggle instead of sticking with the group. This is most likely a healer struggling to keep up a bunch of dps that got aggro from the train of crap trailing the tank that is a mile away.


Because they can play the game however they want, just like everyone else. Don’t like it? Remove them.

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Yes, and yet he keeps trying to claim it’s something else, even though we can all see it.

Knock yourself out bud. If you wanna ignore me because you can’t admit that you brought up something that wasn’t in the OP even though we can all see it in the thread you won’t hurt my feelings.

yeah…pay no mind to the fact that they JOINED A GROUP to play GROUP CONTENT in an MMO they keep reminding us is about a COMMUNITY and not for SOLOING when WE ask where all that SOLO content is from blizzard, lmao.

funny how its muh MMO’z when tanks need those heals…then its not when they dont, lol.


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