Overgeared Tanks Solo Instances

That’s an interesting point. For people that just want the gear or quest completion, an over geared tank/healer roflstomping the instance is a desirable bonus.

What if the majority group want that?

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Eh, sometimes we see the call to arms and want the very easy 1000g + runes for 15 minutes of play.

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Yes, there are trash and boss mechanics that affect dps. How is any of that the tank’s fault?

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Nowhere in my post do you see it mentioned that any of these were the tanks fault.

Lets do a quick exercise.
Does the tank have anything to do with these mechanics?
Can these mechanics kill you as dps if you fail to do them or do not get healed?
If you answered no to the first question anf yes to the second then it clearly fulfills the criteria set by the post I responded to.

Dps can and do die despite having an over geared tank that can solo the instance. This is all I was saying.

I have had many many dungeons were as a tank I solo the boss from the last 70% or so. I don’t need dps to stay alive or even a healer for low content but it is nice as it makes the fights faster.

But as people seem to look for something to fualt the tank with here are a couple of examples.

In SoA going to the third boss the tank imprisions the far right mob on the stairs and expects everyone to jump up. He then pull the next group. The dps thinking that as its imprisoned he doesn’t need to jump and wanders to far to the left and pulls the entire stairs group. The tank already engaged doesn’t notice they are in combat and the group (other then the tank) dies. This happened to me this week.

Or say the tank wants to pull 4 groups of mobs and line of sight to bring the casters together. He leaps into the first two and pops immolation aura to grab the next packs. The fire mage doesn’t wait and stands out in the open and bursts with combustion. As the mobs didn’t have more then token aggro on the tank they all turn and one shot him. The rest of the group panics and opens up and now mobs are running everywhere instead of being clumped up together in a nice tight group.

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So then the thread topic should be “bad dps are bad?” A valid statement sure, but not a particularly meaningful one.

I blame the DPS for not interrupting.

I have to admit that I’m a bit confused as your post was the one I was originally replying to.

If this was not your intent may I ask what did you mean exactly with the statement:

And both statements bad dps are bad and over geared tanks solo instances are true statements so both would work for the title of the thread.

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They’re acting like jerks, but Blizzard needs to eat the blame for that one. Augment rune rewards are why they’re there.

The thread is complaining about the tank as the reason for the dps dying, your post was about how dps mechanics can kill dps too, I agree with that but if that’s the reason then the thread’s complaint makes no sense. And if that’s not the reason, then your post is a non sequitur to the topic.

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In the original post of this topic the poster never said that it was tanks killing players by not doing their role.

This usually stems from players who are over geared and either don’t know or don’t care that pulling 4+ packs at at time increases the amount of dps mechanics and these people are not geared enough to handle it.

For example in NW I normally grab the silencing orb and pull most of, if not the entire third boss room. With the groups I play with the healer can normally keep up with the damage and hunters misdirect so that we can stack all the enemies and clear it in under 30 sec. I have a silence sigil to keep the casters from stunning people and when that ends we coordinate interrupts.

In a pug you are looking at three to four casters that are casting goresplatter (large dot on all players) followed by a stun as well as randomly directed cleaves from the bug guys and smaller mobs jumping. Its the cumulative effect of all of this together that makes it difficult for low gear healers to keep up with an over geared tank even if the tank can survive on their own.

There is no way Goresplatter is a big deal in a normal instance. Frankly, that’s a skill issue.

Timewalking I’ll give you since in some of those the tuning is off, but that’s not the tank’s fault either.

I’m not sure where the hang up is as I’ve explained every part without the need for intuitive logic to come to the conclusion on your own. I guess at this point neither of us can understand what the other is trying to convey so I’ll leave it.

absolutely true. Seen it myself far more than a few times.
it doesnt take bad DPS players to die…it just takes lower geared players left in the wake of an overgeared tank who doesnt clean up his own mess and a healer who cant keep up with four players taking that much damage.

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It IS the tanks fault when he is the TANK and DOESNT do his job and that boss…or any boss…or mobs of trash…are hitting DPS and healers INSTEAD of the tank, lmao.
do you even play the game?

Do you? Goresplatter is an AoE mechanic that ignores aggro.

But if people are so undergeared that normal goresplatter is one-shotting them, they should be getting more quest gear first. Not the tank’s fault.

they dont understand for one or two reasons.

  • they ONLY tank and have NO clue how other roles work
  • they have played the other roles and just need excuses for bad play.

Its not a matter of a single aoe dot. Its four aoe dots combined with two randomly directed cleaves and up to 4 stuns going out. That is how over geared players kill groups.

If they had pulled a single pack everyone would live because the healer could keep up. If you pull the entire room they can’t keep up with all the unavoidable damage. That is the tanks fault by either not clearly communicating intent, inexperience or just not caring.

I play enough to know when i see joke excuses from tanks…and DPS, lol.
These threads are FILLED with the crap.
Just do yourself a favor…all of you…dont ever use the phrase "its an MMO’ in here ever again in regard to players complaining that they want more SOLO content because of bad players in group content, lol

You want to bicker over ONE boss and some mechanic that is hardly the general rule with this game. lol.

As I said…

but its typical from the defenders of the behavior.
Between the bad tanks and bad DPS its no wonder queues are so long half the time. But both of them will defend the behavior even if it does affect a lot of other gamers desire to want to get into group content.
how many of these threads do we see in here in one form or another, lol?
Its all the time.
Bad DPS pulling for the tank…even after being asked to stop…even after a wipe or two. Ive seen it so much myself I can barely stand to even think about queueing for a run.
Bad overgeared tanks thinking the game is literally ABOUT them …which I can only say THANK YOU BLIZZARD for the vote kick option.

Excuses…deflection…non sequiturs, as you say…it just adds another level of annoyance to the situation when they cant just accept that they arent TEAM players once they outgear the content…and probably never were in the first place.

I started in legion…Ive been SEEING this issue and READING about it in here ever since i started playing the game. Players were already overgeared by the time I started playing WoW in Legion…so the ill behavior was in full motion when I first arrived and started running Legion dungeons.
Ijust didnt realize at that point that it was bad behavior until I had played for a while and understood how self serving it is.