Overcrowded Realm Update


Unless this has already been asked, will a community manager be updating us on the estimated Herod populace before next week? I would venture a week from today (Friday) so on the 23rd?

I feel this would offer two benefits…

  • Obviously let us know that the exodus some have made to the new server is not enough and that more would be needed to help balance server load.

  • Give guild leaders that are in coordination with other guilds across both factions (such as myself) time to speak with their members about switching servers as a collective community.

As I type this, I’ve been involved with some wonderful organization between about a 15 guilds (Horde and Alliance) that wish to roll the same server for world PvP reasons. I’d venture to say there is between 500-750 of us between the guilds. Should we get an update next Friday, it would be HUUUUUUGE in helping our decision(s).

Any info will be greatly appreciated.


Again, you can’t say the feedback wasn’t there. People said to launch with a decent amount of servers and you guys initially came out with 11 during the name reservations. Anyone could see that that wasn’t going to be enough.


You do you, and in a year or 2 kid, i’ll be there to greet you when you reroll on herod

I’m sorry, but this needs to be said. This has been so royally botched. We knew before making characters on Herod it was going to be massively overpopulated but lets talk about how we got here.

For months on end I have been organizing my networks of friends, friends of friends, guilds, friends’ guilds, family members, family members’ guilds, ect… basically anybody you could ever desire to play with making sure everyone would be on the same server so we could all play with each other. This was a massive undertaking but one that I feel is rewarding when pulled off. Playing with friends and family is what this game is all about.

When the server names were released we realized we only had three choices: Herod, Thalnos, and Faerlina. As players predominantly residing in the eastern time zone it is extremely inconvenient to play on pacific timed servers as raids tend to end after midnight. Not very good for people who work a typical 8-5. So there we were with three choices. Then it started coming in… people refusing to play with streamers (Faerlina), people not wanting to roll on the Brazilian server (Thalnos) for whatever reasons. We were effectively funneled into Herod and from reading social media surrounding name reservation it was abundantly clear that this was an extremely common sentiment. It was obvious more than 24 hours before the name reservation opened that this was going to happen.

Now you’re coming out saying we have to move or the we’re going to be sitting in forever queues. After the months of work organizing and preparing our friends and families it will be a complete coordination nightmare trying to get all of our networks to move, it is simply not feasible to pull off.

At this point we’d rather sit in long queues for a while instead of not being able to play with each other ever.

The only way you could convince us to move off Herod is by closing the server completely and opening two new servers at the same time with new name reservations. That’s the only way you’re going to be able to slice this spaghetti into cake.


They did. It’s called Stalagg.


I run a guild of 20+ people, and we would gladly consider a new realm. We are essentially the exact type of people they want to entice to move off of Herod. We are all older and don’t have time to deal with hours and hours of queues.

However stalagg was released with only an hour of notice from a forum post. By the time anyone from our group realized (when they were off from work) name reservations had been out for an hour. There was no way we could have coordinated the switch with any hope of people getting the names they wanted. People paid money and spent time to try to get their names, and those who did refused to leave for a server that all their names are taken. So we essentially feel stuck on Herod.

Had they said “hey a new PvP east server will open up with name reservations in 24+ hours”, 100% we would have switched.

So basically blizz screwed the launch by having too few servers, than made it impossible for people, like us, who have a preset group to seriously consider switching to the one server they added, because they cannot do basic communication and planning.

If you do plan on adding more servers please give us people who have jobs and careers a chance to talk and plan with our group about he idea of switching, or we won’t be.


You won’t have 10k populations. Each layer is worth about 3k (Vanilla cap) and in the end they will condense to one layer. It will be vanilla caps, and queues for anyone still sitting on a stuffed server.

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Given we’ve had what, 3 updates (including the new server announcement) telling us about the population of these servers, I’d imagine waiting a week is too long, and also that Blizzard is quite prepared to tell people to GTFO Herod repeatedly.

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You were LITERALLY just informed. It’s only going to get worst from here on out. Get out while you can if you are worried about it.

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It really was a mistake how they handled to opening of stalagg. These people literally paid 15$ to reserve their names early on Herod and you think they are going to move to Stalagg when they cant get their names…the names so important to them that they paid the aforementioned 15$ for? You need to just wipe reservations on stalagg, and open it for name transfers from Herod for 24 hours if you really want the population to move.


Sooo…what IS the CAP?!!


You need to tell people how long a 10,000 queue will take, they just don’t get it…

If you tell them it will take 3 hours to login every single night, then people will leave to Stalagg. Until then, people are dumb and will just be like, “oh 10,000, who cares, I’ll just go eat dinner and then i’ll be good to go!”

If my memory servers me correct… Back in 2004 I think I had like 1,000 person queues that would take 45 minutes. So think about that.


A name is a name. Get creative. People are getting too caught up in the name. I had someone who said they value their name more than the server community. Such a superficial mentality.


Or you could take ten seconds to think about the gameplay experience you will have sitting in hours of queues after work and suck up the lost names and pick new ones.


I mean afaik the other pvp servers are (mostly) still vaiable to get slots in, the server sizes are pretty large compared to what they were back then PLUS IMO its better they react to the numbers coming in then filling up servers that may be dead or unused. I do agree though this shouldn’t be as last second thing sprung up to the players. Stress testing and getting characters placement should have been put into effect at least another month back.

when you’re complaining about how you can’t get a single herb node after an hour of farming and to bring back layering because “muh life” and “muh job” not allowing you the incredible amount of time it’ll take you to accomplish anything in the open world, i rly hope u remember this thread

Again, i’d rather wait an hour or 2 to play every day and have 100% security my realm will be populated down the road, then take a chance on a low/medium realm and become the dying/dead server a year or 2 post launch.

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Easy there, tough guy. Not worried, just trying to stay on top of things.

I get I was JUST INFORMED… however a great deal can change in a very short amount of time.


They paid 15 bucks to reserver name they may or may not have gotten but th post was pretty clear that if when Stal fill they will add another server. However, they have no intetion of opening a server it would seem until the current servers are full. Even that being said i would not be surprised if we get new servers before phase 2 with free transfers off overpopulated realms.