No one was asking they go the vanilla or SWTOR route and make 200 servers; but anyone with half a lick of common sense could tell you that 3 was too few. hell, 5 is probably too few still.
Secondly, no i can’t ‘easily’ reserve my names because they are likely taken and i’d have to /delete to even attempt it.
Why risk that?
I’d suffer through queues gladly to be on the alpha server vs picking the consolation server for easier beginnings, just to watch it bleed players to Herod naturally over the next few years anyway.
One way or the other in 2 years, pvp players will have migrated to Herod naturally. I’m just gonna sit here and wait
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There is nothing wrong with a low population server.
There absolutely is.
Try getting groups done on low/dying servers. It also creates a snowball affect where, once a server is perceived as lesser than another, it bleeds players to the more populated server over time.
You’ll start seeing this 6 months, to a year post launch when you wonder where everyone is at (Herod).
I’ve been burned by this 3x in WoW. both times they’ve suggested realms to me, i’ve had to pay to transfer out and lost my names. Nope.
Also, my 3 current wow realms are utter ghost towns as the population of the 200+ dying realms are all migrating to a handful (about 5) realms. I wonder why that is…
it’s not a knock on wow classic, it is just human nature. this happens in every MMORPG With servers. it’s just inevitable.
to make it worse blizz isn’t even upping the character limit so i’d have to delete my primo names on X server, just to roll the dice and MAYBE get them on the less populated one? Nah no thanks. I’ve been down that road 3x in wow, once in swtor, and every game i’ve played with server structure.
I can’t fix human nature, but i can prepare myself for the long haul by planting down on Herod now
Ratios for all server please!!!
Someone posted them not too long back; it was shockingly 50/50 more or less for pvp servers, and about 60/40 pve servers favoring alliance.
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a blue post? If not how would they get it as I don’t believe we can see them on armory or use those toons in forums yet?
The thing that concerns me is, how many people are waiting until launch day to re-sub? Will Blizzard be adding more servers on launch day to accommodate those people?
I would certainly hope so, because it sure feels like Blizzard underestimated the demand for Classic WoW here. But if Blizzard does do this, it would probably lead to a larger population of “casuals” on the new-launch day servers with a higher population of diehards on the older servers such as Pagle or Faerlina or Herod, etc.
In any case, I am pretty concerned when Blizzard says that a Medium-pop. server today is larger than the largest server back in 2006. That sounds to me like the leveling experience and everything is gonna be a cluster**** come launch.
@Kaivax, you should create a new realm and allow transfers off of Herod so that entire guilds can leave without having to give up their names. If you do that the population will disperse.
Sadly, there’s no way to know how many people don’t care enough about name reservations and prefer to make the most out of their subscription.
That’s one of the reasons Blizz is emphasizing the importance of Herod players to stop being silly and start pouring into Stalagg so they can open a new realm.
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or maybe we are miss understanding? the mean the server is full for what is full back then but would be what you would expect to find on today’s medium server? but they dont want to raise that classic cap? what exactly is meant here… maybe im over thinking this now.
This is very important. Will you communicate to the community that Herod’s population is getting to desirable levels? Or will you stay quiet and frustrate the community that has already rolled Herod by not telling us the real situation a week from now?
It’s in your best interest to communicate any trend to the new server if that’s what you’re seeing.
Herod becoming locked in 3…2…1…
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I have not seen any real numbers but my understanding is Vanilla cap was ~2500 concurrent players. the Classic cap is higher, how much we don’t know but lets say 5000. if a medium server in Classic has the same total players as the biggest Vanilla servers which if my old memory serves me resulted in queues of 20-60 minutes routinely but now we have 2x the capacity of concurrent that means a ‘MEDIUM’ server will have 10-30 minute queues, high and full even longer.
at least that’s how I read it
This is Blizzard’s own fault. 3 EST pvp servers, one went to streamers, one to South America then guess where everyone else went.
It’s not Blizzard’s fault that players hate streamers. They should have made a South American server, but who would’ve expected the players to choose a pvp server?
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If that is your top priority, perhaps you should hire someone with an ounce of foresight and knowledge of your playerbase.
Every sever is currently high pop or full with the exception of the new PVP and the two RP servers. Might be time to get out ahead of it a little.
to be fair the other extreme action would be 50 servers and maybe half of those get no players and the economy and guilds are so few and small that they are basically on a DoA server that eventually has to be merged with another server to keep it alive.
Why on earth does it have to be binary extremes?
They started off with too few PVP servers. Many people paid early for 2 weeks of non-play in order to reserve names (I am one of those idiots). Players logged in on the specific day to reserve names, some having taken the day off to do so, and snagged what names they could reserve. Blizzard fails utterly, instead lowers the indicator caps after the fact, and then opens a realm TWO DAYS LATER, and expects players to forget all about day 1?
A number of better ideas have been floated here on the forum, but I have no doubt that blizzard will continue to do it their own way, which they have demonstrated they have little capability of doing properly.
So yeah, don’t pull the “tHeY cOuLd hAvE oPeNeD 50” garbage.
edit: another impact this crap is likely having, is players who would have played on PVP or PVE are now eyeing up the RP servers, because of their more relaxed populations.
Blizzard needs to get in front of this snowballing fubar launch.
Sadly, there’s no way to know how many people don’t care enough about name reservations and prefer to make the most out of their subscription.
There was a Reddit census survey this past week or so with over 40k responses that indicated about half of the people didn’t have an active sub.
Now, you can make the argument that Reddit isn’t the best indicator. You could also argue that Reddit may give you a good “floor” as far as possible launch numbers go. If half the folks on Reddit aren’t subbed, I’d assume that at least half of those not on Reddit aren’t subbed either.