Overcrowded Realm Update

Do it, please! I dare you, blizz. I’ll be there for the chaos and I’ll revel in it like on the stress tests. Nothing could get me more excited.

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New Eastern PvP called Hogger, free xfers for 48 hours to save names… probably would see a VAST amount of people and guilds moving off of Herod.


I don’t understand what’s so hard about talking with your friends/guild to make a coordinated move… hell my guild has over 80 members currently and we were going to go for Herod at first… and then we saw the messages from blizzard and the Q time to reserve our names.

We just started a server debate chat channel on discord and we quickly all agreed Herod was not the way to go and moved to another server… I really fail to see what’s so hard about making a decision that seems so obvious to make right now with this blue post…

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if you were ready to pounce on the new server as soon as it opened its not so bad. but at this point its a bit late to expect to get many names you want

they should have given more notice that a new server was going to open, at the very least.


You make it seem so easy lol. I came from another game where atleast 300 people agreed to set up on Herod. Getting a large group of people to agree to take a leap of faith to jump ship and go to a server that might be a ghost town in 5 months is a long shot.

I could honestly care less about the name bizniz. I just like playing with familiar faces that I have played with for years. Why should we have to part ways due to overpopulated servers?


this isn’t even counting the people who didn’t show up 2 weeks early im sure that there are a lot of people who don’t have accounts that will be playing on launch or even people who duel box who don’t care about 2nd accounts name “they are not prepared”.

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It is though.

You guys didn’t spend months picking Herod. You literally had 3 days to coordinate before servers went up.

Stop making excuses. If you don’t want to leave fine but it’s not any harder to get those 300 people to move to abother server before launch.

Literally nobody has anything invested yet.


When half of them don’t want to, you don’t have this option.

I lobbied hard for Whitemane. I liked the name, and it was already clear–four hours before names opened–that Herod was gonna be the monster server. I lost the argument, and we reserved names on Herod. My queue for name reservation was quite short because i pressed the button the very millisecond that server popped.

I had a queue at all because I’m on the West Coast, so my ping is a little longer.

Anyway…here we are.

You can trivialize it and scoff at it and be confused by it, but it’s not as simple as you’re making it out to be. You made the call to move before you reserved your names. You established on a server, and you’re staying where you are. So you’re not in this boat, and you never were. It isn’t the same decision that you made on name day.

It’s very different to move after people reserved names and spent the better part of a week establishing the identity of the guild on Herod. It’s just not the same decision to move.

1.) Some of us got names we’ve wanted in WoW for a very, VERY long time and never been able to get because of the name reservation opportunity. If you don’t think that’s a big deal, you at least have to understand that for some other people…it is.

2.) This is going to be a story. And soon. We will talk to each other at a guild weekend get-together in 10 years and laugh about the launch week of Classic when we were on Herod and went through the queues.

3.) Herod is the new Illidan. That isn’t lost on a single person who has toons on Herod right now. Herod is the largest original NA Classic PvP server, and we reserved our spots on it in the first moments of it being open. We will be in the first queue ever formed for that server. In a year, when all this is reaching its apex, Herod will be “the server.” People on Herod know that.

4.) Blizzard has given no incentive whatsoever to leave. They have not offered a Herod-only transfer to a new server with guaranteed name retention. If they don’t do that, nobody’s gonna leave. They’re asking us to take a punishment or penalty for leaving, and we did nothing wrong. We have several reasons not to move, and the only reason they’ve given us for moving is a prohibitive queue. They haven’t given us a carrot. They’ve just threatened us with a stick. That never works.

You don’t have to agree with any of the reasoning here. You don’t have to value the things that people with this logic are choosing to value. But please stop saying you don’t understand it. It’s pretty clear and obvious.


But I don’t understand it :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:.

I feel bad when your guild gets fractioned because you all didn’t just move and the half stuck in the queue decide it’s not worth it.

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That is a decision we’ll make together, but everyone is talking about it and everyone is aware and being realistic. They know what’s coming, and we have launch day plans to deal with it.

Exactly they have under estimated their chances of a “successful launch” ! :joy:

More servers are needed to combat the unknown players not subscribed yet on launch day. Better to be over prepared then unprepared. Once down the road population tappers off, give transfers free if underpopulated.

Names should be done via seniority and free name changes with bonus incentive. Something in place to show Blizz understands the precarious situation.


At this point, all of these players know exactly what they are doing by flooding one server.

Then when they can’t log on, complete quest, get their name or the server has issues, they will act shocked.

The hell else can they do other than create a server and warn people, twice now, that they should consider rolling on another realm?

Over server transfers day 1. allow max level of layers 1st week but every week after that aggressively lower the Max server caps, to encourage transfer to servers with lower pop. List the overpopulation also like Herod has 10k too many people atm (that is what Blizz is saying Herod has 10k more people that their CAP which includes however many layers. so if they are allowing 3 layers thats 9k people and so at least 19k accounts made on herod. And so on.)

They could open a server with more than 1 hours notice so people could organize moving to it before release, with date and time. So they could remake their character/names there.

They could delete the darn thing and give a heads up and plan to open 2 more and allow people to remake or transfer their names there (if transferring it would be before other got to go into character creation, so they could keep their names.)

They could tell everyone Herod will be character creation locked for 2 weeks so if you wanna play with friends who have not made characters already you better plan otherwise and again offer a date and time a new server opens.

They could do a lot to encourage movement. What they did was discourage it by releasing a new server with no heads up so no one could plan a move before it opened. And thus if people want to try to move they have to take the risk of one losing their characters name and two that the server will be low pop in a few months, furthermore, they have to organize that move of all their friends and guildies, and other loose connections.

ATM everyone is just hoping they get a low number in the queue, everyone is just hoping people leave. there isn’t a real impetus to move. Save a vague 10k too many people… Well if the layers allow 30k+ people atm then a 10k queue is manageable. If they allow 9k people then a 10k queue is awful. No one really knows what this means, because Blizzard hasn’t told them, other than way too much.

Its already massively overpopulated. Locking it now solves nothing.

If a boat has taken on water from a hole in its side, even if its a ton of water plugging that hole is typically your only hope. So yeah it clearly would help.


It is such a trash name isn’t it…

Hmmm i suspect that even if they had opened up, let’s say 20 servers, that the same issue would have occurred.

Would Herod be overpopulated yes. But Whitemane is also overpopulated but no where near as bad. Stalagg is medium (last i checked) because how they released it very poorly and its awful name.


what should I doooooooooooo? Stal gonna fill up too so I guess wait for them to add another…

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All of this x100. they are asking for more than they are giving.

This just goes to show you that you can’t please anyone people are just salty they may not get their name. Blizzard isnt forcing you to move they are hust suggesting it. Its just a name life goes on.

This really needs to be featured on the launcher. I was unaware of the overcrowding issue until I went seeking other WoWClassic info and stumbled across it on WoWhead. I don’t visit the forums very often.

I’m sure more people would re-select their home realm for classic if they were aware.

I’d much rather play than sit in queue for an hour+


I took a free transfer off a high pop realm to a new realm long ago. It didn’t end well. Staying put this time.