Overcrowded Realm Update

lol I disagree. I don’t care how long you have played MMOs. I have played MMOs for decades too. You don’t have a crystal ball.

Wrong, 100% wrong. You WILL have queues on that server come launch. Blizz has already clearly stated this will happen unless enough players decide to move servers, and they said it will only intensify once layering is perm removed after phase 1.

You are delusional if you think there will be no queues. I already see a lot of players complaining when they can’t get in. I am willing to bet some of the hard core guilds that want to clear as fast as possible are more than willing to move servers to ensure they can all log in and get going, as they see the writing on the wall.

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Huh… it’s almost like Classic is going to be much, MUCH bigger than Blizz thought it would be.

Remember though, YoU tHiNk YoU dO BuT yOu DoN’t


An open beta would have better prepared Blizzard for the masses, and given them a much better idea of what was to potentially come. The closed beta was the biggest joke I have ever seen in regards to a beta for development. 15 years later and they still can’t get it right. How do you do worse than the original beta? Seriously…it blows my mind.


I Played on Arthas day one of Launch, it was the most packed server and had ques but it didnt matter because it provided the best experience once you got in. well until they offered free Xfers to Mal’Ganis which made mal what it is today.

I would switch, but my guild has already planned to be on Herod along with a selection of other Gorefiend guilds. Several of us did not activate our accounts to reserve names and are waiting for the servers to go live to create characters.

Unless there is some way to arrange for groups of players to transfer together and keep their names, it’s going to be a tough sell to get people to switch servers at this point.


I’m not worried about having a login queue. I would rather play on a server that people wanted to play on. Besides, none of these places are real yet. People may move after launch because there might be to much horde or they meet other players in game that want to play the other faction, etc.

All I know for certain: :woman_mage: They will all die by standing in fire :fire:

Then make cooler sounding realm names. Herod is a legendary character whom everybody knows; how does Stalagg even begin to compare?

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Thank you so much for realizing how important that 3k server cap is for Vanilla to remain a functional game.

Keep up the great work, you are truly making classic the REAL authentic vanilla experience I remember!

Guess I’ll be playing on Whitemane.

This has been so poorly handled. How could blizzard not have foreseen this coming?

Herod was the only server available for the normal folk. Streamers took Faerlina, South America took Thalnos. Obviously Herod is going to have like 25k people. And now because they were gun shy about opening the servers in the first place, no one will switch.

And blizzard already knows they’ll have to open more on launch day, so why wait?

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This is not even close to being true. In fact, it is utter exaggeration.

This is VERY good new IMO This is showing that they want the servers to be populated but not too much. one of the problems with retail is too many servers you can always add servers deleting them is a another monster that would cause lots of problems its better to have too few than too many and have dead servers. i bet only about 65% of the players will stay dedicated anyways and populations will drop over the first 2-3 months. Thank you blizz doing an amazing job with this, and its nice to see layering is still planned to be removed for phase 2. I hope you guys can start doing this kind of work on retail as well to make wow great again, I will be playing full time Classic, cause lets face is retail is garbage IMO I have not liked retail since mid Cata expansion.

Holy wow… how are people so attached to a name… if you really prefer a name and wasting 4 hour in queue over actual game play … be my guest…


South america had a representation of 5.7% of the population of Thalnos… thats still 94.3% americans / canadians and prolly over half of that 5.7 actually speaks english as their second language… woooo not a WHOOPING 2-3% non english speakers on the realm, what are we to do…

Please clarify. Are you saying Classic no-layer Cap is the same as 2006 Cap?

Or are you saying Classic Cap has already been raised and you won’t raise it more just to get rid of queues?

The cap is already much higher than what it was back in 2006 and they do not intend to raise it any further just to avoid the Queues.

There are a ton of people who have not subbed yet that plan to play, and I mean a ton. Probably a good 30 to 40% of the people havn’t bothered with name reservations and are waiting to sub until the day of the launch. I’m pretty sure you have nothing to worry about in this regard for a long time.

PS: I’m not on Herod.


Classic going to lose 50% of that good stuff related to classic first of all if it would have layering.:roll_eyes:
In classic, because of no layers same people always gathered at some special places they chose.
You go to one place, you see that guy fishing almost everyday at the same time, you go another there are people under lvl 20 always gather to talk about stuff every evening, and some level 60 dude protects them from opposite fraction which always comes there to kill the low levels for fun.
I would not even bother playing classic if it would have layering for longer than 3 month.
It’s quite sad it’s already there and that many new low level people will miss many of those warm moments possible to have, if there wouldn’t be layering, but I understand why it has to be done.

Some things never change. You guys had to know that the PvP realms would be the most populated.

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