Overcrowded Realm Update

Yup! It was more servers that ruined WoW.

Bad game design had nothing to do with emptying those servers at all…

Do you work at Blizzard? This is the kind of thought I’d expect float through the minds of Ion, Brack, or Chilton…


As others said it would have the opposite effect.

In vanilla once people knew what realms had imbalances… it only encouraged people to roll on realms that had better odds in their favor.

Blizzard has a good idea of what people do when they know. They know it will make the problem worse.

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Lock the server to any future additions. Anyone currently on the Realm can do whatever they need to do.


Are you an idiot? They want to get rid of layering by Phase 2 or before. Letting servers get out of control with 100k players and 25+ layers. You either never get rid of layering, or you have what is happening now. A 10k+ queue.

It has nothing to do with them saving money, they want to make it Classic, not have dead realms, and layering is the temporary answer to that. I don’t understand how people are not getting this

The question you should be asking is why they didnt launch name reservations with more then 5 PvP realms. That was just out right stupid


If players could see faction balance, “horde” and “alliance” servers would develop even of its through rerolls.

The vast majority want to be on the side with more players. This is evidenced by how virtually evert since server became 2 faction dominated.

This would be the only way to fix their own mistake so yes way. =)
The mistake being an insufficient number of east coast pvp servers which people notified blizzard of well in advance.

Even if we were to consider, we’d have to delete our toons on Herod with the good names for a CHANCE those names MAY exist on Stalagg. Why risk that?

Blizz limited us to 3 characters, but expects us to /delete them and move from THE realm to a lesser populated realm?

Thanks but no thanks.

My 3 dead retail servers are testament that i won’t be playing THAT game again. I’ll suffer through queues like yourself, and appreciate the sound advice about staying on Herod <3.

gl in classic!

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Are terrible and are part of why no MMO that does them is nearly as successful as those that have smaller servers. Only private server plebs want megaservers.

I’m sticking with Herod. Why? It has the healthiest population. Do you know who’s going to go over to Stal? The tourists or the less serious people. Who will be the first to leave Classic? The tourists or less serious players. Then guess what. You have a dead realm.

No thanks.


MEGA SERVERS ARE AMAZING. Just one Blizz, we want just one.


No, that would be unfair to all the other realm players. You picked your poison, so live with it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The name thing I get, but Stalagg has ZERO chance of being dead. Its going to fill with people from Herod, Faerlina, and Whitemane. I promise you that another PvP EST and probably PvP PST server will be made before launch. Just based on how fast these are filling up day by day


Not all of us hit theses forums. So make sure you pass this information along to your friends folks.

People figured out that there is literally no reason not to stack on 1 server from a minmax perspective. This was inevitable.

They are saying that Layering could be used to create essentially uncapped realms but they’re not doing that. Since we know they are using Layering then we can assume they have put a limit on how many Layers will exist on a realm

In 2006 hardware limitation meant population cap were 3.5k-4k

Hence in 2006, Full was 4k.

This means today in 2019, Medium is now more than 4k.


Sorry guy that’s not how this works. They are asking people to migrate because of their lack of population foresight, not the other way around. If they want people to migrate there has to be incentive (such as keeping your name). As others have said that would require transfering names over into a closed server, then opening up access to additional players after a couple of days.

Two. pve and pvp.

Thanks Blizzard.

If you want people to actually change servers, open up more than three character slots so people can actually leave.

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Thanks that makes sense. Just woke up and was having trouble understanding what he was trying to say.

ill double down on Herod for a 4th character reservation