Why not? It won’t be giving anyone extra toons, just swapping servers. a 24hr window to xfer would be ok surely.
They want people to move from Herod but people don’t want to lose names and you have to delete at least one toon to see what names are available, leaving it wide open to be sniped by someone in the meantime.
i got sick names on herod. you honestly have to pay me $10,000 cash to switch servers at this point. you guys really effed up here. why don’t you begin damage control and restrict further accounts from creating characters on the server. you caused this mess and it’s not our fault. YOU FIX IT.
Gotta say they are recreating the vanilla experience being woefully unprepared for the literal zerg rush forming on the horizon. I remember they said they had expected a few hundred thousand players back in like 04 or 5 and ended up with millions.
Exactly. Myself and many, many other players have already been burned by Blizzard’s neglect of dying servers. Servers that some of us transferred to because Blizz made announcements just like this in the past. Never again.
I usually try to be reasonable and open to compromise, but if you’ve already chosen Herod as your server, all I can say is that based on my experience to date…don’t you move. Don’t change servers. The Blizz track record makes it clear that they don’t know how to manage server populations.
Am I bitter? You bet. I’ve been on a dead server for several years now. One that Blizzard ‘merged’ with other servers. A server where Blizz declared that they’d “monitor and make further adjustments in future” if the population continued to be low. What a joke.
Stay on Herod. Maybe they’ll do something more rational like offer free transfers to Herod players, and give guilds sufficient notice to plan. But this “please change servers” business is nonsense. Stay on Herod.
I disagree, and Blizz could just as easily set transfers for specific faction limits, at least I would think they should have the ability to do this. Ideally it would be good to get as close to the 50/50 faction split as possible, though 40/60 in either direction wouldn’t be bad either.
How about investing money back into the game with better servers, if BFA is any indication of server stability. Then I’m worried where these resources are going.
Give herod a duplicate server with names copied over, allow people 3 days to decide which realm they want to keep the names on, if players keep name on realm a and b then delete the excess server names.
All the realms are currently Medium or higher. Does that mean every server will be many times more crowded than any of the servers in Vanilla when layering is turned off? I hope we get many more servers if that is the case.
Or is this true? Because one says you you are not going above the 2006 cap and the other says that a medium server today already exceeds that cap. I’m confused by these statements.
Who would be foolish enough to leave Herod? No one leaves Herod. There’s only 1 logical choice and that’s to increase the server capacity because Herod is the master server.