Good amount?
I know of at least 15 people who are definitely going to be playing Classic. Less than half of them have registered their names in advance…
I think the majority that will be playing Classic have yet to show up to the party.
Blizzard looks to be woefully unprepared here.
We need more servers…
And there is a reason why the Competition still can’t beat even BFA.
Classic needs smaller population caps if “community” is going to mean anything at all. If want to see what a “modern cap” looks like for a community, go play BFA.
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Herod is currently the coolest name for a PvP server. If you want a new server to flourish, create a cooler name than that. Like Hogger
Blizzard, I have the names I want on Herod and feel locked in. I would consider moving and so would a lot of other people if there was a way to just xfer toons over and not lose names.
If you open a new server - please consider offering transfers only at first to those on Herod, so we can preserve our names and I bet you’ll see more people moving.
if you want people to move off then you are going to need to announce a new server at least 24 hours before it is available for name reservation. People resubbed early to get certain names, even if they had to go down to their 10th choice.
More servers is what ruined WoW and made it empty in the first place. What we need is more layers for the servers we do have.
Layering will be gone on phase2. Gotta spread those players before that.
The guilds and players will have to be careful selecting the server, then. Considering enjoyable, short to non-existing ques for the 1st week, if that matters to them. Does to me, for sure as I’m taking some time off and otherwise won’t be able to have long play sessions after September 11th at which time I believe ques will die down even more.
this is exactly what i needed to read <3 well done 
I’m surprised they don’t have a system that automatically creates a new server when another one hits full? I’m not a programmer or anything so I’m not sure how hard that would be… but I feel that would have been the best solution
My wow server died, and so did the other 2 i play on. EVERYONE went to a handful of the populated servers that are growing as more and more migrate there, as the others basically fade into obscurity.
Sound familiar?
That is causing concerns for me, but I’m not sure if that simply a setting for while Layering is in play, or reflective of their end-goal.
With Layering I could see a 12K-ish (concurrent) player population as being their target for full, which would be about four times the population of a high population server in Vanilla. A medium pop server would be looking at 5 to 7 thousand-ish. Which is still nearly double.
This is a case where layering adds “a complicating factor” to things which provides ways for players to become very confused as to what was actually being said.
That said, I don’t think a 5K or 6K realm concurrency would be that for the realms involved, so long as the faction pops are balanced. But once you move beyond that point, its poison if it remains so in the long run.
Literally just make a pvp realm named hogger and i will switch
Hogger, Arthas, Leeroy Jenkins, etc…
Other than Herod, the name selection has been… let’s say questionable, for the pvp side
So now some of us are in an awkward position of deleting characters with names that we want to move to a server where those names likely already taken, or dealing with 4 hour+ queues on Monday.
Is it possible to clone Herod so a new server has all the names people reserved on Herod? That would make it much easier to get whole guilds/communities to re-establish somewhere else.
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IMO if Blizzard wants a smooth and easy transfer of characters from Herod to another realm, they have to offer a new realm that is CLOSED to new characters and provide pre-launch free transfers of characters from Herod (i.e. the only way you can roll on the new realm is by character transfer from Herod).
In this way, folks who have their name reserved on Herod will have no fear of losing that name by swapping realms.
Keep the service open long enough to have the required number of people move, then open up the new realm to additional characters if it has capacity.
This takes away the “worry” of individuals moving and losing reserved names, and brings it down to a much simpler guild-level decision to stay or move, and makes it a much more attractive proposition.
Lock Herod(any server that is full). At least, it funnels future individuals to other servers. It might even force individuals off of Herod so they can play with their friends. Need to do it now before launch.
This a problem you guys created when you gave us barely any servers to choose from and decided to lean on layering for launch. This game launched with like 90 US servers, why can’t classic have at least that many? We wouldn’t be in this position if you’d just given us an appropriate amount of servers.
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