Overcrowded Realm Update – August 21

I’d play on Hogger even if it was rp-pve, with Asmongold, just for the name. A name like that, its gonna be a fun server.

So, are any more Normal type servers going to be added instead of more PVP servers? I loved playing back in the day, but alot of the people i played with, played for story and not PVP. Are we getting more normal type EST servers? the short list that you released as of now seems a bit…short considering the player base and the initial boom of players.

I hope extended queue means 8 hours. That way i can queue before work and ready to rock once i get home :slight_smile:

i agree. I remember back in the day playing on a low to medium server and it was still poppin with activity.

Open new 3 new PvPE servers on Saturday with only character migration at first. Give people 48 hours to switch to reserve their name. No new character creation on the new server, just name migration. This is enough time to allow guilds to migrate. After 48 hours - open them for new character generation. And yes, I will take a year sub for figuring this out.


:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming: People stop asking for more names.

You are truly selfish and oblivious to the real problem if that’s what you want.

They can not properly manage populations if players are just allowed to make new characters on a server with out deleting their old ones.

All added name reserves would do is cause even more bloat on to the servers amd make it harder for Blizzard to know when to open a new realm.


Well then i truly feel bad for them comes launch and everyone makes 20 different alts to reserve names on realms that will be dead in a month because blizz thinks they are full.


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That’s exactly what’s happening now and why they want people to physically mive their characters instead of just giving them more.

And I’m so sorry but I believe everyone pushing Herod is either playing somewhere else or not even playing at all.

You guys are doing a great job promoting this server into the ground.

Don’t you think it would be helpful to show this message in a prominent way on the realm selection screen, rather than hoping people come onto blizzard.com and read this specific thread?


That is ok because I am willing to bet my whole paycheck that Herod will be the last realm standing with the healthiest population. If the queue ever dies down, it will be the ONLY realm with more active players than the others, no doubt. While the rest are dead realms, ill be glad i invested myself into playing the one server I feel is secure enough and wont die months in.

And if the queue never goes away, that means its always full and even more reason for me to wanna stay on it. The value of the server will skyrocket in general. All the other servers will be dead meme realms end of 2020.

I personally dont mind the queue. Ill log in 8 hours in advance and go to sleep. If anything, queue just means less and less people will be level 60 by the time I’ll get there since I can synchronize my play time and calculate how many hours before in advance i would need to login.

Git gud and go on pvp.


Hey man I honestly hope it works out for you I really do.

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I do too man… Ideally in a perfect world, i would want Herod to be a mega-server without a population cap. I’ll even bargain to keep layering forever if it’ll mean we can fit 50k players on it. Im not a fan of layering, but i am a fan of having the ability to interact with 50k players at some point in time. So many different possible players to fight in world pvp. So many different combinations of talents, skill-sets, and gear. Not like fighting the same guy on a 3k pop realm.

And as a mega-server, it will completely fix the problem by itself. The rest of the realms will be normal pop realms without queues because everyone who wants a big population would just switch to Herod and everyone that doesn’t wont. It is the best solution in my opinion and that is what i would do if i was Blizz.

I’m the opposite.

I feel the urge to open my own private server, and cap it at 200 people. 100 per faction.


These types of brain dead responses. You do realize there is never a queue in the morning right? It normally starts to show about 2-3 pm. Did during vanilla and every expac as far back as I can remember.

Riiiiiight…so maybe my smiley face didn’t give it away that it was a joke. My bad…was just being silly. Not looking forward to queues of any nature. My brain still working tho :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Do you realize why mega servers don’t work right? The game world cannot sustain the population. We are talking about the actual zones cannot sustain 1000s of players running around. There are limits man.

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So, you’re counting the number of characters created as the population count for a realm? That’s illogical, isn’t it?

I have created 3 characters, but I can only bring one of them at a time into the realm. Using character count, realm population became +3 when I created them, even though when the realm opens up, my can-only-play-one-character-at-a-time is really just a +1 to the population count.

Unless you (or anyone) knows of a way I could bring all 3 characters online at the same time, me logging in only raises the population by +1, not +3. Maybe number of accounts on a realm would be a more accurate way to determine potential population … ?

That was an opportunity to move, but not a guarantee of name retention.

Until they decide to allow a free transfer from the afflicted realms to a new one prior to opening them to everyone else, there is no incentive to delete existing characters and risk those names. If names are going to be risked, players may as well leave the original characters where they are and create additional ones on launch day. Neither blizzard nor all the gloating trolls seem to grasp that.

But that’s not what Bornakk said. “a LOT of characters to the extent that it may be more than can fit into the queue system.” All 3 of my characters CANNOT POSSIBLY access the queue system simultaneously, only one at a time.

Maybe he meant to say “a LOT of accounts with multiple characters” but that’s not what he typed.

What I’m thinking is that … for example, 1,000 players with 3 characters each … the queue system will only have to handle a MAXIMUM of 1,000 … not 3,000. May not be any queues at all.