Overall difficulty

Have you seen the M+ numbers? There is objectively an issue with player retention in the mode and the thing that people keep citing as the reason is that its too punishing. You can have your opinion but that doesn’t mean that you are right. If people stop playing M+ because of it being too hard Blizzard has failed at providing either a compelling enough incentive to keep pushing or a smooth enough progression so that someone feels as if it is possible. This is commonly why people give up.

And if new players aren’t playing a persistent game that is also not ideal.

Thats a big IF. Numbers show that m+ started off rather strong and following the same trends as every other prior season before it. Plus people like to post week 4 in comparison to week 18.

Current numbers are due to people who wanted the gear but not the mode now having a mode that fits them (delves).

Season 2 will be the telltale

I feel the game is fine right now. It’s just lots of players wants to rush at the peak. What we have right now is decent. No change is necessary.

You missing feedback from casual playerbase love,
trust people are upset that they are crippled on io progression.
Turns out nobody really care about world first or second races they just want to play with friends and farm max level items.

I am casual…

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I think their word “casual” is synonymous for baddies

No its not, I am casual, timed 10s, the game is overtuned.

I mean whats the big deal if people have stuff ? Its just a game lmao… and Blizz is losing money by making the game people buy inaccessible, so if people dont get to play it or dont get rewards they gonna leave


The problem with your take is that “accepting that there’s content you will never do in the game” this expac = “I have nothing left to do so I unsub and play another game until next raid tier.”

Hot take but I think the idea of Titanforging aged like fine wine - everyone said they hate it, may very well say they hate it and are glad it’s gone and hasn’t returned…

…but I think it’s exactly what TWW needs. You looked forward to raiding every week even in week 12 and later, because this might be the week your Heroic loot drop procs Mythic. And you just did Mythic+ for fun, at whatever level you could do it… because it was like buying a lottery ticket.

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Why is it limited to this expansion only? This would hold true for all expansions.

This is why people hated it. You first had to play the lottery to win the lottery…but just like lottery chances…you rarely ever won.

People felt compelled to continue to play even when they didn’t want to for a chance at TF. They didn’t play because they liked doing the same content on farm for 12 weeks hoping for a drop they may never get.

Same deal if people don’t have stuff? It’s just a game lmao

Based on which metric? How do we define “casual” ?

Barraxxus gets it,
the only problem is in charge of the game seems to be a hateful individual towards casual players who listens to hardcore tryhards, this is a huge business mistake.
I hope someome from Microsoft will stop this nonsence.

LFR, Normal and Heroic runs were alive for pugs at any times of the day bcs of that.

I didn’t look forward to any of it. I did it on autopilot out of obligation despite nothing in the raid on its base ilvl being an upgrade.

Now once I have hero track on all slots and maybe some specific trinket I can stop and run the raid again for fun / to blast if I want to, and spend more of my time doing other stuff. It’s great.

Nobody forced you to do it tho, did they?

The same thing could be said about running harder content right now, nobody is forcing you. But I think it makes more sense that someone wants to climb up than climb down for rewards.

You clearly not understanding that people did NOT enjoy TF

There are basically difficulty scales which the player can choose to partake in, or not.
Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic+ – all the same dungeon, different difficulties. If people are miserable trying to push past that +6 they just completed, then why is it up to blizzard to manage their expectations? If +6 is your limit and beyond that becomes a job, or just not an enjoyable experience, then why put yourself through that?

For people who do want to push keys at their own pace, I feel they should be allowed to push without beating the timer.
Any completed dungeon should guarantee a key & M+score upgrade.
Time beaten +2
Time depleted +1

Timer is part of the challenge though. Taking the timer out of the equation for success is a bad idea IMO

Yet people do still keep buying lottery tickets though… which is 1 for 1 with Blizzard’s goal of retention.

Their goal is to cause disdain so players no longer want to buy future expac?

TF didnt cause player retention. The people who went after TF were the ones who were sticking around anyway.

Just like giving people eaiser shots at Mythic gear isnt going to keep them around. Theyll hit their goals and move on to alts like they would have without Mythic gear, or unsub, like they would have without Mythic gear.

Sorry it contradicts DF S3 and S4, much more keys and play time and subs than with hard content (the hardest content in SL was absolute drop in playtime).