Overall difficulty

Bruh :smiley:

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you know what youre right, youve opened my eyes

most of the money is on a select few players that can also making a living off of the game, so i should cater to streamers, professional gamers, and people who seek to emulate one or the other

the rest is ancillary income

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It’s beyond obvious that this simpleton is just trolling, and not even well.

Isn’t it kind of funny how every random key level people mention for myth gear just so happens to be the level they currently cap at :rofl:


Wow players have this brainrot where they want whatever level of skill they are at to be considered “above average” (not top tier) and that should be the benchmark for max rewards. So players at higher skill levels are not able to get stuff better than them but those below them in skill are not able to be as geared as them. This also allows them to say everybody remotely more progressed or more skilled than them is a sweaty elitest tryhard that the game shouldn’t be designed around and still have the chip on their shoulder to rip on anybody not at their level.


Before commenting, try inspecting, thanks.

M0 should have been champion probably, but I’m probably in opposition with current design that makes them also reset daily. You can give them the same level of gear as +2 but by limiting them weekly it does mean that you can’t simply farm them so that you’d have to do +2 if you want to go faster so there’s a tradeoff.

Delves are more than fine and if anything delves bounty and aka maps are already a bit going too far. I don’t think you need to add more gear rewards to delves but sure there probably should be a cosmetic rewards for doing all of them at the max difficulty.

The goal of Challenger Peril I think makes sense as it wants you to play better but it is too punishing, my own suggestion is to instead replace with a limited amount of deaths to complete a dungeon in time, if you don’t then it would deplete the key.

I don’t feel there’s a need to do some heavy lifting when it comes to timers or tuning of M+. There’s definitely still some small tuning they can do but for most of it the problem are the gear tracks overlaps. It makes sense to want gilded crests for example to come from hard content but when it is part of your heroic gear progression then it can’t really but then you can craft also mythic gear from it, it’s a bit weird how that works.

As far as mythic track vault this is the one I’ll probably have to disagree as for the first time in a while they have put mythic track vault at a more comparable level with mythic raiding. For me it has made this season much more fun as I like endgame rewards to feel like I earned them and doing +6 or +8 wasn’t it for me.

At the end you also need to understand that rewards aren’t made so everyone can get them, wow is made out of multiple type of players wanting different things and all of them want to get a piece of the cake. If you put rewards too low then there’s not much rewards when going up.

Sure if the goal was to cater to only one group of player we might as well make this a mobile game and only have world quests and the most casual content but this isn’t really the point in an mmo.

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I agree that M0 shouldve remained once a week, for world tour.

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I mean in that case we can just make mythic loot randomly rain from the sky and make gilded crest drop from mining nodes and grow on trees for herbalists to gather.

Uh…I’m not the guy making demands on the back of a $15 sub.

I’m fine with the game design. There’s not a need to make delves any more rewarding than they currently are.

They aren’t being gatekept. Changing the way gear drops doesn’t enable a bad player access to higher tiers. It just makes them think they can do higher tiers.

If. You skill cap is a +4 that’s fine but do t cry because you refuse to get better to be able to do a +7

Go back, think about why blizzard nerfing mythic raids, come back with response.
Thank you.

They’re still not nerfing them to a level that makes them comparable to M+7, nevermind a tier 11 delve. They’re still not even nerfed to the level of a +10, in the back half of the raid, so if anything they could move myth track up a few key levels.

It is a precedent, making content available to a larger audience.
If rio shows that only 10% of playerbase completes 10+ that is not larger audience and requires addressing.

Finally! Somebody with a little common sense!

Note: I used to work for The Washington Post. I was also see eye aye. Please excuse the misquote and gaslighting.

Well, when players stop playing the stuff Blizz wants them to play, they will get the message.

I mean 10% in term of mythic track if you compare to the raid is around the same. Content has a large audience because it has multiple difficulties not because everyone can do mythic raiding or +10s.

Players dont get better, they get quitting, this has been known since Cata.

Players do accept there are levels they can no compete, they finish what they can, and then they unsub.

Blizzard is having trouble maintining player retention. Players wont fix this so Blizzard has to.

So players have to accept there are levels they can not do, but blizzard also has to accept that those players will leave when they can complete what they can do. Its a trade off.

Personally, I don’t know of anyone who actually pushes that content that really cares if the lower end folks have access to myth track or not.

The ego-saving cope that many folks seem to have of “if I had their gear I could do what they do” will be proven wrong in the first season.
In the end, certain content will be clearable by the top end and not the low end, regardless of gear. Maybe let’s just shine a light on it and move on.