Overall difficulty

These are the main 2 I disagree with. That’s a bit too easy. I think that the Champion and Hero drops are fine as is. Especially if we nerf M+, which absolutely does need to be nerfed.

No, how hard it is to understand that maximum level gear must be obtainable by everyone.

I think the cap is around 628 actually, if you are just doing delves. A lot of delves. Crafted 636 weapon, rings, and neck, plus all other hero gear at 8/8 should put you around 628 ilvl. Not horribly far off from a heroic raider that has a few mythic bosses down.

Is it going to take a lot of delve runs? Well, figure a crafted weapon is 270 runed crests, which would be 135 level 8 delve runs, but you are going to get a couple of maps, so probably more like 100 runs. At 6 min per run, that is 600 minutes of play time, or 10 hours. For a 636 weapon. No need of lucky rolls or waiting for the tank to show up to raid because he forgot to pick up his kid at the end of soccer practice.

It really doesn’t.

Blizzard provides the challenge. It is in the player’s hands to achieve it. No effort? No reward.

It really is,
it is not uncontrollable game,
this is a commercial product with target audience.
It must be tuned accordingly.

Your philosophy (if blizz would adhere to it) would kill game in a month.
You cannot run commercial products like this.

A majority of the content in the game is not Max item level, nor does it require it. Warcraft has been kicking for 20 years, if people require Max item level gear handed to them for no effort, they might as well quit. If the entire game dies because of it, so be it. Trick is, it won’t die.

Let me know when the game dies because people doing World bosses are not being spoon-fed Max item level gear.

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What’s a GB?

Absolutely not,
better to allow max gear being available (as in DF S3 and S4 and participation skyrockets) and its ok, blizz will allows this.

This I’m not on board with. It would be far too easy to get people to full heroic gear immediately if this is implemented. Keys are fine as a limiting factor for how much you can farm from delves.

This also has the side effect of making delves below 10, as well as M+ below 9, and raid that isn’t mythic entirely not worth doing, because this is a far easier way to get equal/better gear.

This is unneeded. Reagents are already starting to plummet in price and the trend will continue as the expansion progresses. Stuff is only so expensive now because it’s all still new.

Everything else, I am perfect okay with or am indifferent too. Good post all around.

Nerfs happen when blizz determines that low completion metrics are hurting subscription numbers. This would be easing difficulty gates.

Time gates are added when blizz determines that playes “completing” the game at a fast rate causes them to unsubscribe.

Crests are a time gate. Outside of player control

Level 8 keys rewarding max crests is a difficulty gate. Being skilled enough to clear an 8 is within player control. Blizz nerfed this gate.

Level 10 keys awarding mythic track gear is also a difficulty gate within player control. Blizz has not nerfed this gate, players are campaigning for it though, maybe they will eventually.

Crest caps were removed mid way through df seasons (usually long after the caps mattered)

There is always a financial reason why things are buffed or nerfed.

Exclusion is a motivator. Remember that blizz had a vested interest in making sure people are dissatisfied, this drives discussion metrics on the socials, which makes the game more visible.

Sl and df s4 were both free loot everywhere and i dont think the metrics of engagement improved. There are other factors at play, and blizz has all or the information. At best we can make educated guesses based on what participation and success metrics are publicly available.

I am getting just the same as I did in season 3, it’s pretty much exactly the same just with thresholds and Mythic plus being different. Even in season 4 when you could buy things with bullions you still needed the crests to make them the best and it only applied to a few certain slots.

I’m on board with restoring difficulty to DF S3-4 levels, but that would not mean delves giving such good gear.

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last delve difficulty should unlock mtrack in vault

Is it a guild bank, are we fighting a guild bank?


Oh, you’re talking about one specific dungeon.

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I lol’d

Your $15 sub doesn’t mean what you seem to think it does.

Everyone has access to the same content.

Delves shouldn’t award anything higher than champion gear. They’re fine as they are. You don’t need mythic raid gear coming out of delves.


Your judgement is clouded, you are thinking as entitled player,
try think from business perspective, globally.