Overall difficulty

This is amazing, you are so much better than millions of people.
Its incredible.

Your argument does not stand.
Casuals need max ilevel gear. period.
Blizzard, make it happen.

Also, what? All you need to do is throw up a group finder with auto accept on and a world boss will die, even if you are AFK. I have never seen a group wipe to a world boss, even when people were graveyard rushing the big dino in MoP.

If you mean solo, that isnā€™t going to happen unless you are a tank with a lot of time.

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I can do it right now, but it should feel easy for casual players,
for like a group of 2 - 3 people.

You donā€™t even need to be grouped to kill them, all you need is a tank.

No one needs max item level to tag a world boss that drops champion gear.

Lmao, no.

Thereā€™s appropriate gear for appropriate levels of content.
Want better gear, complete better content.

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This is such a dishonest way to frame it.

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They have the same access to content as anyone else.

I cringe every time I see newage victimhood parlance like ā€œgatekeptā€. Iā€™m probably also ā€œinvalidatingā€ them by simply disagreeing.


This is absolutely the most honest way to frame it, you selling the game?
You better provide access to all content or people would leave (which they do).

Everyone does have access to it.

They just donā€™t have it given to them, because video games are manufactured challenges for manufactured rewards.

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Interesting changes that have been discussed but I donā€™t think it impacts retention.

Do you realzie that access to content is extremely important,
a developer needs to measure and undersatnd who their playerbase is.
If you deny the gear which you created for 90% of players who are buying your product, they wont be your customers for long.

They arenā€™t denying even 1% of their playerbase.

I can enter a Mythic raid. You can enter a Mythic raid. I can do a +12. You can do a +12.

Disingenuine comment,
the availble entrance does not mean reasonalbe encounter design/ difficulty.

People finish the content. Iā€™ve timed a 10, and Iā€™m really not that good.


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So you had nothing on topic to add to this thread, just trolling, eh?

Glass houses and all that.

Good thing thereā€™s 4 levels of design/difficulty - choose the one that suits you

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Exactly. If the skilled can make huge iLvl jumps and everyone else has to go slow, thatā€™s more than enough advantage for being skilled. They will have everything first. Their advantage wonā€™t last forever but if it had to, there would never be new expacs.

Send, but your posts have certain flair do they not, I am familiar with you very much :smiley:
I agree with Rilo.

My goshā€¦

The difficulty isnā€™t ā€œreasonable for the majority of playersā€ because ITā€™S NOT MEANT TO BE COMPLETED BY THE MAJORITY OF PLAYERS.

You want good gear, you do hard content. You donā€™t want to do hard content, you donā€™t get or need good gear.

How is this hard for anyone to understand?

Not to mention, if they do make maxed out mythic track gear WAY too easy to get, donā€™t act surprised when you can no longer get into the content thatā€™s meant for you because 625+ ilevel players are taking your spots.

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ā€œThis person who defended me; I agree with them that they defended me.ā€

God this forum is going to give me an aneurysm.

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