Outlaw Rogue Bug is Corrected and Actions Underway

I’m not? The hunter issue was with stat scaling, learn the bug differences before speaking up. No defense for rogues here who have to jump through hoops to make it work

One shotting repetitively in rated PvP is normal? lol

Is this about Imfiredup? Liquid didn’t get a kill with it, amazing that people still don’t get the impact is what constitutes action…And when they said don’t do this he stopped, which they probably asked a similar question to what Echo asked during MDI where they abused a redirect bug…and that had actual impact since they won. Weird how people are still stuck on a non-kill.

Just to add to the conversation regarding the Hunter x Rogue comparison, a better 1:1 to the Hunter “exploit” is the bubble wax glitch that happened a few weeks ago.

Applying it to our weapons was normal gameplay. There’s a lot of Rogues that were unaware that it was even broken until others started to point it out.

by your reasoning they should have banned hunters in S4 too, where raids were stacking bm hunters knowing they were busted doing 80% more dps than any other classs, and that one didn’t get fixed cus oh lawl s4… yet ppl were milking that.

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I don’t think it’s too much defense but the reality of the development team and the general lack of QA this xpansion. I’m glad the bug was made public and I’m glad people exploited or else it wouldn’t have gotten the attention it needed, logs can be wiped, loot can be rerolled back, achievements can be rerolled back.

We’ve had game breaking bugs on outlaw for a long time now, some addressed some took 2 months to fix after release even though they were reported early in beta. The coup bug was reported in beta, allegedly fixed yet somehow they brough it back in however the fk they did it. (Btw, there is a way to still bug it)… the whole situation with the class and hero talents that barely work is just disgusting.

I’m sure the devs are trying their best but sometimes to get attention you have to make a fire, and this is what you get, finally it’s being fixed and looked at.

meanwhile supercharger is still bugged and interacting correctly with neither sin or outlaw. It’s also bugged because it’s giving sin a much longer twist the knife duration which is actually crazy good… at best, the people who were pushing rank and using the exploit should get a suspension 1-2 weeks w/e, those who used it to kill prog bosses as well, but honestly, whether they get a suspension or not it doesn’t matter. Pistolgate is more of a state of the game and the way development is handled at this point and it’s not looking that great.

Do look at the $90 mount though, it’s shiny.

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Gee thanks for fixing beneficial bugs but ignoring broken Stealth/ ADR and BF among others. This is too much.


You think you just have to worry about Stealth/AR interactions and Flurry being dead? Dispatch isn’t even benefitting from the bonus damage of Supercharger anymore lol. Evisc too.


Raiderio has a easy list of exploiters to go through. Just find any m+ run at 16 or 15, any top 100 rogues in rating for m+ and any heroic court/queen/brd and mythic clears with rogues in them. Reset those characters to 0 and ban them /remove from the entire season of achivements as well as remove any gear from the last month they have obtained.

Scorched earth .
Its about sending a message.

Yea, that unpaid intern sitting at the windows XP machine in the corner, that guy.

I’d love to see the random breaking from stealth fixed. Even made a post on it here

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Can you now fix Singular focus breaking both stealth and crowd control finally ?

Also Supercharger talent still doesnt work with Darkest Night from Deathstalker.

Did you really think the same people that were patting themselves on the back about fixing Coup De Grace so it actually works, only to moonshot that achievement by NOT finding a game-breaking bug after release would be in any way competent of fixing actual issues with the spec they specifically butchered for two expansions?

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Even these forums dont work.



lmao blame the player
not the game


maybe dont design outlaw around spenders
almost like this was spite injected
spite exploited
spite reversion


who is responsible for qa anyways

If Blizzard didn’t starve rogues for dps and leave us in a terrible state we wouldn’t have searched so hard for an exploit in order to make ourselves relevant.

Yup now those dirty outlaw rogues are crushed down to the bottom of the meters as intended.

Going to just add that we really need bugs fixed. Not just the exploitable ones. The fact that they fix 1 and 2 more appear each patch isn’t sustainable. The encyclopedic knowledge you need to make Outlaw work is unsustainable.

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they fired their whole QA team.

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they’re working on it, ADR stealth is fixed, though it will still pop you out if you target something cus of fatebound coin flip.

i believe blade flurry got fixed last night, supercharger is allegedly fixed with dispatch though I haven’t personally tested it yet.

incredible what happens when you light the fire and turn it into a real SOS

Today I was standing in the middle of Altrec Valley, no dots on me, no dots from me on anyone, no one anywhere near me and I got knocked out of stealth. Something is seriously bugged.