Outlaw Rogue Bug is Corrected and Actions Underway

Its 100x worse than what transpired in PVE because other people LOST rating to those cheaters. It’s also a choice node so they couldve easily swapped talents, but deliberately chose the one that one shot.

They should be banned else what precedent does this set?

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They played the class like normal, how to you differentiate people who knew it was a bug and who didn’t? Does suddenly performing great mean you need a ban? Think before you speak with consequences. Reverse the rating, that makes sense.

“Played the class like normal”

purposefully chose the talent that one shot

Like you realize they opted to cheat right?

You don’t opt to cheat when you don’t know it a bug. When you have to spec into a hero talent, kill a critter to get to 5 combo points, then spec to a different tree specifically in ways. That’s an exploit. Explain any of your logic in ways we can differentiate people player hunters did know and did not know, opting to cheat means you took a willful knowing action.

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Ok, so what about the guilds that exploited Mythic raid boss kills with outlaw rogues or previously with the pvp grip item making bosses do nothing?


Can blizzard confirm if the nerf hammer is getting drop on rogues for the bug?


No may they literally took a talent to cheat you realize right? Is there something youre missing here or what?

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a bug’s life

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If I go in and build my new talents, without looking at ANYTHING and start playing as normal. What have I done wrong? You have ZERO way to know intent, you’re assuming EVERYONE who did it, did so maliciously.

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Im not asking to ban people that just happened to use it once or twice, but there are people that went up 1000 rating, played with 2 bm hunters, kept playing when they knew it was bugged.

Ban those guys obviously.


Awesome. Can we fix the Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush bugs too?

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And the Vanish bug. The Outlaw Crackshot bug just moved from putting BTE on CD/breaking BTE to causing it to not apply Subterfuge about the same frequency as BTE used to break.


This is precisely why I avoid PVP as a general rule, and have done so since Classic ended and Arenas were added. There is just too much toxicity, propensity for abuse, and rage. Coupled with the Titles and other things; some people will look for any excuse to win even if unethical. Sure that happened with the original PVP rank system too, but not to the extent it does these days.

Honestly, I preferred the days when we’d go to Tarren Mill, or have random world PVP and there were no rewards.

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Thanks Kaivax!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

From what i saw in a video it was worse then that it was adding 5 combo points on top of whatever they used. That’s why they were pulling 2.5 million sustained.

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Geez. No way they didn’t know they were taking advantage of a bug. Too many steps to achieve it and the out put was crazy.

You guys are gonna hold PvPers to the same standard right? Every bracket was infested and made unplayable by MM and BM hunters exploiting their Phantom Pain hero talent to 100-0 you. Would be nice if you guys at least pretended to care about PvP, or at the bare minimum punished people for ruining everyone’s experience the entire first day of your new major patch.


Why don’t you guys work on all these god damn bugs on the class?


You are either completely disingenuous or completely clueless. You don’t just spend the entire night 1 shotting people and going up 500+ rating and not have an understanding of what you are doing.

Sad blizzard will let other classes run around being OP. Hunters make up too much of the population. They’re afraid to do anything to that class. I played my hunter again yesterday in LFR and went BM. It’s a 6 button spec. I was confused and thought skills were missing.

It’s not a bad spec for people who like that play-style but it shouldn’t top meters. My opinion only.