Out with Baine, in with Magetha Grimtotem

No you didn’t. Like I pointed out and you pretend didn’t happen, I listed 15 reasons why someone might not like him and you only addressed 5 of them.

Hmm one would think that a GREAT way to make sure more tauren don’t die at the hands of a murderer is to remove the murderer out of the equation. I didn’t say anything about executing Grimtotem, I have always said it was Magatha that should have to pay for her crimes.

Since you’re the one that brought up the death penalty, there’s something about that punish I would like to point out. The point of the death penalty isn’t revenge, there’s several reasons for it and one of them is the murderer is deemed to dangerous to live in society anymore. Guards, medical personal and other prisoners lives are important too.

It’s the same situation here. I’m not saying “RAWR U KILLED MEH DAD NOW U MUST DIE” it’s “you have proven yourself too dangerous to allow to live. You murdered my leader, you murdered civilians, I have decided that I will not give you another chance to murder more of my people.”

Well don’t worry, I’m not arguing with you anymore and just putting you on ignore.

You claim my points don’t have substance /don’t hold water but again, you only snip a small portion of what I say to make this true. Therefore you’re being dishonest in this discussion and there’s nothing else to say to you and I would rather not see anything you have to say in the future.

That’s a problem with the storytelling of the factions though, which is why I’ve advocated for any future faction-war / conflict to be instigated by the Alliance — as opposed to the Horde,


– Because at this stage, it’s just an eyeroll when the Horde does bad, has outliers, gets begrudgingly forgiven and “allowed” to live by the mercy of the Alliance — then rinse & repeat the process.

The Horde had begged for that not to be done to Sylvanas and Blizzard responded, arguing it wouldn’t be such and everything would be “morally grey” … which as we know, was a big fat lie :face_exhaling: They may as well had done a buckshot diarrhea in the players faces and called it chocolate.

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I agree with you, in Legion I had an Alli main and a Horde main, but in BFA I barely played Horde because the faction went through the same old “We were tricked and found out late” storyline, it doesn’t help and then if they go offended because the other faction hates them makes them look even sillier and I don’t want that as I love both factions.

I must say something, however [insert phillip J fry suspicious gif here]:

I remember that back when Teldrassil was burned, the jokes were all over the place, the horde players were having lots of fun and enjoying everything of it. I think there was even a blue here making fun of it, pretending he didn’t understand the Alliance players and saying “What? Do you mean to burn the tree?” With the applauds of many Horde players…

It was after consequences happened that most backed down. If the Alliance instigates a war the same might happen, a guy tricked by the big bad and at the end the faction being “fine”. Because Blizzard cannot just put down a faction for too long and players would not take a whole expansion suffering consequences or recovering (which could be pretty cool if done right).

But she killed Cairne.

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Another reason to why she’d be interesting :partying_face:

Already addressed that too

Plus going to Argus was in response to Tyralian and Xe’ra sending her knowledge core to us to have us join the fight there. Illidan wasn’t part of that original plan. He was a happy addition to the forces. With Gul’dan not reviving Illidan to serve as the new Avatar of Sargaras, the shenanigans surrounding the Rejection of The Gift doesn’t need to happen and we still have Xe’ra at full power on our side if/when we do fight the Legion again.