Out of these 3, which class do you suggest for SOM Launch?

I really can’t decide actually…all 3 seem totally viable and “Worthy” choice for first toon fresh start.

In order of significance to me:

  1. Priest
  2. Warlock
  3. Druid


  1. Great at PVE, groups, raiding, as well as shines in group pvp and world pvp. I Mean hands down can’t go wrong with a priest at all in vanilla remastered.
  2. Free Mount, free mount, free mount, and awesome DPS Caster class. I mean u cant go wrong either, they are excellent at farming late-game too, and getting stuff done in-game. as well as badas* in pvp, warlock is very very fun.
  3. For the utility. I Mean they’re also quick as heck to level up as feral kitty form. Travel form is a godsend at 30 to 40, and also druids are gonna be a rare class overall so also to be highly needed in raid groupings.

What do u guys think out of the 3 is a solid first fresh toon class ?
thanks for any input feedback and ur ideas !

I mean all three are solid in WPvP for different reasons. Druid might be the most tactical due to stealth and having a shot vs anyone but warlocks. In raids Warlocks are great once they start getting the spell hit they need and their curses are always useful. Priests and druids are largely relegated to healing in raids. I think from your options you would enjoy Warlock and then Druid as a second.

Oh there might be a few slots for a kitty druid or a bear druid. I definitely shouldn’t count that out.


Great DPS, can teleport everywhere, can make your own food and water, every group would want a mage and you can kite any mob/enemy.


Go Night Elf Female Arcane Priest.

Starshards now can be used in raiding and a very decent spell that’s underrated and only got a lot of flak because of being a dot but also you always gain one tic of mana back while casting this.

also SWP is very good to :smiley: and can weave mindblast for shadoweaving if raid needs the debuff tstill or holyfire if judgement of crusader is up between starshards for extra dot.

it can still gert a decent about of hit from gear to not be a issue since it has much more mana regen and SWP is basically hit capped with 10% talent while having the most mana efficient damage in the game

(locks will still rule and eat healers mana)

but you can bring PI/shadoweaving/dispells/mana burn/extra healer if fight needs one while pulling decent dps thats slightly better then a shadow priest in OVERALL damage (cause shadowpriest will OOM two times faster then a arcane priest. lots of build flavors overall. but most critical item is 25% of spirit as spell power

and it doesn’t have a spell like mindflay that’s only 20 yards

and the dungeon set 2 is a very good set of gear for this build phase 1 which doens;t need to worry about raid drops as much except for the usual critcal items like wnads/weapons/trinkets and maybe a few select cloth.

Build I plan on using

mostly SWP and Starshards while weaving holyfire and mindblast as a finisher to try to snag a spirit tap in dungeons/pvp. which that bonus spirit gives bonus spell power soo sya you have 300 spirit it becomes 600 which is = to 150 spell power over a constant 75

when low on mana and no pot, easy to put up SWP and wand
(which will be more dps then any other caster if they are low mana and no pot available)

aka this isn;t a damage pumper like warlocks, but it is a mana pumper and versatile and brings needed utility to the raid.


out of those 3 i would say warlock. even better now because of the no debuff limit

I mean, as a druid, you’ll probably get gear tier gear pretty easily, and you’ll have a pretty easy time leveling.

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I had a night elf priest in classic…you have no idea the headache you are in for.

You have no hit in talents, and prio goes to other casters for hit gear. You’ll go OOM missing even with that build.

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you can get plenty of hit, no caster gets hit capped, SWP your main damage spell is basically hit capped and starshards while taking alittle less hit is more mana effcient.

you obviously didn’t read anything because you get 10% hit for SWP and starshards is mucvh mroe manaeccient then midnlfay and had more rnage you will get more cast on a long fight off even with less hit as pure shadows go OOM fast

Starshards is also arcane damage, and not shadow damage.

So you can’t benefit from +shadow gear, your filler spell doesn’t benefit from shadow weaving, and if you’re relying on SW:P as your “main damage spell” then your DPS will be comparable to an afk autoattacker.

sure by ZG

Locks and mages does because of hit talents.

it is not basically hit capped, it’s 10% from talents. If a Shadow Priest has all spells “basically” hit capped, and is a meme spec with low DPS, what makes you think arcane priest would be better with less hit?

Sorry, you don’t read, I played a smite priest in Classic, and used Star shards. I followed the reddit of other smite/arcane priests, and it is trash. You’re excited but late to a party that’s been going for awhile, arcane priest is a head ache.

You’re going to hate it.

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can people not READ?!?!

it;s not about pumping shadow damage…

it;s about being able to do damage longer then any other caster. and even when low on mana and no pots will do more then msot except a lock who makes his healers mana sad.

it performs better then shadow on longer fights and you can easily swap to a healing set if a fight needs a extra healer and brings the valuable dispels and mana burns probably needed in SOM.

this is not a DAMAGE PUMPER it’s a mana pumper bring utility with different build flavors based on what the raid probably needs more that performs better then a shadow priest in a long fight which most fights now will be long.

the trade off to less hit for starshard is the highest mana regen of all casters. which won;t see value in a short fight but will in long fights again this will never ebat a lock.

you’re late to the party, people have been trying to make shadow priest, smite priest, AND arcane priest viable for years.

There is a reason it’s not viable, and it is not because debuff cap on bosses. You have 0% hit from talents, and ZG is when hit starts coming in. ZG for SoM is Phase 4, or the 8th month of a 12 month cycle.

Have fun having the most mana efficient built that spends it faster than any other caster cuz you miss.

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Play what you want imo. Personally, I think lock is the way to go for the cheaper mount. I would argue that priest will still be a better option because you offer a res outside of combat, while druid is going to be sought but limited for there Battle res as well as offering a great buff for the stats and armor, and damage buff to those that are attacked.

Or, you can passively play all three on launch. Level each class to a point and switch on and off.

Do you want to heal at 60? Do priest.
Do you want to DPS at 60? Do lock.
Don’t do druid.

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^^^^this is bad advise unless you want to be a meta dps or meta healer, but people cna only go meta healer or meta dps if other people are picking up the slack the raw I DAMAGE THIGNS people can’t ever do

locks can’t provide valuable debuffs like shadoweaving or dispell import debuffs…i guess they got mana drain, but mana burn is better.

there is always room for 1 of each feral/boomy/resto druid in a raid

druids provide innervate and FF and BR

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id say whichever is preference for you between priest and druid. warlock will have too much gear competition.

It depends entirely on you, my man. At least imo I had the most trouble leveling a lock or at least it feels less… hmm… straightforward, maybe that’s because I was a terrible lock, but Priests have a pretty easy time soloing content and are particularly scary in wpvp even at the earlier levels.

Now, I’m bias in favor of druid because it’s my favorite class, you get great mobility early on, excellent for solo content, probably even stronger than priest. Ganking a druid is really hard unless you get jumped by multiple players with stuns.

Priest - best healer, no contest. No viable DPS spec for PvE, so pick if you are ok with healing and not being able to solo very well

Druid - instead of being good at only one thing, you can be mediocre at everything. Objectively the worst of any given role.

Warlock - mounts in SoM are 50g now, and summon stones are at every dungeon. They are still good, but lost a lot of value.

Unless you do it in AV and only need 3% hit for players. pewpew