Out of these 3, which class do you suggest for SOM Launch?

I would avoid Druid unless you enjoy min-maxing and working you’re butt off to keep up on meters. It’s a great all-rounder, but you won’t excel at anything without A LOT of effort

still garbage. it’s used if you’re locked on your main school

These were all great suggestions thanks to everyone who replied.
I almost quickly tallied and it seems most are recommending to try priest or warlock
for different reasons.
and mostly avoid druid unless i like jack-of-all-trades best-at-none and enjoy not dieing in pvp.
so i think as someone pointed out in a reply I will pick priest if i prefer to heal and lock if i prefer to DPS =) thanks all very much !

Locks are literally one of the easiest classes to level, sounds like a you problem

Best healer? You must be a horde player.

Priest is still a better “healer” overall, shaman/paladin suffer from hybrid tax but its mitigated by good itemization. Flash of light spamming isn’t the same as having a full kit for every situation

Priest has BoP? Freedom? The best cleanse for all healers? Your “best kit” is limited by your knowledge of the actual game. This is limited by you maining horde.

Didn’t say i mained horde dumdum. You’re welcome to your own opinion

No, I said you did.

oh, definitely a me problem, I even admitted I was a terrible, terrible warlock

Paladin is worse than priest or at least it was in original classic. Longer fights might mean paladin gets a bit better because they are more efficient, but in regular classic priest is just a better healer. Ideally you would bring just enough paladins for blessings and fill the rest of the healer slots with priests.

OP, if you’re still picking from these three this close to launch, go warlock.

Gods in PvP, decent in PvE, super easy to level. There’s a lot to like about warlock.

If you want to heal or melt faces in PvP, priest is a good option too. Don’t go druid unless you want to bear tank or flag carry in WSG, they’re mediocre at everything else.

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OP, ignore people telling you how to play.


A loyal player who stays is more valuable then a player who can pull higher numbers and leaves the moment he is bored or got his loot.

  • If you want to dps as a druid Feral/boomie "JUST DU ET!"
  • If you want to dps as a shadow priest "JUST DU ET!"
  • If you want to dps as a arcane priest and bring extra utility “JUST DU ET!” <–this is me
  • If you want to Heal as a druid or priest "JUST DU ET!"
  • If you want to be a meta slave warlock dps "JUST DU ET!"
  • If you want to to to play affliction because of debuff changes "JUST DU ET!"

all of these bring something to the raid and are viable to raid with. naysayers are just telling you how they think all players need to play or else they need to be banned for not following their guidelines.

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Healing is over saturated in the start. There are always more healers than needed for dungeons. If you have a solid group to run with great otherwise don’t expect easy access to run dungeons as a healer. This was a big downside in classic. People just like healing.

Paladins lose tons of Crit from lack of world buffs this go. There sustainability will not be similar to classics.

One new thing to note that this time around warlocks banish will be even more useful in MC. Other than that not needing 1-3 bags of shards for raid start anymore is a huge plus and maybe affliction will be viable/fun to play.

I ran hpal through all of phase 5 and most of p6 (at least until a few KT kills) and the only fights I ever needed to mana pot on even without wbuffs was Sapph, early weeks of patch, and KT.

They’ll lose some sustain from the lack of crit, but its still going to be really good and most likely still better than priests. The efficiency of FoL and its downranked versions are absurd.

Priest still beats paladin handily in terms of general throughput and overall healing utility though. Will be interesting to see if SoM raid changes are enough to shake up the meta.

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You are deluded. Simple fact. They are on par with different kits. This SoM will show you more paladins and less priests in MC. Get ready.

  1. Priest is great if you want to heal, or if you want to PVP. In solo PVP they are amazing, but in BGs people will want you to heal. Also, hard to get a raid spot as shadow. Little bit easier now since locks are good in SoM.
  2. Warlock is way better in SoM and good at PVP. Gods at solo PVP but not great in BGs because melee own you hard. Since lots of rogues and warriors in SoM this could be an issue. Also farming shards will get real old if you want to PVP a lot. You can’t really do good in PVP without them.
  3. Druid is not good at PVP but good at running flags in WSG. Druid is mediocre at best in open world PVP but you can beat bad players if you are good, and you can destroy mages, especially if they suck. Stealth is their only redeeming quality in world PVP. You can kill low HP targets because you can stealth to them. Druids are probably only going to be healers in SoM in raid because of boss buffs. No room for off meta specs like boomkin or bear tank. Warrior tanks are just better. Druids are good at open world farming and leveling but not great at end game content, but you do gear fast since less competition.

I would say go priest or lock as main and druid as alt for farming or open world PVP shenanigans, or running flags in WSG (if you like that).

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Since you brought up BGs, the advantage Priest has over Paladin is WSG premades will only take 1 Paladin while taking 2-3 priests. Better chances of getting in a WSG premade as Priest.