Our eyes should not Glow Blue by default

This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, and with the addition of so many fun eye options for the other classes I think it’s time to properly address it: The eyes of the current generation of Death Knight’s glowing blue has not made sense since Wrath, and I would like to see it removed for Shadowlands. Please forgive me if this point has been made before - I do not often frequent the forums.

I believe it is safe to say that the current generation of Death Knights were made in the image of the first of the “Lich King’s Death Knights” - Arthas Menethil. When Arthas took up Frostmourne and was made into a Death Knight from a Paladin, his eyes did not change color. They are consistently portrayed in game and represented in the books/media as the same ‘sea green’ that they always were. At no point during his tenure as a Death Knight did Arthas’ eyes ever glow blue.

The Blue glow we currently have is likely a reference to the Lich King as he was at the end of WC3’s Expansion - The Frozen Throne. But this is bizarre as no Death Knight before the WoW versions had glowing eyes. We are led to believe it was the helm of domination that made the eyes of Arthas glow, signifying that he had merged with the spirit of Ner’Zhul and a different being, this has nothing to do with being a Death Knight. What’s more, when the helmet is removed and Arthas ‘comes to’ at the conclusion of the Wrath story cinematic, the blue glow from his eyes is removed once again - further evidence that it is the helmet that grants the glow, not his status as a Death Knight.

With this in mind I would like to see the lock on Death Knight eye color removed for Shadowlands. And for perhaps what is the most iconic class in the game to enjoy the new customization options that Shadowlands is bringing into the game.

TL;DR: Our eyes shouldn’t glow blue, that’s a Lich King thing, not a Death Knight thing. QQ Unlock the color.


As long as the option for blue eyes wasn’t removed then I’d be down, the more customization options the better


they should glow blue, and only blue. 3rd gen deathknights have a very specific aesthetic regardless of spec, in the original wrath concept art they all had the frosty gothic look.

not all members of the ebon blade are 3rd gen DKs or even DKs at all. being a DK isn’t a requirement for membership. so even though acherus is littered with eye colors other than blue, player made dks should all have blue frosty LK eyes.

no idea on 4th gen DKs though, given that bolvar wasn’t active to be experimenting, its likely he used the same method to create 4th gen dks, so they should be limited to blue frosty eyes as well.

within undead the eye color is a result of the specific magic and rituals used to create that undead, it has significance beyond personal expression.


Arthas may be gone, but the power he used to reanimate us isn’t (otherwise we would have “died” when we turned on him or when he died). That power is what makes our eyes glow blue.

Honestly, if that power were somehow removed and we somehow could still survive, we would likely have the same eye customization options as our base race.

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First, there is another thread on dk eyes already, you even commented on it. Do you really need that much atention?

So assuming you are not a troll, wich almost certainly you are, here goes:

I believe it is safe to say that the current generation of Death Knights were made in the image of the first of the “Lich King’s Death Knights”

Nope, it’s safe to say they were made in the Lich King’s image, as the very first Death Knight quest quote:

" All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight. I have granted you immortality so that you may herald in a new, dark age for the Scourge"

That was said by Lich King Arthas, not Death Knight Arthas.

the blue glow from his eyes is removed once again - further evidence that it is the helmet that grants the glow, not his status as a Death Knight.

As per last cinematic, Bolvar vs Sylvannas, Bolvar had the helmet all the time, however his eyes only glows when he activates his Lich King powers, debunking your: “it’s the helm that glives the glow” theory.

Arthas was never raised into undeath, he didn’t die prior to becoming a Death Knight, his body wasn’t infused with the lich king’s essence. Hence why his eyes didn’t glow. However, the moment he merged with the Lich King’s, he got the signature eyes.

What’s more, when the helmet is removed and Arthas ‘comes to’ at the conclusion of the Wrath story cinematic

That just means the Lich King’s essence left his body, nothing else.

What IS safe to say, is that playable death knights are supposed to be lesser version of the Lich King. There is plenty of lore behind it. Deny all you want.

So to sum it up:

Third generation Death Knights: fallen heroes of both the Alliance and Horde, reanimated AND infused with the Lich King’s power, granting their bodies superior strength, among other of his powers. Made in his image, having some of his physical traits.

But then again, you are probably a troll, considering you post this:


7 posts

120 Blood Elf Death Knight15135


“Lore” is kind of a weak argument at this point when you have blue eyes blood elves.

and this:


7 posts

120 Blood Elf Death Knight15135

Can you explain gold on Blood Elves? Or why the Night Elves color is the way they are? Or why now we get Blue for Blood Elves in Shadowlands?

on the other thread about eyes, wich you were given basically no atention, considering your lack of basic lore knowledge on Blood Elves, or why they are begining to get back their blue eyes on lore, due to the restored Sunwell cleansing the fel energy in them, or on the reasons why some have golden eyes now, wich is because the Sunwell is not only a source of arcane energy anymore, but also light, after it was restored with the “spark” of the naaru M’uru.

So yeah, I lost my time answering to a troll, but whatever, I’m bored.


Okay so…

Eyes have to stay blue because that’s the magic effect which happens when one is raised from the dead as a death knight.

4th generation death knights are still the same as 3rd generation death knights.

The reason being Bolvar is torn between the magic of life (red dragon Fire) and death (lich king’s magic). That’s the only reason his eyes glow a fiery orange.

Literally no other death knight is touched by the red dragonkin magic, this leaves Bolvar being a stand alone anomaly and the rest of us alike.


Who really cares? If yo really like the DK aestethic you would note that the last thing a DK cares about is what color their eyes glow. If you’re really into the lore behind DK’s, the same things that bother mortals, dont bother DK’s. We dont get hungry, tired, fall in love, etc. We are cold blooded soldiers raised from undeath. You think we were plucked out of the ground to care about what colors our eyes glow?

Blood elves, jeez, just put em back in the ground.

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But dk’s do have a hunger, just not for food. They have to inflict pain and suffering or else they go into a blood crazed frenzy and go on a murder spree.

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Sorry, I was explaining this to a DK loremaster so I assumed they would have a fundamental understanding of this.

Then again, its a game. If Blizzard wants to give us fancy eyes, go for it.

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First, I’m not a DK, I’m a player who plays a DK and like their aesthetic.

Second, you really know nothing about Death Knights if you think they are only cold blooded killing machines. You do however seem like the perfect edgelord rper with a comment like that.
Death knights do have feelings, only they are mostly bad ones, like pity, sorrow, wich they feel deeply, and can even have good feelings, if only briefly, and that is according to Micky Neilson, you know, former lead writer…
The only part you actually got right is that they don’t get huntry nor tired.

Sorry if that ruined your edgelord rp. D:


Does he mention where DK’s spend hours looking in the mirror, sad about their eyes not being whatever pretty color they desire them to be?


Sad response, so you are just a troll.

Thank you tho, now I don’t need to waste more time on you.

Have fun with that edgelord rp tho. Hope it works for you.


How often do you spend looking at the front of your character?

Surely you actually, I dont know, play the game?

It must be hard going through content with the camera looking at the front of your character?

Or do you just play character selection screen simulator all day?

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You think that just because we care about aesthetics, we don’t play the game? Are you that dense?
You really think that’s a cool way to answer a forum discussion?

You might need help.


that doesn’t necessarily make it holy scripture. a lot of what blizz wrote about DKs conflicts directly with science and even pop culture ideas. and a lot of lore comes from the fact that they leave stuff open ended and the playerbase needs to read between the lines. for example, if dks are psychopaths, are they factor one psychopaths, fearless, cold, and calculating? or factor two and impulsive, sadistic, and hot tempered(sociopaths)? or both?

you have to remember that we spend far more time arguing about lore and what X, Y, and Z mean than blizz did thinking about them when they wrote them. while there is nothing wrong with that, the result is that a lot of lore is open to interpretation.

Did you seriously compare a work of fantasy and fiction with science? I mean a giant sword cleaving a planet in half, and the planet not exploding from it kinda goes against science, as well as pop culture.

they leave stuff open ended and the playerbase needs to read between the lines.

I do agree, some stuff are open for interpretation. However, even interpretations can be wrong. Saying edgelordy things like: Death Knights have no emotion, are just killing machines, are psychopaths, blablabla goes against the very core of the lore surrounding them.

While his words doesn’t make it holy scripture, it’s the words of a story dev, against the word of edgelords players…

you have to remember that we spend far more time arguing about lore and what X, Y, and Z mean than blizz did thinking about them when they wrote them

That’s just what salty players like to say to make themselves feel better because blizz didn’t give them what they want. With the amount of media, books, manga, short stories they made so far about this game, that’s hardly a valid thing to say. Not a good argument in any discussion, ever.

No as a search would tell you if it’s been discussed, and you know quite well it’s been made before as you posted twice in that very thread.


Death knights don’t come with contacts. It’s a certain magic that is making the eyes glow and that magic source doesn’t change when you change specs.


Not in the Warcraft universe it isn’t.

I agree 100%. Even lore DKs don’t always have the eye glow, and with this expansion having customization at the forefront, what once made hero classes seem so much cooler than everyone else will now make them feel more limited - which I don’t think is Blizzard’s intent.

So I support this, for DKs and DHs to be honest.