This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, and with the addition of so many fun eye options for the other classes I think it’s time to properly address it: The eyes of the current generation of Death Knight’s glowing blue has not made sense since Wrath, and I would like to see it removed for Shadowlands. Please forgive me if this point has been made before - I do not often frequent the forums.
I believe it is safe to say that the current generation of Death Knights were made in the image of the first of the “Lich King’s Death Knights” - Arthas Menethil. When Arthas took up Frostmourne and was made into a Death Knight from a Paladin, his eyes did not change color. They are consistently portrayed in game and represented in the books/media as the same ‘sea green’ that they always were. At no point during his tenure as a Death Knight did Arthas’ eyes ever glow blue.
The Blue glow we currently have is likely a reference to the Lich King as he was at the end of WC3’s Expansion - The Frozen Throne. But this is bizarre as no Death Knight before the WoW versions had glowing eyes. We are led to believe it was the helm of domination that made the eyes of Arthas glow, signifying that he had merged with the spirit of Ner’Zhul and a different being, this has nothing to do with being a Death Knight. What’s more, when the helmet is removed and Arthas ‘comes to’ at the conclusion of the Wrath story cinematic, the blue glow from his eyes is removed once again - further evidence that it is the helmet that grants the glow, not his status as a Death Knight.
With this in mind I would like to see the lock on Death Knight eye color removed for Shadowlands. And for perhaps what is the most iconic class in the game to enjoy the new customization options that Shadowlands is bringing into the game.
TL;DR: Our eyes shouldn’t glow blue, that’s a Lich King thing, not a Death Knight thing. QQ Unlock the color.