Our eyes should not Glow Blue by default

I like my blue glowy eyes.

purple is for shadow, green for plague, so unholy needs one eye green and one eye purple.

It’s OK. I respect there are Rules for DKs that I may not have full knowledge of and that part of my job is to learn them.

blue is one of my fav colors so I actually love the blue eyes personally.

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i would love to see more eye options for dks, being locked into the baby blues sucks, dks have so many cool colors and themes seems weird to limit eye color

we get it, you want different coloured eyes. You can stop flooding the forums with it now.

I’m not sure why lore matters to the color of my characters eyes. The lore was butchered in slands anyway.

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agreed, bad lore and a worse excuss for not wanting to give us more customization options

Just report them, necroing a thread 2 years old. Its just trolling at this point.