“Others will hear of this....”

And the entire Alliance heard of it. And the Horde LITERALLY sold tickets to the event to anyone who wanted to come.

Sylvanas wanted EVERYONE in the world to hear of it. I guess Rexxar is loyal to her an wants to help her out by retweeting.


if you side with saurfang at the end of the fate of saurfang questline, at the end of it you see him go in that direction

Steve Danuser seems to.

I’m not saying this as a snarky “haha Nathanos is his self insert” way; obviously Nathanos isn’t that. Just that Danuser does seem to be a fan of her.

But on the whole no, I don’t think Blizzard employees are fans of Sylvanas; rather, I think they see how much of a money-printing machine she is. I’m positive that’s why she became warchief rather than any dev playing favorites.


They don’t she was literally an insert by Dave Kosak, since he did have the power to make that call at the time, and it’s proably part of the reason they booted him so fast.

That’s another part yeah, she’s one of Blizzards most marketable characters and the ONLY active marketable character on the Horde. They couldn’t use Thrall cuz Metzen was undergoing surgery, otherwise they likely would have.

Part of it has to do with Sylvanas being marketable while another is Kosak inserting her as Warchief. I’m saying only “parts” cuz there’s possibly more to it than that.

"She’s an interesting character and she’s a character beloved not just by our playerbase but by our developerbase as well," Afrasiabi said. "Like I said, I’ve been personally working on her since 2006, making stories for her; I definitely have a connection with her in a lot of different ways, and her just ending up as a raid boss feels like a bit of a letdown to me." - Alex


The thing is, if they actually were fans of her I don’t think they’d be writing her the way they are.


Unless we are in the dark timeline where this is all the setup for her to show everyone else how she was right all along and Tyrande will look like a huge jerk.

It would be glorious, but also awful. Glorful.