Other than “feeling special,” why do people care if others have the same gear as them?

You need to watch videos to learn fights, study up on proper rotations, specs, talents, flavor of the expac systems, add ons, etc.
Alot more than johnny random who logs in twice a week to queue for random BGs while doing his emissaries.

It’s one of the reasons most sensible casuals like myself don’t complain about the gear disparity.
We understand what the high end guys do takes alot more effort and should be rewarded for those efforts.

Special is what the game used to feel.
Then someone at Activision who coaches little league and watches everyone getting a trophy because we need to make “everyone” feel “Special” decided that this would be a good idea for WoW too.
Now nothing is special.

Good job ignoring the other half of the argument. You also need to learn fights and execute them properly as a group, as well as playing your own character individually at a level where you aren’t handicapping said group. Some guilds progress mythic bosses for months.

So again, more time and effort put in… why do you deserve the same gear?

Most of that takes about 10 minutes. Outside of world first, people are typically just following a guide.

And then this also goes back to “what is casual”. I think a casual player definitely has the time to spend 20 mins once in a 2 year cycle to google most of that information.

No, they don’t. At most, they require a raid leader who can explain the fights and who is patient enough to not get frustrated when the raid wipes 6 times on a boss.

Yeah, you learn them by doing them together and failing at it until you get it.

There’s nothing special or magical about running raid content. It just requires you to set aside some time to gather together with 9 other players and enter the raid for a couple of hours.

The same is true for Mythic+.

I don’t. I raid for raid gear. I run world content for world content gear. I PvP for PvP gear.

I think you are confused with whom you are arguing with.

Time, yes.
Inclination, no.

Casual is also a mindset.
They just don’t care to bother.
First few years of the game, I raided.
Today? Don’t care, like at all, not even for LFR.
In Wrath, I once tanked dungeons for 13 hours on a sunday just because I loved it so much.
Now? Pfft I can’t even be arsed to run all the dungeons ONCE, on ANY difficulty.

It’s not that I can’t, I just don’t care to, like not even a little bit.

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I think at this point we sorta start to get to the point where everyone has their own “casual” definition.

That’s fair, I agree.

Yes it is, and if your crying about not getting the best prize just for playing the game, you’re acting like a child.

The gear is there, go get it, put in the effort, earn the reward.

Funny when players who can’t hack it try to reverse the direction of fail.
The dummy who calls a smart person a nerd, rather than try to be smarter, but wants tests grade on a curve so they can get that “A” too.
So the special people or snowflakes are not the high end players it is the low end players who want to feel special too and demand blizz provide it because they lack the ability or desire to try harder and be better.

Twisted viewpoint.

If we’re going to use a school analogy it would be more like saying the only people who can get scholarships to college will be kids good at sports.

They are a small, group who are really good at sports. so they are the only ones allowed scholarships.

If you want to get a scholarship, learn 2 play scrub.

I’m not confused. I think you are. No one said there’s anything magical about running and progressing through raids. That wasn’t even my point. You’re oversimplifying aspects of this game to suit your whole “raids and M+ are just time put in”. As if time alone gives you results, which I’m sure you already know is a crap point to make.

Naw your full of it. We had it out over Torghast rewarding higher level gear to satisfy the solo challenge mode. You were just against it without providing any real answers why.

I’m going to put words in most of your mouths because I pretty much know it’s true. You guys spouting gear rewarded for the level of challenge, but you neglect to put “group content” in your sentence.

When we discuss Torghast rewarding gear you all backpedal with no real answers. All you have is it has always been that way. Times change.

The anticipation for Torghast prior to release seemed very exciting. Didn’t it even reward gear? For release, Blizzard pulled it. It’s a shame because I would guess many are doing what I am which is farming it for ash then saying good riddance to it.

I didn’t say that at all.

I said that they don’t require you to…

All you need to do to run a raid is show up at the same time the rest of your guild shows up. To be successful you need to learn the fights, which you can do by just doing them. It doesn’t require more time then the 2 or so hours you have devoted to doing them.

Not sure what else to tell ya bother but if you are wasting your time with all that extra stuff, no wonder you have such a skewed perspective.

Regardless, I think you have me confused with someone who thinks that players who don’t run raids should have a path to raid gear. That’s not the angle I’m trying to push in my reply.

I am more geared then you lol

And it takes 2-3 hours normally to do a raid at a specific times during the week with specific break points . I don’t have time for raiding , nor the interest anymore .

Im not exactly understanding this whole line of thinking. What exactly is so weird or bad about the best gear being behind more difficult content? What game exactly doesnt reward more goodies for doing harder content?

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Being educated is never a “waste of time”.
Maybe you don’t do any of that stuff, and that’s fine if it works for you.
I did because I wanted to do my best for the good of the group because if you fail, you’re not only failing yourself but everyone around you.
Nobody wants to be “that” guy.

I actually find it rather curious that you would prefer to just “show up” and learn solely through trial and error than to do any preparation.
Your guild must be very forgiving, or very patient.

I’m assuming this was meant for someone else cause I’m not sure how this relates to our short discussion.