Other runebear colours

Dear Blizzard, it’s coming to 10.2.7, regarding other runebear colours.

You made them, you have them, we would like them, could you please implement them for players.


Probably part of the story/quest/overworld lines in the next 2 patches. Settle settle

I am wondering the same thing, and part of me thinks they are saving at least 1 recolor for next xpac. I have no doubt at some point we might get a few of these, but who knows how long that will take.

I was hoping for the rock bear form some of the furbolgs turn into on the Dragon Isles too. I’d settle for the orange/black runebear though.

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Finally got mine today and now I’m maining Guardian because I love it so much. I’m finally excited to play WoW again, lol.

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I really like the other colors : ( The blue one is so pretty, would be super cool to use it before next expac. <3