Other MMOs

You’re the one who created a thread just to trash talk WoW.

Yeah, I’m just too cheap and lazy to bother with that. It’s easier for me to mindlessly plow through a few heroics every now and then and swap stuff out.

Though, I can’t do that anymore on my Powertech since I’m outleveled for that so they just give me the boxes you’re supposed to turn at your secret base but I just got to Makeb.

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We’re in the end-of-xpack content lull. It’s entirely normal for people to fill their time with other games at this stage in the expansion cycle. Normal people don’t grind out the same content day in day out for 2 years straight.

Well my point is that Shadowlands is shaping up to be a continuation of the same crap that people have been warning Blizzard to get away from. I’ve noticed the game becoming more and more dead and issues like multibox raids flooding Naz are not being addressed. Crappy classes are not being addressed. Borrowed power is not being addressed. So on and so on. People are tired of it and the increased numbers on a game that originally didn’t do well like SWTOR is proof that people are looking for something else

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Your beautiful eyes

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See, if you opened with that, you would actually be seen as more approachable and well-spirited

won’t get addressed because it is not an issue

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Gee, thanks.

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Um yeah it is an issue. Their servers can’t handle multiple raids of Ruin Gaming bogging it down

Reminding me the SWTOR class stories don’t do those makes it sound even better.

So we’re not talking about multiboxing, we’re talking about something else.

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SWtoR was good. So was Everquest. Right up until they went F2P.

lol love that word.

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“WoW is dead, all hail SWTOR”

Oh my god, did I got back to 2011? I HAVE TO WARN PEOPLE

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We’re talking about WoW in general and Blizzard lackadaisical attitude toward the majorities’ frustration. Its as if Blizzard has been so arrogant that they think they are invulnerable to failure


But… they are only suppose to play the games I enjoy… my tastes dictate the industry! Games live and die by MY WILL AND MY WILL ALONE!!!

No one likes what I don’t like, everyone agrees with me too~

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Just sounds like you are projecting. Again being sophomoric.

Other fantasy MMOs I’ve tried have annoyed me in various ways far more than WoW ever managed to. The only other MMO I can currently be bothered with is EvE.

Yes, but multiboxing is not the issue here. Just pointing this out.

I didn’t vote for you.

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