Other MMOs

There are a lot of people on SWTOR. Just goes to show people are looking for alternatives to WoW. The state of this game sucks.


Or there could simply be a lot of Star Wars fans out there.


My thought exactly. Especially considering the popularity of The Mandalorian and the fact you can play a Bounty Hunter.


Other people play other games…breaking news at 11.


Your proof that WoW sucks is that they don’t have a literal monopoly? You must not like very many things.


Well I know there are a lot of SW fans out there but in, the prime of SWTOR, people weren’t that into it because it wasn’t WoW. Well its populated more than I’ve ever seen it.


Shouldn’t be surprising to anyone since we’re in the pre-expansion content lull.


Why don’t you go skedaddle off to those games then? :crazy_face:


SWTOR does personal storytelling and player customization worlds better than WOW, but WOW has a better raiding scene IMO as well as a better established world… though BFA is making me doubt myself as i type it out.

FFXIV has better in a lot of places but its storytelling type as well as its slowness turns a lot of people, including myself, who can play it at doses, off

and i hate how everyone looks in FFXIV.


Really? Last time I played they had squished the US into two servers and they were both about dead.

Well, you’re not exactly a runway model yourself.


I’m not kidding you. It’s the most populated that I’ve seen it.

Wow subs were doubled with classic, and are currently up again.

Nice try though OP.

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You can fanboi all you want but its a fact. People are looking for something besides WoW. This dev team is driving people away.

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it’s best to play SWTOR as a singleplayer game at this point.

And as a singleplayer game, it is worth every penny and every moment you spend. the stories they tell are amazing. Imperial agent, the stealth and sniper class, has a very James bond-esque story to him that keeps you guessing

but yeah, leveling in SWTOR is better in WOW solely for its storytelling.

WOW has a better sense of community tho. While i cant pick favorites between the two, i play WOW more


Better sense of community? Its toxic beyond belief. Guilds are skeletons of their former selves. The game has been reduced to just about every realm crammed into a handful of shards to give it the feeling of “being alive”


Story wise it is far superior to wow but questing it is horrible. Quests are usually scan the tech/plant the tech, kill this guy or these guys, and pick me up McDonald’s.

Do you spend a lot of time in Trade chat? I really haven’t seen the toxicity outside of that, and Trade chat being a cesspool isn’t anything new.

SWTOR made me immensely upset with their lack of endgame when I first played it. The graphics are pretty bad imo as well.

SWTOR server squished ages ago to make itself feel more alive. that excuse dont work here

and the hardcore guildies out there i am sure will beg to differ with you

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