Other MMOs

You can troll all you want, but it’s fact subs are up. Read any wow news site.

Because you say it’s a fact doesn’t make it so, you need proof which you do not have.


play the forums favourite, ffxiv
you can’t see a post without someone naming it, it should be good amirite?

I want to like Swtor, I played through the story as a Jedi Guardian. But, maaaaannnn the game is held together with duct tape and prayers. Any complaint you have about wow is doubly so on it as far as content/gear/endgame/pvp.

The on thing they do actually knock out of the park is some of the stories, Jedi knight/sith warrior/ imperial agent are solid stuff.


Haha, imagine a WoW forums without baseless speculations. What would we even talk about?


Outside of guild or pms, there is pretty much trade and local defense and, yes, it is toxic

I like how the people chugging haterade can accuse others of being fanboys.


Show me them subs.


Show me them STWOR subs.


I know right? Although at this point it’s probably better to just flag and move on with this guy.

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Important to mention that that was back in February.

Lol throws out something that includes multiple clients

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the game could use the same kind of facelift WOW was given with WOD. the art style can only carry it so far

and yeah, there is no endgame, but i dont mind given the 10 seperate class stories as well as expansion stories

I was about to argue that WOW does the same but yeah, other than the planetary story arcs and class story, you can skip every other quest in the game and still be overleveled. Side quests are not worth their time in the slightest in SWTOR

god i try to reply and there are 10 more posts… these threads attract people of all kinds huh?

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Nerf transmogs! Ghost Town, here I come!

Eh, it’s Blizzard. Probably won’t see another reliable statistic 'til August or November.

Moving the goalposts, I see.

Your post is now invalid because you can’t have a discussion without using sophomoric words like ‘fanboi’.

I never played other games because of how I felt about WoW. I played SWTOR, Rift and others because I was sincerely interested in those games.

Had absolutely nothing to do with the state of WoW. If I did that then I know there are others who did it for the same reasons.

Don’t know why you folks think you are doing anyone a favor by coming on here talking silly. Go freaking enjoy the game you like so much leave this game alone.

You folks have some psychotic love/hate relationship with WoW and need to get some professional help.


I don’t have any new arguments to bring to the “wow is dead” debate but it’s cool to know that SWTOR is still going. I had fun knocking out the achievement for finishing all the class storylines.

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8/8 gr8 b8 m8

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Yeah WOW tends to shake it up a bit with occasional vehicle play, escort quest, delivery quest.

BellularGaming uploaded a video covering it the other day, it’s on YouTube.

Also, google WoW subscriptions in news and you’ll again see a lot of articles.

They don’t say numbers, but they do say doubled at classic, and they do say grown from there.

Now, please show me your proof.