Other Classes are Crazy

As a returning player, I love the warband system. I mained Shaman for a very long time, but I want to try other classes out that have different strengths and weaknesses.

In that regard, I was thinking Warrior, Mage, or Hunter.

Reason being, the holy trinity classes (Warrior, Mage, and Priest) always get love and attention, and clear direction.

I like how mage gets 3 damage Trees, all for spell dps, so it would seem rare that all would be univiable at any time.

I like the warrior aesthetic because I like plate and 2H weapons, and the whole charging into combat.

Hunter has always seemed to be a Blizzard favorite since classic, and it is standard for pet classes. They also have 3dps trees and now I heard one is even melee.

I already have a level 72 mage and 63 warrior in my warband, and I started to go on the forums to read up on rotations, mechanics, builds and player experiences.

To my suprise, the Warrior, Mage, and Hunter communities all believe that their classes are broken, and in the worst states ever.

Warriors are complaining that they aren’t competative in high ranking arena PvP and that the “arms” tree isn’t good.

Mages complain that only arcane is good for raiding.

Hunters complain because they always have something to complain about. Here, that there is talent tree bloat and too many abilities are linked to pets instead of their core character.

Frankly, their complaints are rediculous. Like wow not all mage dps trees are competative. Do you know what happens when Shaman’s spell dps build is shot? It means you don’t have a spell dps class.

Arms warrior doesn’t feel as good as Fury for a minute? Boohoo, play fury until a hotfix.

Where Hunters are concerned, they have always been one of the player favorite and certainly seem to be a Blizzard favorite as well.

I’m not suprised, by the groveling of other classes on the forum, but there are unresolved complaints that Shaman have had every expansion following classic and others have constant dialogue and active attention. There has been very little in the way of NEW material since flame shock/lava burst became part of the rotation.

Totem mechanics still suck, mobility is stiff, and defensives have less utility and are on much more prohibitive cooldowns than other classes, which is an issue most notable in PvP.

I’ll always play Shaman, but I think Restoration is probably the most well designed and thoughtful of each of the specs, and it’s simply a great healer compared to other classes with great support functions. In that regard, I think Blizzard has a clear point of view for Resto Shaman, which may me the Baseline spec for the class.

I feel very bad for enhancement and Elemental. Worse for the enhancement community.


That is the nature of these forums. Everyone is convinced their class is in the worst state its ever been.


does priest get love? priest dps is one of the worst damage specs currently in the game. he received very few changes in the talent tree from DF to TWW. if priest gets anything, it’s definitely not love.

warriors are only crying because on xpac release fury was absolutely busted and everyone went with it. Now they got nerfed back down to earth and they’re up in arms about it.

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pun intended?

Dude, you know that the trinity is also a reference to baseline class roles.

There priest is the archetype for a healer. Warrior is the tank, and mage is spell dps.

Yes priests can dps, but we’re talking about the baseline classes and their respective roles.

Tank, Healer, Damage.

If DPS is your desire, why not go warlock, evoker, or mage?

It’s strange that you say that, since in your post you mention the mage. If it was to be like class roles you should have said Tank dps and heal.
and well, I’m not playing spriest, I’m actually playing evoker, but that doesn’t stop me from looking for improvements for a spec I like from another class.

No offence man but how long have you been gone for? Maybe in vanilla this idea of archetypes was true… nowadays most warriors aren’t tanks, more priests would be DPS if they weren’t so bad and mages are only dps “archetypes” because that’s all they can be and arguably warlock is just as much a spell caster archetype for the same reason as mage. (The only time this isn’t true is in Classic Season of Discovery where mages can be healers and warlocks can be tanks)

As for the complaining, you are correct most forum class posts are just people complaining most of the time, I go to the evoker forums regularly for a break from all the doomsayers lol

I am aware that every class has moved on to a more “multi-type style”.

That being said, warriors will always be good tankers, priests good healers, and mages good spell dps, hybrid classes (druid and shaman) will always complain about trailing behind.

All that being said, I would never, never, never think I really love spell dps so I will roll priest.

And I am 1,000,000% certain that when it counts, as in for raid content, groups are eyerolling at priests who want to take dps slots.

To the extent the last poster was complaining about priest dps, I would say I am proven right and you are proven wrong.

Sure priest has always had a dps spec, but to the extent people complain that it’s spell dps sucks, that really is on them for choosing priest. And, I wouldn’t expect Blizzard to do anything anytime soon because the whole concept of a dps priest has always been stupid. The only thing dumber would be a melee speced mage.

like someone else said, this is some outdated thinking

This is all dependent on tuning

not really, you need at least 1 priest. Groups without / not in need of holy for a fight are rolling spriests. And regardless, any spec can do mythic

Bit of a recency thing, as this is the first season in a while spriest isn’t near the top end

Or, yknow, they could just tune all dps specs to be viable (they are) and let people play what they want

You can say it’s outdated thinking but it happens to be the current product, as demonstrated by the poster’s stated grievance.

Beyond that, and as I previously stated, priests are not in demand for dps raid spots, period, period, end.

If you found a guild that will slot any class/spec for dps, good for you.

Your statement about Mythics to the contrary can be filed under didnt ask and don’t care.

I mean it is, as I’ve already explained

I mean, they are, but go off

mythics translate to the raids you were referencing but you’re clearly stuck in your ways so

have fun with that, I guess

What a wierd thread completely out of touch with the current game design.

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Ya im always hoping on other classes forums and after actually playing those classes id say the warrio, mage, and paladin forums are the biggest crybabies.

There class is always fine but if one spec is not s tier theyll complain.

And mind u my time played is splite between shaman and paladin. Rets in a fine place in pvp just not as bursty and rets on the forum are loosing their minds.

If they want to know how what a bad class is like in pvp they should try enhance. Gotta work twice as hard to be average.

These are pretty bold statements from a player who isn’t raid ready and has been gone for awhile. Unless you are talking the top 1% mythic raiding guilds going for world first with logs, simulators, perfect comps and play, etc. most raiding guilds will not be so picky. Strange to have an elitist outdated way of thinking when you aren’t currently doing raids and, presumably, haven’t in at least an expansion or two lol.

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Stack forums like these reward the most controversial statement, if you can impose something you like while pissing off enough players they will promote it for you.

You are competing with a lot of other posts and nothing is ordered in a way where high value posts get more visibility.

Also players only feel like blizzard will listen if they are dying so they act like they are dying.

There is also a problem where if blizz has a plan to fix something friday and the forums have a melt down by thursday they think their meltdown cause the friday fix and it reinforces degenerate behaviour.

Blizz could be more open about it but a statement like “we will look into it” becomes “you promised to fix this by tuesday!” and players go crazy when it isnt done immediately.

Lastly what feels like a week in dev time is an eternity in forum time.

Basically when it becomes profitable to be a victim people will monetise it.

Ignore the victim panhandlers.

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Genuinely curious.
What does a shadow priest bring to a raid that you must have one?

Bold statement or not Priest chimed in that his dps gets no love from Blizzard.

stamina buff

if your response is going to be that all specs bring that I implore you to reread what I said

Yep. Thank you for the thoughtful post.

The most solid posters I have seen tend to be Rogues and DKs. When they’re OP, they will even say that a particular spec is too strong.

One thing I’ll say about Shaman is that if our dps specs are bad, I know that I can play as an S-Tier Resto Shaman, or play other classes and with the warband system it’s easier than ever to farm for a new class.

My primary grievances with Shaman are mostly Arena PvP. But, that’s a footnote of a mini-game in wow. Elemental has amazing aoe dps in PvE content, but it doesn’t translate to PvP.

I have seen amazing Enhancement Shaman in arena, but I’m never going to be that guy. These are players that thrive on additional complexity and don’t want simple fury melee.

Returning to my take on the holy trinity, which has been reframed and expressed incorrectly by others who just want to be contrarion:

You have an Insurance Policy on your Class-Spec decision if you go:

  1. Warrior-Tank
  2. Mage/Rogue-DPS
  3. Priest-Healer.

If you come up behind in those class-Spec combinations than it’s going to be fixed and that’s not a question of if, it’s a question of when.