Oscar's viewership falls I've 50%

What a shock…

Given that movies last year (mostly) sucked. It seems people are wising up to Hollywood’s. Circle back patting.

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No host, no actual entertainment, boring movies and a bunch of political preaching. No thanks.


My Oscar viewing dropped 100% a long time ago. Mostly because I just don’t care about them enough to sit through 3-4 hours of blather to find out who won when I can just spend a couple minutes reading about it the next day. Also, the movies I like generally don’t get nominated for Oscars, or if they do they’re technical Oscars; Pixar’s movies would be the only exceptions.


Wow didn’t realize people still care about the Oscars but I guess OP proved me wrong by making a thread

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How DARE I talk about TV in the tv section.


That’s not what I said, nor what I was implying

How is posting “caring” about it? Seems your just trying to badly troll.

The purpose of the forum is to have a discussion yes?

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Hollywood doesn’t give a crap what we think, they want to tell us they are rich and America sucks.


I predict that the Oscars won’t be around to celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Perhaps Unless they move on from social justice bs.

More than anything political, I think viewership is probably linked more closely with viewership of cable/broadcast TV and usage of streaming services more than anything else.

Before streaming was ubiquitous, your only options for things to watch was whatever was airing and with most channels airing reruns or shows you don’t care about, so just about anything live was probably more interesting than whatever else was on. I remember my parents who didn’t care about awards tuning in back in the 90s just because it was something to watch.

But now streaming is the standard alongside a staggeringly huge variety of other types of on-demand entertainment, so live events really need to be something else for people to watch them, because chances are there’s something more relevant to one’s interests available.


This, but the single biggest factor is movie theaters were closed last year, and most people didn’t see any of these movies for said reason. I’d bet next year the Oscar’s will be back near 20 mill.

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No one wants to be lectured by a bunch of out of touch morons who look down on everyone. Flying around on private jets and then telling us we need to cut down on fossil fuel.


I love movies, but I don’t give a rats about celebrities so I haven’t watched them at all. I can’t name most the people there anyway so for me it’s pointless. Added to it, the agendas they push now (I see reports on the news now and then) just push me as a viewer even further away.

Who doesn’t like Movies?

What they need to start doing is catching up with people who watch movies these days: for example: why is there no best original fantasy/sci-fi categories? Or horror even? Even action films.

Though I used to watch them to get an idea of what other kind of movies came out that I missed.

How I ended up watching Pan’s Labyrinth.

It is obvious why it fails, NOBODY CARES THAT I TALK ABOUT POLITICS.

That’s what happened at the 2019 Emmys when they honored the governor of New York for his pretentious lecture about the pandemic, accepting his ZOOM award, praising himself for offering the authentic truth while the number of people affected by the pandemic was lying. disease thanks to your “STRATEGIES”.

Which we will not know if the same will happen with the new governor of California in a supposed 2024 if nothing bad happens.

As they see not only the OSCAR’s but any award contest between entertainment such as movies, music, series and video games is being less important because of idiots who talk about politics instead of how important we want to see or praise some political rat who does not have nothing to see that with the show.

In the end, it is not about recognizing the best of art, but about pleasing the left-wing out of nowhere that the Americans themselves do not realize that in time they will become like the communists they hate so much.

That is because the Grammys, the Emmys, the Oscars and even the GotY’s for video games are given, it is popular that the public is realizing that in reality their diversity that shows through ethnic or minority means, in reality it is not and only They suffer from a state of depression and melancholy in which apart there is also reason why we are forced not to go to theaters due to this pandemic but.



Yeah, kinda wild to think about how limited our options were before. Game of Thrones was huge because everyone talked about it. But… we all used to watch the same basic stuff. Sat Morning Cartoons ftw! Now? I haven’t watched basic TV in years. Pretty much all streaming. Granted, the closest I ever got to watching a show with a bunch of speeches was the news.

i expect viewership to stagnate or slightly rise to 10 million next year. There will be several factors though. As another stated i can just read what won without political grandstanding.