Orlyia - Will customers be compensated?

Orlyia, do you know or can you ask - Will players be compensated for this?

I don’t mind it happening once, problems happen and the game is complex, I understand that. But this is the second time this week that I’ve been unable to play my character and I am very frustrated. This is regarding players logged out in instances such as Torghast that can’t log back in.


I doubt it. I made this same post a few minutes ago and it was purged by mods within 3 minutes.

Unscheduled maintenance every single day, 3+hour queue times, game broken for alts trying to get into SL and mains in Torghast - we should at least get a few days gametime.

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Most likely not, Dyrewood. That would be a decision from our developers.


Generally Blizzard doesn’t talk about compensation until after the issues are resolved, then you would need to submit a ticket.


Thank you for the reply. If you are at all able to float the idea up to them it would be appreciated.

Yes, we cannot get this time back. It is prime early expansion time.

This thread in general may be better suited
