and how many people even knew rag existed and exactly every one of the mechanics and strats needed to trivialize them on the first week of Vanilla?
Like even in retail after the Large Raid Guilds down all the bosses and the guides come out even pug groups can figure out what to do.
Wasn’t one of the main issues was tank threat? as long as the tanks could hold the boss the dps could go ham else the they get hamstrung trying to avoid pulling threat off the tank?
besides all that, the patch they used was after most the class problems were sorted. its the version that would have been released had they been aloud all those players to do years of beta testing to get to that point.
You cannot compare 2004 wow to classic. Back in 04 99% of the population was used to mmorpg’s like lineage/everquest where Endgame was not a focus or non existent. I remember when someone in 05 invited my for Onyxia and half the people didnt know there was this new “attunment”. People didnt know what raids where back then or how boss mechanics work. I remember people having troubles beating Super Mario 3 as the last world is very hard. Fast Forward to 2019, Kids farm fortnite where kids can do that building mechanic so fast that a 16 year old kid wins 3 million dollars in prizes.
You are comparing 2 different times in video games.
Yeah, there’s alternative items, but now there are 2 options with very comparable stats making the gear check twice as easy. Doesn’t disprove the issue with itemizations being bad in the early patches, especially on class sets where stat priorities are clear.
I think its a combination of 2 things. we as players are better, and I think the mobs are tuned down. While we are better yes, some mobs just don’t hit as hard as they used to, Back in the day, if I came across an elite, and it was able to hit me, 1-2 hits I was dead, now I can take a few hits and then decide to run if I want. wasn’t the case before, it was avoid or be dead.
Unless you MIB the player base, that was never going to happen, and you are hopelessly naive if you thought it was. People just suck less than they did back then. Everyone knows the mechanics in Molten Core. They’ve been rehashing that fight for 15 years. I would have been utterly gobsmacked if it didn’t happen before the second reset.
While I personally agree that we all know the fights and it should be much easier this time around the part about the first classic wow rag kill was that they didnt have enough FR gear and didnt have all max levels (so there would have been more misses and resists) and they still downed him with most of the raid alive
This is vastly overstated because a lot of the gear being used by Warriors wasn’t changed ever in the lifetime of Vanilla. Thrash Blade was nerfed. Even if you just flatly remove Bloodthirst from every single Warrior parse, you’re taking folks doing 897.7 DPS down to 726.9 DPS based on the top Golemagg parse:
The other change Warriors got was more off-hand damage, but I can’t easily pull that out of the log. On the other hand, this Warrior is using the quest reward dagger from Scholo as his off-hand, so it isn’t doing tons of damage by itself, but rather generating massive amounts of extra Rage to dump into Heroic Strike.
Having worse options doesn’t really change the fact that the Rogues in all these parses are still opting out of Shadowcraft for the others. Same with Truestrike Shoulders (same stats all of Vanilla), Pads of the Dread Wolf (ditto), Mirah’s Song, etc, etc.
They aren’t. People are typically not encountering Elites vastly above their level because they’re following guides and continent hopping to maximize leveling. Same is true in dungeons where people aren’t running into Gnomer the moment they ding lvl25 because they know the final boss is lvl34 and the last several pulls are nothing but 31’s and 32’s.
Threat was part of the major gear check on tanks. No this isn’t the patch they would have released if they had enough beta testing, this is the patch they released to allow people to breeze through content so they would have no incentive not to purchase TBC since that’s where the challenge was once Vanilla had been nerfed into the ground.
I already had this discussion with someone else but if you review all patch notes youll see tons of changes to warrior threat. Almost every major patch made tanking easier with more threat more damage etc. Spell damage was also majorly buffed I believe. The combination puts us all on steroids. Its not vastly overstated its just true.
I said by that time. The tuning didn’t occur all at once and it wasn’t all listed in the patch notes. There were many changes to itemization over the patches, new content was released, class abilities and talents changed, new recipes added, mechanics changed, and so on. By the time we got to 1.12 the game was much easier than at launch.
Theres some evidence of this in the patch notes but a lot of it comes down to experiencing the situation as it evolved. Leveling and gearing a character at launch was much more difficult than at patch 1.12. Many people who experienced the progression agree on this and have posted on the forums.
Here’s a bit of an example of some of the talent changes that happened:
Ok, I am seriously getting tired of the utter bs and stupidity being attributes the older players.
Super Mario 3 was easy and the vast majority beat it. No Mario game released in NA at that time was super difficult as Nintendo refused to even release games they considered too difficult for NA.
We were also the first generation of video game players after the industry collapse. We were beating these games before we were even 10 and they were significantly harder.
Modern gamers cant handle games like cuphead, meatboy, or even a game meant to emulate that era like caveboy or hollow knight. All these so called difficult games are on par with the first generation of Nintendo games.
Kids today arent better players - they are worse. A fortnight player would strughle to pass even the first level of ninga turtles, ninja gaiden, or battle toads.
We also werent ignorant, despite a lack of internet. We had books, guides, tv shows, and even a hotline.
Stop acting like people born before 2000 didnt know how to play video games.
Have you seen the 1.1 talent tree vs the 1.12?
There are HUGE differences. the classes were a mess on launch and it took a while before it was fixed. so yes, this is what they would have launched with. Maybe MAYBE the mobs would have been tuned harder. maybe they were harder but i dont see the data the proves it. and even if they were harder on launch, where they over tuned in the first place?
You are right… there were no “top race guilds” with devoted followers that leveled professions and grinded gold to power level and gear the raid team.
Youtube wasn’t a thing. Discord wasn’t a thing. GTX1080’s were not a thing.
Things are different today.
But with all that said… has YOUR guild killed Ragnaros yet? Will you have 4 more months from now?
All we know is that today, people CAN circumvent the game’s design timetable by having information and exploiting layers available to them… but most people?
Are still leveling and enjoying playing Classic… Classic isn’t hard… it’s fun. BfA isn’t hard… but it isn’t fun either.
4 days 20 hours (according to your link), which is pretty close to 5 days and not 4 days . From launch day it was more like 7+ days for a speed leveler. Towards the end of Vanilla people were shaving it down to around 5 days. This is due to a combination of more knowledge of the game and nerfs to the game difficulty.
When everything is known and min-maxed to the nines what do you expect? Of course it’s easy when everything has been number crunched to determine the most optimal way to do everything when before a lot was trial and error without extreme optimization.
That’s one thing that will never come back; things are harder when you don’t know how to handle them than when you already know what to expect.
my father was a gamer with intellivision and atari 2600. so if I give him a controller and 1 day practice against a 13 year old who also plays games, which would you bet on winning?
cringe post is cringe and shows how immature people read my post