Original Ragnaros world first kill was 5 months after release

Did you look at the log? The Druid who popped two of those took a single Lava Burst. One. He could have been naked and it wouldn’t have killed him.

Yes. Pointless. The TANK who would benefit the most? Didn’t take one. Half the raid, didn’t take one.


Don’t worry about rank 14 gear. People do not understand how hard they need to no life to get Rank 14. I knew a guy didn’t have legs and he only got Field Marshal.

Now the TBC pre-patch where they gave Grand Marshal weaps to everyone? Puke.

They didn’t as far as weapons are concerned:


It looks like Grand Marshal gear was buffed to be in line with BWL, or a bit stronger.

The ARMOR on the other hand, was updated, and a blue quality gear for the lower ranks was added in 1.11.


Why yes, I did look at the log. Something like half the incoming non-tank damage over the whole fight was absorbed, especially among the melee.



But no, clearly they didn’t need to do that. The healers who were already parsing half purple and blue would probably have been fine with over twice the spike healing requirements. Nevermind that they’re almost half melee who were taking them much more often than that one resto druid on the edge. Goodness knows healers will save you from anything.

Oh noes… 7 hits of Lava Burst over 1:40?! You might need the occasional heal!

That they used them is great, but pointless still holds when the Healers weren’t struggling in the slightest and the lone Innervate went to one of the worst performing Priests in the last moments of the fight.



Plus melee from the boss. The prot warrior wasn’t actually tanking much – which is also why the main (fury) tank didn’t bother with a potion that would’ve been exhausted in seconds, and why so many of the warriors did die.

But please in your infinite wisdom, what priorities should they have been pressing instead?

Yeah, he just didn’t bother with a potion at all.

Given the knock back timer, those are dinguses who ripped aggro.

Keeping threat.

That’s fair, actually.

Still, there’s a reason we didn’t see these insane 1-phase speedkills until a year or so in. Of course the average raid who didn’t kill it till several patches later was half sleepwalking morons, but the people making progression had their stuff together. There wasn’t a whole lot of multi-layered optimization going on, no complex rotations, and most of the theorycraft could be done on a napkin. Yes, even at a casual level we knew what spellpower and AP were, thanks. Saying “we got better” is…well, true – but not nearly sufficient.

1.4 and 1.10 gave significant gear buffs, and looking at their specific summaries, I’m seeing a hell of a lot them. For instance, I’m seeing nearly all their mages wearing almost identical loadouts that have a whole lot of stuff like this.


Several of these pieces used to be greens. Even several blues that already had spellpower on launch got the amounts nearly doubled in 1.4.

And yes, Rag himself did get nerfed. Disregarding the pre-1.4 where he was literally unkillable due to bugs, he also got a direct and very significant nerf in 1.5 about a month after world first. Lava bursts happening less often, hitting lighter, and being resistable was huge. Blizz is on the record saying every 1.4 kill they saw slipped it in because of the bug where it wouldn’t happen early in the fight. Those resist pots were much more significant back then, because you would be damn near oneshot. Plus, you know, changing the summon so you could actually practice the fight, which you couldn’t do on launch.

People have had another 15yrs of experience.
People know the encounter.
People actually know what gear is good and what is crap.
People are actually taking adv of addons like DBM.
Patches have occured since day 1 of WoW through Vanilla (some specifically to nerf over-tuned content).

If you thought Classic was going to be an exact replica of Vanilla and things were going to taken months to clear, you were crazy.

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We did… but we also ran models under the assumption that running OOM and being forced to wand after 2.5-3 minutes would be bad so minimum Intellect/Spirit/MP5 thresholds were built into a ton of our assumptions. So while we knew SP scaled well, we just convinced ourselves stacking it was a “noob” mistake and this was confirmed when only one or two folks did it and the fight still took forever and they in fact ran OOM.

On the other side the melee:

This is very true for SP gear specifically… but not for the melee stuff.

If you look up Truestrike Shoulders, Blackhand’s Breadth, Footpads of the Dread Wolf, and a host of melee weapons, you’ll see either no changes ever or even nerfs in some cases like Thrash Blade. But like you said, we understood top-end damage on our yellow hits and we understood that 14 AP = 1 DPS… but what we sorely did not understand was just how useful weaker hitting weapons that allowed for more autoattacks were, especially for Warriors. You’d get laughed at using a dagger OH as Fury, even pre-Bloodthirst rework, despite that and OH damage being the only real significant Talent changes to Warrior.

Ehhhh I don’t count these.

Sometimes it wouldn’t happen AT ALL. People still spread out badly on that fight and if you look at the APES kill compared to the original World First video linked, you see people with very different concepts of how to manage “thing targets person, splashes to others” mechanics. Original kill has very loose clumps that could spread to 4-6 people at a time, APES was stacked with no more than 2 people in any “clump”

Practice is a huge deal, but our play has massively improved and our understanding of less intuitive mechanics as well.


I definitely remember learning at the time to use a fast OH for rage. Wasn’t there a big normalization change to this in like…around AQ or something? But I forget the details.