How many posts about this same thing do we need to suffer through?
We all know and have known that this is 1.12… and all that means, if you didn’t know before we started you weren’t paying attention… crying about it now is pathetic.
Doesn’t matter, MC would have been cleared by now regardless of patch and most of the people whining about it haven’t even hit 60 yet much less zoned in to MC.
Tune in to some Twitch streams and watch people struggling with Garr, Geddon, and even Golemagg and Lucifron. Not to mention Onyxia, every time I’ve watched people try to take her down they keep doing stupid things like standing by her tail and getting knocked into the whelps.
The mechanics may be simple but I keep seeing people failing really hard at them, for some reason.
Oh boy, they had less SP than had they just stuck with BiS blues!
Yeah that’s dumb. Also note the Rogue never puts up Slice and Dice and keeps spamming Feint. And is chatting in party with a Druid for throwing damage spells. While standing next to at least two Warriors swinging 2handers. And hitting number 2 on the DPS meter he has running…
No, this guild was probably 15-20 consistent folks trying to herd another 20 or so idiots to stop swimming in lava, stop clumping so that knockbacks hit 8 people at a time, and for FFS melee can you run away from Rag for two friggin seconds
Anything is hard if you gimp yourself, play terribly, spec terribly, gear terribly, and have no sense of strategy or ability to stick to said strategy.
The man posts a video of a Rogue, 2nd on damage in his run, who is gimping his DPS somewhere between 30-40% from button presses alone, never mind buff/enchant/gear issues… naw MUST BE 1.12.
Haha Plaguelust, I was just going to say something along those lines. People were bad back then and have learned a lot over 15 years. Even if they replicated every patch, Rag still would have gone down in the first week.
APES has done the fight a thousand times and still nearly wiped on Rag in 1.12.
So no, I’m not convinced. 1.12 was literally the ezmode patch, and every patch before it made the game a little easier. I remember MC with 8 max debuffs. You think doubling that number didn’t make the game easier? Stop it
Rags this time was taken down by a group who spent years practicing on an overtuned version of the same boss.
To compare that to old school vanilla was insanity. Most players didn’t know he existed when they started. Now you can know every detail before you leave character creation. You’d need amnesia to recreate WoW vanilla.
Except with a couple more days, everyone would have been 60 and they would have had time to farm high end dungeons to have a raid in blues, instead of mostly greens…
They had like 10 rogues in the raid and the rogue in the video clicks stealth… also no comms, typing out call outs in chat, etc
What these guys did is still impressive because it was first, and it was harder with their patches’ gear and talents, but by today’s standards these guys aren’t really that good
oh just shut up… i’m sorry, i don’t mean to be rude, but i’m sick of people talking about this. people back then had no idea what to expect from the encounter… theres been 15 years worth of knowledge and theorycrafting since then… that has value. you can’t discount the amount of times people have done this already. all the tricks theyve figured out to make it easier to complete quicker and with less of a gear check. all you people who post this same thread over, and over… need to think about this. it’s not a worlds first… it’s like a worlds millionth… and that’s just the truth.
The content was brand new, fresh, never-seen-before. Now, you literally have dozens of videos on how to beat stuff in vanilla with way less people, cheese methods or under-leveled people.
I was there and the biggest obstacle back then was the farming for rep, crafting appropiate gear and running dungeons like UBRS, Scholo …
All of that was skipped by layering abuse, so was the leveling curve by exploiting dungeon XP in raid groups.
Its no miracle that we saw a fast clear of MC, also the new talents played a role, but the biggest gift was letting people exploit, without that, we wouldn´t have seen a Rag kill in the first week for sure.