I got an Undead Warlock, love him but sometimes I wonder if I should retire him in exchange for either the OG warlock “Orc” or go Blood elf for that Blood Mage feel.
Go Orc, here’s too many elves in this world anyways. Plus you’d miss out on the awesome giant skull shoulders.
Don’t play Blood Elf, simply because they’re the most over-played race and/or Warlock. Orc has the best lore, but I’d go for the less-appreciated combo and roll an Undead, if I were you.
Fun fact:
In addition to the awesome shoulders, Orc warlocks don’t tear their brand new armor up to look edgy.
Green eyes go great with green fire
Just sayin
UD is (imo) the best race in WoW, so that’s my bias.
My very first max level character was UD Lock. Soft spot for sure! - More recently, I do really like Belves (would love to see playable belf UD - like our War Chief, Sylvanas, but am not holding my breath).
As much as I like Orcs, I just cannot actually play one.
male undead with a big ol floppy tongue
OG Orc Lock ftw
Why not go Goblin and always have your succubus out for that creepy greaseball feel?
Not a Belf. Played out. Please don’t go Belf.
Both Forsaken and Orc are legit and look fantastic in dresses. I love them both.
Blood elf really seems universally hated here.
Well cept the one.
Another vote for Undead here, mostly cause I prefer their casting animations… well that and Cannibalize is just fun.
Says the Void Elf! (aka ugly belf!)
That’s a really good point!
My Main is a Forsaken. All of my other most played characters are Orcs. This is just some forum posting fodder toon that I leveled for giggles. And not a Warlock, either.
P.S. Belves aren’t real Horde. Blood and Thunder, baby.
Could argue Forsaken aren’t real Horde either…
More Horde than Thot Elves.
orc warlocks are iconic.
that being said, the belf heritage armor is gr8 so either race would work fine.
I’m sorry OP, but it appears you misspelled Goblin.
Nightborne cause better than everything else listed. especially blood elves