But Nightborne steal from the Night elf Fantasy.
Tribalism around real Horde, huh? Where’s this coming from, and perhaps more pertinently, where would you like to go with this?
Night Elf fantasy is largely dead right now, and Suramar stands unique anyway!
I struck a nerve. My apologies;- can’t pretend you look as good as me.
Garrosh had the right idea.
As long as you’re willing to fight with honor and tenacity against those who seek to destroy your home along with your fellow members of the Horde, you got a place as far as I’m concerned.
Unfortunately people tend to have their own interpretations of honor…
That’s really interesting. I was excited for Nightbourne, because I had assumed shadowmeld druids.
Goblin is actually legit for any Horde class. The rocket jump is amazing. I am leveling a Goblin Spriest who was running a Mania build until 8.1 (when they removed that talent) and it was incredibly fun. The Haste bonus is especially helpful nowadays considering the lack of it in gear this xpac.
TL:DR - Goblin anything is win.
you look the same cause you are the same, one is just blueberry flavour. stop fighting, it’s just weird.
I’m actually debating on Race changing my Goblin Rogue to Undead. I kind of like the whole Undead Assassin theme.
Course I’d then be out a Goblin.
We really need a tinker class
We got the looks
We got the talent
We got the mooooooney
Also we’ve been Horde for some time. Was a straight TRAVESTY the WoW devs didn’t make us a playable race in Vanilla.
It is, I mean Horde has been hiring out to Goblin businesses like Gazlowe for years.
I mean it took the Alliance finally going the “They helped the Horde they must die” mentality to push Goblin to be Horde Playable (and eventually Vulpera if those purge squards are anything to go by)
points at you in shock… SHOCK
How DARE you!!! The very thought of doing this should be punishable by a thousand fleas in ones armpits for the rest of eternity! It is that serious of a crime!
Not a nerve.
I don’t like Belves. I made a Velf to test the racial in BGs and that’s it. The minute Zandalari are playable, my Belf is becoming one. Belves and Velves are too short of stature to keep track of in PvP or even PvE. After ten years, Blizzard is finally giving me a non joke option to be a Paladin.
Don’t do it. My warlock had been Worgen since the the very first hour of Cata. Recently I got fed up with the model not being updated and changed her to void elf, I changed her name too since it didn’t think it suited a void elf. At first it was great, all gear looks great, run animation is nicer, voice is nicer, model is nice and updated. I LIKE void elves. BUT… I regret race changing her. She doesn’t feel like my warlock anymore, turns out her name and race were are huge part of character identity.
I’ll probably end up ponying up to change her back
So just a burning hatred of elves in general.
I wanted to play one but the torn clothing just irks me too much. If they ever give us the an option to have our armor whole I’ll immediately race change my rogue to one.
/slaps again
Some people can’t accept Tauren Paladins as Holy Tribal Warriors. Some people see the word “Paladin” and it automatically has to be about Holy Knights.
Realm/faction change did that for me. I ended up rolling a totally new account in late Legion, due to no longer really feeling a connection with my characters, I suppose now, looking back on it.