Orc or undead for warlock?

Which one do you like better and why?

I’ve always loved undead as warlocks since the opening cinematic but orcs are the OG locks and really cool.

I just don’t know which I prefer…


The answer is ALWAYS elf, just saying.

I like the concept of Undead Warlocks. Though not in the edgy theme that they are presented in, but I see them in the aspect of Joker meets Dr. Doom aspect.

Bit unhinged an a unending access of underlings to throw at their foe.

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the defining race of warcraft

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I prefer Orc for Warlock.

However, Undead Mages and Priests though are the go-to, for me.


Undead look better, orcs however have better racials for it.


Undead Warlock is like a Lightforged Paladin. You find yourself leaning too heavily into the same theme, and as such I find that your character has less of a personality.

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Undead were great back when WotF was good. You don’t need underwater breathing or heals so the other racials are useless. Orc at least has good racials. But undead is more aesthetically pleasing as a Lock because Orcs do that massive shoulder thing.

Blood Elf master race though.

orc, transmog fits better. Pet damage, stun resist. Dmg buff.

Hmm. Where are the Zandalari Warlocks?

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Orc for imagery, undead for coolness IMHO. Something about a risen corpse using dark magic to enslave demons for their own power is neat. The only thing that would have made it better is if warlock was necromancer

Apparently they turned to the light.

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Eh sometimes those big cloth shoulders look great.

Like Gul’dan in Legion. He looked flat out amazing.

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yeah those shoulders looked cool. But the Shadowmantle from Mythic look kinda Eh in comparison. Just less detailed.

Why not both?

I prefer orc, mostly due to aesthetics and lore, but Forsaken are great as well.

Hey hey hey wait a minute…

When did they change the orc warlock casting animations for things like agony and corruption?? He doesn’t lean into it and thrust out his hand…I liked the old animation better…

Rofl I have an undead hunter…it’s cool…love it.

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Vulpera for big ears and cute flips.

undead just fits everything about a warlock perfectly in my opinion.

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