Orc or undead for warlock?

It’s a tough choice. Both are awesome races.

I went with troll and Nightborne Warlocks because I didn’t have a troll and Nightborne :frowning:

Drakedog is life.

Orcs are the best race for warlock. They’re the first (playable) race to become warlocks and have a load of lore supporting it within their culture. Gameplay wise, they have great facials for it and warlocks have awesome shoulder armor, so orcs make them bigger.


Undead is where all the real locks start.


I have no freaking idea. Undead has the aesthetic, Orc has the Lore and Blood elf well they got Bloodmage.

Though really Orcs shouldn’t have access to Warlock due to the ban from Thrall, even further with the massacre Garrosh committed.

Ugh, stupid, brain-dead, indecisive IDIOT! that’s me.


I do wish that they’re get the orbs back in some form. Warlock or Mage, doesn’t matter - it was iconic and the game is lesser without the option to have that visual.

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Don’t Warlocks have a glyph for that option?

Haven’t for years.

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Well, that’s a shame.

To be more specific, they do have options for floating shards. But that iconic Kael’thas Verdant Orb look? Completely unavailable.

Whilst I play Goblin warlock on EU between the two undead would be my pick.

Orc. Undead too skinny. Undead mage is bomb tho. :cloud_with_rain:



I’m in same boat.
I love both for Walrocks.

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I was almost tempted to go orc until I saw they changed the casting animations for instant cast spell. I’ll probably stay undead.



Speed boost.

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I’ll look like Lucrend here IRL before I play one of those smelly muts.

Well, at least you picked the right race no matter which way you went :rofl:

The only wrong answer is “alliance.”

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