Orc are a stronger version of human. No way the alliance could ever beat the Horde irl

She is a vergeance in the force. :stuck_out_tongue:

The viper won. Circumstances and arrogance caused him to drop his guard, but he won.

No. The dead guy didn’t win.

He got arrogant and lost. Better fighter, still lost.

On the other hand orcs are fairly predatory, and that takes mental quickness at the very least. Was joking around up the thread, pretty sure it’s implied they are about as smart as humans just with cultural differences, some of which happen to be anti-intellectual a bit more (blood and thunder doesn’t sound like something an intellectual would say) but they likely aren’t actually dumb.

I see how that could be assumed though. :slight_smile:

Not really, carrying a bigger weapon is not the same as carrying the right weapon.
Even for swrods this is true, if a sword weights more than 2,5kg even if you are really strong you would start to have problems, and yes, 2,5 kg is actually the weight of a Claymore, one of the biggest swords in history.

if orcs were real it wouldnt matter, strong big roided up orcs vs ak 47s tanks and bombs.

Fun Fact:

Orcs are so physically superior to most other mythos species, that if they used a bow proper to their physique, the arrow they shoot would rip through most any body armor, medieval or modern, making armor entirely moot, and making them one of the most effective archers in history with the capacity to decimate any army.

For a human. An orc is beyond a human physically. They would therefore be able to wield a heavier weapon with the same speed and dexterity as a human would wield a lighter weapon.

That is an objective advantage.

You sound like a child yourself. No offense .If you think the Alliance side is kids you are either crazy or blind. Stop kidding yourself. Honestly take a look at the kids today. Back in the early 90s I’d agree with you that kids would play alliance but nowadays? No way.

It is a known fact that Horde has the 13yo-25yo audience on lock. Alliance has more working adults that are married with families which is one of the reasons that faction tends to be more casual because they just don’t have the time “kids” do to go hardcore for end game content.

I don’t know what you consider to be kids but in my book if you are under 25 you are a child

Orcs are stronger than humans, yep I will give you that one. Tarens too.

One thing that alliance has and horde does not… organization.

The horde is a mess. A bunch of testosterone hyped up misfits that are sometimes too busy fighting each other to get organized to do some real threatening. Look at their leaders through the years.

And then

And then

kid triggered! call mom!

I’m old enough to be your dad kid. Maybe even grandfather

Unless you were born before the 60s you don’t beat me.

This was the most cringe post I’ve read in a long time.

Seen similar posts to this in the past. Your point of view is lacking in context since it only considers the “physically dominant” aspect as a winning factor. Then you only consider humans, but what about the Worgen, the Dwarves, the Draenei and / or the Night elves? You don’t factor in tactics, army sizes or the locations of battlefields.
So no.