Orc are a stronger version of human. No way the alliance could ever beat the Horde irl

The horde really has no room to speak about Onyxia after the orcs were ruled by Kil’jadeen and committed genocide against the Draenei while they were and were fooled into making Sylvanas Warchief.

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So explain how the Orcs still ended up in prison camps?

Orcs are strong, sure. But to paraphrase the guy at Iron Docks, do they really “think good?” And I say that as an orc supporter.

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Now “hunts” isn’t going to work. Orcs were master trackers and worked with wolves, you REALLY think they didn’t understand scent? Your SOLE advantage was mastery and clever manipulation of magic. Stick with what you’re good at or the hunter will become the prey.

Which was dumb as heck, one shaman with earth quake and your own horses will kill half your men.

Your lands are made out of mud huts and staw.

We would just simply flood your lands and it would be over.


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For a city of stone, Stormwind is surprisingly flamable. 5 guys with torches lit up your whole Capital.

Not to mention you know… the tinder? (Teldrassil) Goblin Sappers in Iron Forge could commit another genocide easily.

Lets not get into a city dispute, you’ll lose.

how dare you.

Yeah…it’s super easy to flood a someone’s Country… :laughing:

I personally fired one of those catapults and YES I WAS aiming for that small animal Sanctuary.


No way Vulpera or gnome can hold those massive axes either.
Poor horses carrying plate equipped taurens.

Can you imagine being a horse from Elwyn and get mounted by a triple the size cow covered in 100LB or plates?



Dont make me use these bad boys

:kiss: :kiss:


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I’m undead, I’ve been working with poisons and plagues since I came out of my tomb. You really struggle picking the right weapon for the right job you know that?

Sniff, I don’t eat rocks, sniff. /Cries in shame

Orcs aren’t that dumb either. They’re certainly not very INTELLIGENT, but dumb suggests a lack of cleverness. Outnumbered and magically outgunned, if orcs weren’t clever they wouldn’t effectively rule half this planet.

superior technology wins every time

there’s enough real life examples of this

Orc beauty isn’t stronger though.

Never said their dumb, matter of fact their quite smart in World of Warcraft and some of the best tacticians.

Their down fall is having that whole Honor and Death thing in my opinion, its why humans think their stupid because they lack Honor and to scared to die.

Fun fact. The Alliance has NEVER beaten the Horde. Only the Horde beats the Horde.