Orc and Tauren Priest NPCs Removed From Orgrimmar

IIRC the Forsaken have a significant presence in the Hinterlands where they’re working alongside the Revantusk. Wasn’t there an entire questline in Jintha’alor in which a Forsaken woman takes interest in the venom produced by the spawn of Shadra ?

(also a reminder that Jintha’alor has become a Horde city lorewise, good grief how cool is that just show it in the actual game)


Tragically we’d need Lightslayers first to manage that. There is one Forsaken N0C called a Lightslayer in Darkshore but he’s just some guy with a sword. And why would an anti Light specialist be fighting the Nelves? Granted we never learned why exactly the Forsaken at large were fighting the Nelves so fair enough. Voss of course has all the Lightslayer abilities and aesthetics but is still just a Rogue who took a few levels in S Priest far as the game is concerned.

It’s actually quite tragic how little the RPG book is used despite having just a treasure trove of interesting lore ideas. The whole Lightslayer thing comes from a whole aside about how the Forsaken had to reinvent all their strategies. They were still fighting like the humans they once were, all heavy infantry and calvary. But eventually reworked things to take advantage of their new nature.

You can see this a bit in Darkshore. Where they’ve the standard sword & board infantry, light armored rangers and plate clad calvary that wouldn’t look out’ve place in an actual medieval tactician’s plans. But supplemented with mad scientists, Frankenstein’s monsters, baleful spirits and oodles of alchemical warfare.

I’d actually really love some firmer lore on the military methods of all the factions. You do get glimpses of it. I particularly liked how in Cata the Gnomes favor combined arms warfare with airstrikes, armored vehicles and paratroopers. Whereas the Nelves just ring up a big tree who moon lasers whole villages off the map when they’re officially done playing around.

But tragically we’re slaves to the rule of cool. Siege towers and a super heavy battle tank somebody stole from an Imperial Guard regiment just do not belong on the same battlefield but there they are.


I actually adore the friendly relationship the Revantusk and Forsaken have. Several live in Revantusk village and according to Eliza Darkgrin;

The trolls here are quite accepting of my kind. After all, they spoke to the dead for centuries before the Forsaken even existed.

Seriously the Forsaken and Trolls are both into spiders, bats, shadow magic, bubbling cauldrons full of corrosive concoctions and are truly dedicated to recycling (see: cannibalism).

They get along well enough that the Revantusk commandos are willing to work with even Dark Rangers. Neither are thrilled about it but politics have made for stranger bedfellows.

If we ever revisit the Hinterlands proper I’d love to see Jintha’Alor made into proper hub with Revantusk Village becoming a proper port with connecting ships to Zuldazar and the Echo Isles. Wouldn’t have to do much just make that preexisting Zandalari boat have 3 stops instead of 2. Figure you could also buff up Aerie Peak and expand the Deeprun Tram to stop both there and at Shadowforge.

From there the Forest Trolls, lead by the Revantusk with the full blessings of Empress Talanji, could not only be playable but serve as the resident nature magic specialists for the EK Horde.

We could also have the Mossflayer Tribe, independent sapient undead trolls of the Plaguelands who turned after eating contaminated meat, ally with the Horde and serve as a further connecting middle man between the Forsaken and Forest Trolls, much like the Dark Fallen fo for Silvermoon.

Lot of potential for interesting stuff there. In particular I would actually go as far to soft retcon Troll Druids as coming from the manimal Forest Troll primals. They do have a portal to the Emerald Dream in their backyard afterall.

And then you can do some interfaction cooperation and horn locking between the Forsaken, Revantusk, Sin’Dorei, Dwarves, Rendorei and Kaldorei. We could have disagreeable separatist Forest Troll tribes and Wildhammer clans causing trouble and trying to inflame tensions.

The Hinterlands is just such a cool zone. I often make fun of WoW for relying on forests too much. But one encircled by snow peaked mountains in a region where it’s the only non-haunted weald makes it pretty memorable and pretty.


Lately Blizzard has been linking the ability to use the light based on faith. Early signs were even seen in TBC. With how a lot of the Blood Elves lost their faith in the light following the Scourge invasion of Quel’thalas. Hence why some (like Liadrin) felt it was necessary but also cathartic to steal the light from M’uru. A being made of Light.

Orc priests could’ve learned from their AU cousins, Trolls from the Zandalari etc. Faith in their respective wild gods. Some Orcs do revere Goldrinn (Lo’gosh in Taur’ahe) as seen in Cata. Where a group of them traveled to his shrine in Hyjal and were in the process of repairing it, along with a group of uncorrupted Worgen. Before the Twilights hammer showed up anyway.

As for Tauren, that was explained way back in Wrath to set up for Tauren priests and Paladins. Basically they wanted to bring balance back to Tauren Druidism by having a sect focused on revering An’she, the sun. As modern Druidism was heavily focused on Elune (Mu’sha) due to the Night Elves teaching more modern Tauren. Such as Hamuul Runetotem.

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Unironically this is why I’m staunchly against friendliness betwixt the factions. It’s bad enough that human or human adjacent characters seem to always take center stage in cross faction narratives. Seriously it’s still weird to me Legion couldn’t be bothered to include even one Horde character in Legion’s final chapter. Not even a neutral Horde character.

Seriously we march on Argus and I don’t even think there’s an Orc canonically present. The Legion corrupted and enslaved their race, leading to the destruction of their home world. You would think there’d be at least one Orc on hand ready to at last take final vengeance upon this hated enemy. But nah two humans, a Nelf and a Draenei is our lot. I guess Aethas and Liadrin were technically there at least.

Push this any further and somehow the story will contrive reasons for humans to dominate Horde council meetings.


I’m sure it’s just me looking too much into things, but I kinda get that feeling already with DF? Unless I’ve missed one, the talking heads for the Dragonscale Expedition world quests are a dwarf, gnome, a blood elf and a nightborne. While it’s technically half alliance and half horde, the game using two core alliance-facing races but two horde subversions strikes me as a little odd.


I still dislike orcs getting priests at all.


Especially when they already have spiritual leaders in their Shamans.


This. People are just stupid and want to be offended over nothing.

Give us our brother and sister of the Light back!

I would not go to name calling (as I have been the victim of that over lore disagreements here) this particular complaint is…concerning…

I even double checked with a lot of people I knew about this thread and pretty much everyone rolled their eyes in the back of the head and told me to stop talking to these people…
Now, I like to give everyone a chance generally but the levels of reach are getting dangerously close to tin foil hat territory. :confused:

Parallels people can draw between fiction and reality are fine however it becomes an issue when you start blurring that line. I had to seriously bite my tongue when my own ancestry was being “defended” before.

I use to like the fact that the light could be simple divine in nature (so it could be tapped from the Loa, Elune or other majestic forces) and not just shoehorned into the light of the Naaru and the cosmic force of ‘Light’ itself alone.

I enjoyed the fact that Wild Gods, Loa and Goddesses like Elune were rumoured to grant sanctuary of their own afterlife for their followers or share their realm to those who were devoted to them …

Shadowlands retconned all of that.

Which I loathe. I miss the old lore, which seemed to be filled with infinite possibilities, potential - roleplay freedom and more.

… Anyway, the reason I’m bringing this up –

Priest & Paladin lore is more or less useless now, because whatever their faith is doesn’t have any impact on their afterlife as we saw in Shadowlands. At best they’ll be sent to Bastion for the level of devotion - stripped of their memory & identity, then made a devoted puppet to their cause instead.


No, you didn’t and no, they didn’t.


Lore enthusiasts asking for dignified and consistent race characterization is nothing to roll one’s eyes about lol

Unless you’re one of those “don’t ask me to put any thought into the videogame I’m playing” types of people


Yes, yes they did.

That’s not what they rolled there eyes at and you know that.

I actually don’t. What did they roll their eyes at then ?


orcs just need jesus

There is the orc crafter dude, but I don’t know if he does any world quests. Might be confined to the artisan’s faction stuff.

I saw this floating around. MU Mag’har priest lore:


Does that mean that the Song we hear when we become Ghosts might be a remix of Nightsong?

So Night is singing to the Ghosts.

Krasus did say that the barrier between Dreaming and being Dead is very close and poisoned himself just to enter the Emerald Dream so the Veil does seem to be part of Night and the Old Gods’ Dreams to say the least.

The Automa Oracle Saezurah mentions that the Song will awaken all the others. The Song will waken the dead. Infact the fact that Nightsong was used in a procession with Ysera indicates that it was Nightsong that fills the Winter Queen’s Death Magic…

That’s kinda cool. I think. I’ve still seen very little of WoD content outside running the raids for mog items.

WoW faiths are pretty poorly described in general. Like the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow has this really cool philosophy that stresses a balance between the light/shadow dichotomy with tenants of respect, tenacity and power.

In the non canon RPG book. In the game there’s so little lore the cult collapsed off screen and nobody even knew till they told us.

So really anything is appreciated.